Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 209 Don't admit it!

Chapter 209 Don't admit it!

"What?! Zhongyuan is the murderer?!" After hearing Shengsi's words, everyone looked at Zhongyuan in shock, but there was a trace of suspicion in their eyes. Obviously, they didn't really believe in Shengsi, a little kid. the words said.

"I'm a murderer? How is that possible! Didn't I tell you that I went shopping for you?!" Although Zhong Yuan was a little flustered when she heard this, she still showed a shocked look.

Seeing this, Shengsi had no choice but to applaud him. He found that it would be a pity if Zhong Yuan's acting skills did not become an actor. It is really amazing
"Okay, you don't need to quibble, I'm going to talk about my reasoning next." Shengsi pushed with his small hand, signaling for everyone to stop talking.

Seeing this, everyone kept silent and stared at Shengsi, they wanted to see what this famous detective Shengsi could say.

"First of all, the murderer must be among the four of you!" This was the first sentence Shengsi said. As soon as he finished speaking, Feitian and the others panicked.

Seeing this, Shengsi hastily coughed twice, "Listen to me!"

After everyone quieted down, Shengsi continued: "Since the criminal can be locked among the four of you, then we can use the simplest method of elimination."

"First of all, the first one to be ruled out is Jiangjiao Guobo. She has been with us all the time and has no time to commit crimes, so she was ruled out. The second one is Kanazawa Chikang. He has never come out of the bathroom. And judging from the conditions in the bathroom, it is impossible to go out from other places, so the suspicion of Kanazawa Zhiyasu has also been ruled out."

"Then now, the only possible murderer is Toda Ginji or Nakahara Kaori, but Dr. Toda said that he went skiing at night, and he said that he was halfway through the snow and suddenly it snowed heavily, so he came back. This sentence is the same as snow The timing is correct, although his suspicion cannot be completely ruled out, but compared to Zhongyuan, Dr. Toda's suspicion is much smaller! I think I just need to go and see now, if there is Toda on the way from here to the ski area If there are any traces of the doctor's car, then it is absolutely certain that he is not suspected."

"And in the end, the only person who is very suspicious - Ms. Kaori Nakahara, have you noticed that there are many loopholes in your words?! The first loophole, you can be forgiven for saying that the lettuce salad is gone. , But you said there is no more ice cream?! The probability of this kind of thing happening is comparable to buying a lottery ticket! The second loophole, before Conan asked why Professor Dashan hasn’t come yet, just after Conan finished speaking, you immediately gave him the The reason for recording the video was unheard at the time, but if it is combined with the current scene, it is obvious that it is a normal reason you said in order to delay us."

Speaking of this, Saint Stephen paused, then pointed to the window of the living room and said: "Besides, you see, the murderer obviously came in through the window. Are there clear footprints outside the door? Conan?"

"En!" Conan glanced out of the window upon hearing this, then nodded.

The footprints outside the window were messy and messy, which should have been deliberately messed up by the murderer in order to prevent being recognized.

And now that it is snowing heavily, she must be trying to use the heavy snow to cover up the traces. I have to say that Zhongyuan's plan is very good. As long as with the power of the heavy snow, there will be no traces here until tomorrow morning. By then, It will be difficult if the police come to find clues!

However, Zhongyuan didn't expect that Shengsi saw through her plan at once, and also found the murderer!It can be said that if Uncle Maori and Shengsi hadn't come, her plan might have been perfectly implemented.

"According to the above clues, it can be seen that Zhongyuan didn't go to the convenience store to buy things at all, but drove the car somewhere else, then got out of the car and ran here to kill Professor Dashan. After doing this, she went back to When I got in the car, I came back here at the right time, if I guessed correctly, there should be no traces on the road from the villa to the convenience store at the foot of the mountain, that is to say, Miss Zhongyuan didn't drive down the mountain at all!"

After saying this, Shengsi turned around and looked at Zhongyuan and said, "I'm right, Miss Zhongyuan?"

"." Kaori Nakahara bowed her head in silence and did not speak.

"But, if Zhong Yuan didn't go to the convenience store, why did she buy a lot of things?" Fei Tian beside him didn't believe that Zhong Yuan was the murderer.

"That's because she bought it before." Conan also came over, he nodded frequently after hearing Shengsi's analysis, and now after listening to Shengsi's complete reasoning, he also understood what happened.


When Toda still wanted to ask something.

Zhong Yuan suddenly raised his head, and said hysterically: "Enough! That's right! My suspicion is very high, but this does not clearly show that I am the murderer! There is no evidence at all, okay?!"

"Evidence? Hehe, isn't this the evidence?" Seeing Zhongyuan's crazy look, Shengsi took out the lighter in his hand.

"Lighter?" After seeing the thing in Shengsi's hands, everyone looked puzzled. They couldn't figure out what a lighter could represent, even if it was stained with blood.

"Conan, put the tablecloth on the ground according to the blood on the table." Shengsi ignored everyone's doubts, but shouted at Conan.

Hearing this, Conan quickly spread the tablecloth on the table according to the blood on the table. He had noticed this tablecloth a long time ago, and now he understands what it means after hearing Shengsi's reasoning.

When Conan was laying the tablecloth, Shengsi said: "Actually, Professor Dashan also gave us clues. Look, what does he look like sitting there? It's Wangqi! He is using chess to hint us who the murderer is!"

After finishing this sentence, Conan also spread the tablecloth. Seeing this, Seiji put the lighter in his hand on the hollow blood spot on the tablecloth, and said: "Look here again, look, this Where is the lighter?!"

"It's a car!" Jin Ze immediately realized.

"Rook! Because of the particularity of chess, the word 'Xiangche' is written on the rook! This also represents the name of Nakahara Kaori!" Shengsi said in a deep voice.

Now everything is obvious, Shengsi's reasoning is perfect, almost without any flaws!

But there are always people who want to find fault. As soon as Shengsi finished speaking, Zhongyuan immediately said: "But! All of this may be a coincidence! Isn't it?!"

Zhong Yuan knew that she was a murderer and was likely to be arrested and sent to jail, but she didn't want to go to jail, so she was making the last resistance!

But all this was futile in front of Shengsi.

(End of this chapter)

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