Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 208 Murderer No. 208 Surfaces

Chapter 208 The Murderer No. [-] Surfaces
After hearing Shengsi's answer, Conan was in a bad mood. What he asked was if something happened to Professor Dashan who hadn't come for so long, but Shengsi replied whether this dish is delicious, is it enough? !
In fact, Shengsi did it on purpose. His purpose was to annoy Conan and make him unhappy. Who told him to ask him to wash the dishes? !deserve it!
"I mean" just when Conan still wanted to make it clear to Seiji.


Sudden!A scream came from the living room next door, everyone heard it, it was the voice of Zhongyuan!
After hearing this cry, Conan immediately stood up and ran towards the outside. At the same time, Shengsi and Xiaolan quickly followed, because the cry was loud enough to even disturb Uncle Maoli who was sleeping soundly beside him. woke up.

Uncle Mao Li was confused for a while, then swayed twice and followed.

In the auxiliary living room, a group of people were looking at the scene in front of them in astonishment.

I saw Professor Dashan kneeling and sitting on the edge of a cabinet, staring at the front with blood on his face, tied up with ropes, and with a knife stuck in his back, a terrifying scene.

"Ah!" Seeing the scene in front of them, everyone was startled.

But soon, they reacted.

"Professor Dashan!" Feitian and Kanazawa shouted and ran over quickly.

"It's hopeless, he's dead." After watching for a while, the two said in a deep voice.

"What?! This..." Jiang Jiao Guobu looked in disbelief, how could he be alone and die as soon as he said he would die?This made her unacceptable for a while.

"In my opinion, let's untie his rope first." After speaking, Kanazawa and Toda prepared to untie the rope on Professor Dashan's body.

Seeing this, Conan immediately prepared to stop it, this is a murder scene, nothing can be destroyed, okay?If the scene of the first murder is destroyed, the difficulty of solving the case will rise sharply, but before Conan can speak, Uncle Maori, who came here at some time, spoke first.

"Don't touch anything! It's really nerve-wracking! How could you think of destroying a murder scene!" Uncle Mao Li walked towards the crowd with a preaching attitude.

But his flushed face and smell of alcohol made everyone frown.

At this moment, Xiaolan ran in from the door. Just now she found that Professor Dashan was dead and went to the police directly. However, because it was snowing heavily and it was so late, the police said that they would not be able to dispatch until tomorrow morning. The police force is gone.

"Dad! It's snowing heavily outside, and the police said that they won't be able to deploy until tomorrow morning."

Uncle Mao Li immediately put his chin on his hands and looked thoughtful.

"If that's the case, now it's my turn to play the famous detective Mori Kogoro!"

When it came to the end, Uncle Mao Li laughed wildly. Everyone knew that Uncle Mao Li was drunk and crazy.
Seeing this, Shengsi raised his eyebrows, "Sister Xiaolan, you should drag Uncle Maoli to the side to sleep first, his current state is really not suitable for solving the case, so leave this kind of matter to me and Conan."

"Eh? Okay." Xiaolan was taken aback when she heard Shengsi's words, but she nodded immediately after seeing Uncle Mouri's appearance.

I'm so drunk, and I still want to solve the case, Dad is really good!Thinking of this, Xiao Lan dragged Uncle Mao Li outside.

"Xiao Lan let me go! Let me go! I want to solve the case! I"

Although Uncle Mao Li kept calling, Xiao Lan ignored him at all and dragged him away.

After Uncle Mori 'leaved', Seiji patted the stunned Conan, and then pretended to start the inspection of Professor Dashan and the search for evidence.

And everyone watched Uncle Mao Li being dragged away, and then the two little kids Shengsi and Conan did what adults should do, and they were stunned by this.

Although Professor Dashan knew Seiji's name and how powerful he was, the people in front of him didn't know what the Detective Boys were, let alone the name of Seiji.

So, they watched Shengsi and Conan looking around there, with deep suspicion in their eyes.
However, Shengsi didn't pay attention to these gazes at all, but 'focused' on finding clues.

After watching for a while, Shengsi found that the murderer was actually easy to find out. Shengsi didn't even use magic at all, and he could find out who the murderer was just by looking at a few places at random.

Because it seems that the murderer is among the four people in front of him!To distinguish who the murderer of these four people is, then just look at what they were doing before drinking, that is, from [-]:[-] to [-]:[-], and use a simple method of elimination to find the murderer.

Thinking of this, Shengsi's mental power moved, covering a radius of more than ten miles. The next second, the corners of Shengsi's mouth turned up slightly.

He has already found out who the murderer is. This person is not Kanazawa Chiyasu who has been taking a bath, nor Toda Ginji who has been out skiing at night, nor Ekaku Kaho who has been cleaning the room. So, this murderer Already obvious!
That's the one who went out to buy food and drinks - Kaori Nakahara!
And not only did Shengsi know that the murderer was her, Shengsi even guessed his entire murder plan!
Thinking of this, Shengsi coughed lightly, and after everyone's attention was focused on him, Shengsi said slowly: "Everyone, I already know who the murderer is."

"Eh?!" Hearing this, everyone was surprised, some didn't believe it, some panicked, and some were skeptical.
Even Conan, who was looking out of the window, turned his head suddenly, not believing it in his heart.

Does Shengsi know who the murderer is?How long has it been?I didn't even find a few clues, so Shengsi knew who the murderer was!How can this be? !Conan's eyes were filled with suspicion!
"Who is the murderer?" Zhong Yuan asked suspiciously.

Seeing this, Shengsi had to say that the mental quality of being a doctor is really good. After Zhongyuan heard Shengsi said that he knew the murderer, he didn't panic at all, but seemed a little calm.

"You are the murderer, Ms. Kaori Nakahara! Don't you know?" Shengsi smiled slightly, sat down on the sofa, and played with a bloody lighter.

This lighter was directly picked up by Shengsi from the sofa. He found that there was a table in the middle of the living room, and there was a neat bloodstain on it, as if something was blocking it before, and he took it away. The resulting linear bloodstains.

After discovering this information, Shengsi glanced at the tablecloth that fell on the ground again, and what attracted Shengsi's attention was that there was a very strange bloodstain on the tablecloth, which was a hollowed-out bloodstain, and the empty space was just the right size It completely coincides with the lighter in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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