Chapter 210 Reasoning
"Oh? Coincidence? If it's a coincidence, then why did you remove the tablecloth as soon as you entered the door?! Don't say that this matter has nothing to do with you, because the only person who can remove the tablecloth is the first to come in You! If this matter has nothing to do with you, why would you destroy this clue that hints at who the murderer is?! So, you are the murderer!" sound.

In fact, Shengsi is also a little annoyed, so when he spoke, he was slightly uncomfortable. He said so clearly that you were the murderer, why didn't you admit it? !
However, Shengsi's boredom was only for a while. After Zhongyuan heard Shengsi's crucial words, his whole body was stunned. This sentence is too critical. No matter how she quibbled before, but you go to destroy Professor Dashan The clues given before she died, then your suspicion is the biggest, plus the previous analysis by Shengsi, now, Zhong Yuan knows that she has no chance to quibble!

"You are very powerful, you are absolutely right! You are not wrong! I killed Professor Dashan!" After a moment of silence, a low voice slowly spit out from Zhongyuan's mouth.

"Why did you kill Professor Dashan? Isn't the relationship between the two of you very good?" Jiang Jiao asked puzzled after hearing this sentence.

"Hehe, very good? Yes, that's right, our relationship is very good, and I have always treated him like a father, but! It is precisely because of this that I can't forgive him even more!"

"Because he took the thesis I worked so hard to write as his own! I can't forgive him at all!" Zhong Yuan spoke calmly, as if he was telling something that had nothing to do with her.

"The paper? Could it be that the paper on the treatment of colorectal cancer genetic factors published by Professor Dashan is yours?!" Doctor Fei Tian seemed to have remembered something.

"That's right! That's right! I wrote that thesis! In the past six years, I have spent countless days and nights of hard work, and it was finally completed!"

"When I was very young, my father died of colorectal cancer. Since then, I have started to study medicine and focused on the research of colorectal cancer. After so many years, I finally finished it for my father. However, I did not expect that Professor Dashan took it away. Not only that, but he also said, "This kind of paper will be recognized by more people only if he publishes it, and it will be more respectful to my dead father." It's still good news'"

"After hearing this sentence, I realized that my longing for my father was completely trampled by this hateful man! That's why I launched this murder plan and used this extremely painful method to let him die! "

After Zhong Yuan finished what she wanted to say with a painful expression on her face, she fell silent on the sidelines.

After listening to Zhong Yuan's words, everyone was thinking about something, and for a while, the room fell silent.

Seeing this, Conan couldn't help but said: "Aunt Zhongyuan, why didn't you choose to call the police? I believe the police will give you a satisfactory answer."

In Conan's eyes, all criminals will be judged justly, so Professor Dashan robbed Zhongyuan's paper, and as long as Zhongyuan went to the police, the police would deal with it.

I have to say that Conan thinks very well, but the facts often deviate from the imagination.

Not to mention how much she hates Professor Dashan, but even if Zhongyuan reports to the police, when the police come to investigate what happened, Professor Dashan can find many reasons to make himself innocent, even if he is convicted , at most it is just a detention or a fine.

Besides, will Zhongyuan call the police?Of course not!Her hatred for Professor Dashan has reached the point where she must kill him, so Conan's idea can only be an idea.

"Heh" Zhongyuan just let out a soft snort after hearing Conan's words, and did not speak. She was thinking the same as Shengsi at this time, and Conan's thinking was too naive.

"You..." Conan looked at Zhong Yuan and said nothing, what else was he going to ask.

Seeing this, Shengsi immediately stood up and interrupted Conan, "You can deal with the rest, I'm going to sleep, yes, a free suggestion, if you admit your mistake, your sentence will be commuted!"

Saying that, Seiji got up and left. He had finished what he was supposed to do, so it was time to go to bed. Seiji was helpless for Conan's innocence, but he would not forcibly correct Conan's worldview. After all, existence is reasonable. Perhaps it is because of this sense of justice that Conan can survive so many confrontations organized by the organization.

Conan watched Shengsi leave, and then looked at Zhongyuan, who had already turned away. After thinking for a while, Conan followed Shengsi and went out.

After the two went out, there were only the four students of Professor Dashan in the room.
What they said and how they did it had nothing to do with Shengsi. After leaving the room, Shengsi went directly to the guest room upstairs.

As soon as Conan left the room, he wanted to ask Shengsi some questions, but before he could say anything, he was stopped by Xiaolan who had just settled Uncle Maoli.

After being stopped, Conan still wanted to break free, but Xiaolan refused at all. Xiaolan also wanted to know what happened in the living room, so she would not let Conan go at all.
After Seiji went upstairs, he went straight to Ayumi's room.

Because it is a guest room, there are two beds in the room, both of which are large beds, the kind that are enough for two adults to sleep.

When he came to the door of the guest room, Shengsi opened the door straightly. After entering the door, Shengsi was surprised to find that Xiao Ai hadn't slept yet. She was sitting on the bed where Ayumi slept, holding a He was reading a magazine and reading it with the help of a small lamp by the bedside.

"Go to sleep." Seeing that Shengsi opened the door, Xiao Ai threw the magazine on the table, and then pretended to fall asleep.

"Don't you want to know what happened down there just now?" Shengsi walked towards Xiao Ai, and he found that Xiao Ai was waiting for him to sleep, which moved him a little.

Xiao Ai heard that the movement of sleeping was just a pause, and she looked back at Shengsi and said, "I don't want to."

Saying that, Xiao Ai continued to lie down, and covered herself with the quilt after lying down.

Seeing this, Shengsi was slightly taken aback, this was a bit unexpected, isn't Xiao Ai not curious about such a big commotion downstairs.

Although he thought so in his heart, Shengsi didn't foolishly ask Xiao Ai back, only to see Shengsi was stunned and then smiled: "Well, if you don't want to know, don't want to know, then go to bed."

While talking about Shengsi, he walked towards another bed, and at the same time, Shengsi turned off the lamp beside Xiao Ai's bed.

"Good night." Shengsi said softly after lying on the bed.

After finishing speaking, Shengsi closed his eyes, and at the same time, Xiao Aiwenyan on the other bed also closed his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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