Chapter 207 Murder!

More than 40 minutes later, Shengsi and the others finished washing the dishes, and Aunt Jiangjiao cleaned up the garbage. At this time, they were sitting in the living room happily watching TV.

After a while, there was a 'click'.

The door of the villa was suddenly opened, and at the same time, a gust of cold wind hit from the door, causing everyone in the living room to shiver.

Seeing this, everyone turned their heads and found Zhong Yuan in red clothes walking in from the door.

"I'm back!" Zhong Yuan walked over from the door with a bag full of things in his arms.

"Ah, Kaori, you're back. How are you doing? Are you going well? It's hard to drive with so much snow on the road." Hearing Zhong Yuan's voice, Jiang Jiao stood up from his seat and smiled.

"It's okay, but."

However, just halfway through Kaori's words, the door of the villa was opened again.

"Doctor Fei Tian?! Why are you back?"

Jiang Jiao found out that the person who opened the door was Dr. Feitian. Didn't he say he would come back before eleven o'clock, and it's only nine forty o'clock now, why did he come back so early?
"In the middle of the slide, it suddenly started to snow heavily. There was no way to slide, so I had to come back." Dr. Fei Tian walked in while patting the snow on his body.

"So that's the case, it must be cold outside, go in and have a glass of wine to warm up!" Jiang Jiao said hastily.

Zhong Yuan on the side also said at the right time: "It just so happened that I also bought some appetizers, everyone, let's get ready to eat!"

After saying that, Zhong Yuan walked towards the kitchen with a bag of vegetables, and Jiang Jiao immediately ran over to help when he saw this.

More than ten minutes later, it was still the same room and the same table. Everyone sat around and began to drink small wine and eat small dishes, feeling extremely refreshed.

"Tsk tsk, it's really warm!" Dr. Fei Tian took a sip of warm wine, which made him feel very refreshed.

At this moment, the door of the room was opened, and Jin Ze Zhiyasu walked in.

"You've already eaten."

"Yeah, how's it going, how did you feel after taking a bath?" Jiang Jiao asked.

"It's so comfortable!" As he said, Jin Ze sat down on his knees.

"Eh? Where's the lettuce salad I asked you to buy? Why didn't I see it?" After sitting down, Jinze found that the lettuce salad he asked Zhongyuan to buy was not on the table.

Hearing this, Zhong Yuan on the side said embarrassedly: "I'm really sorry, the lettuce salad has been sold out."

As she said that, she also took out the piece of paper written by everyone from the side and continued: "Except for the lettuce salad, there is no ice cream. Really, who would eat ice cream in such a cold weather?"

When it came to ice cream, she was still wondering, who would eat ice cream in this weather?
"Professor Dashan, he likes to eat ice cream the most, even in such a cold day, he will have a bite or two to satisfy his appetite." Fei Tian answered.

After hearing this sentence, Conan glanced at the clock and found that it was past ten o'clock, but why didn't that Professor Dashan come down?It stands to reason that the TV series have already finished, so he should come down too.

Thinking of this, Conan couldn't help asking: "Why hasn't that old man come down yet? Isn't the TV series already finished?"

Hearing this, everyone was slightly taken aback.

However, Zhong Yuan quickly reacted, "Professor, he likes to record good-looking TV shows and watch them several times. Only in this way can he enjoy these good-looking pictures."

"So that's the case." Conan nodded without speaking.

Because I have been investigating the organization recently, Conan's nerves have been tense now, even when he comes here to relax, Conan is thinking about the organization.

This also made Conan start to become suspicious, and Professor Dashan hasn't come for so long, Conan wondered if something happened, so he had the question just now.

However, after hearing Zhong Yuan's words now, Conan suddenly realized that this is just a trivial matter, how could something happen to other people who are doing well?

At the same time, Conan is also reflecting on why he has been suspicious of this and that recently, is he too suspicious?It's time to fix this problem too.

Everyone paid no attention to this little episode, and started eating and drinking again. After a while, everyone started chatting and laughing at the dinner table in a harmonious atmosphere.

However, in the next room, this is a small living room, also known as the auxiliary living room.

The lights in the room were dim, only the TV was glowing faintly.

in a corner.

At this time, Professor Dashan was lying on the ground covered in blood, breathing heavily!

His body was tightly bound with ropes, and a knife was inserted straight into the lungs behind him. The knife was inserted very deep, reaching the lungs, destroying the lung lobes of Professor Dashan and causing lung cancer. perforation!

With this kind of injury, Professor Dashan couldn't breathe air at all, and couldn't shout!It won't be long before Professor Dashan will die in pain.

But now, Professor Dashan is not dead. Although his injuries are serious, he will not die immediately. During this time, Professor Dashan wriggled desperately in the room.

Because there are two famous detectives present today, he believes that as long as he leaves clues, these two detectives will definitely find out who the murderer is!
So, before his death, Professor Dashan left a hint of his death in the room.

Another time has passed.

It's already eleven o'clock in the evening!

Because everyone was having a good time, they are still chatting and laughing at the dinner table, and they are very harmonious.

At this moment, Conan inadvertently looked up at the clock and found that it was eleven o'clock.

Seeing this, Conan was taken aback for a moment, it's so late, why hasn't that Professor Dashan come yet?Did something really happen?Thinking of this, Conan hurriedly said: "It's eleven o'clock now, don't you think that uncle is too slow? Does it take so long to record a video?"

Conan's voice was not loud, but everyone could hear it just in time. Hearing this, everyone looked up at the clock on their heads and found that it was indeed eleven o'clock.

Seeing this, Zhong Yuan stood up and said, "In that case, I'll go over there and have a look."

With that said, Zhong Yuan opened the door and walked towards the living room next door.

Looking at Zhongyuan's leaving back, Conan whispered to Shengsi next to him, "Shengsi, what do you think?"

"I think? I think these dishes are very good!" Shengsi smiled slightly.

What Shengsi said is the truth, these dishes are not bad, Shengsi ate very well, but unfortunately, Xiao Ai didn't eat them, Shengsi asked Xiao Ai just now if she wanted to come, she said no and then directly Going upstairs, she must be asleep by now, after all, she is also very tired from skiing.

(End of this chapter)

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