Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 211 Only a Player

Chapter 211 Only a Player
Silent all night.

At around six o'clock the next morning, Seiji was woken up by the horn of the police car.

After waking up, Shengsi casually threw a sound-proof magic in the room, then got dressed and went downstairs.

Xiao Ai and Ayumi didn't sleep well, Shengsi didn't want them to be woken up.

After arriving downstairs, as Seiji expected, the policeman who came this time was Officer Megure.

I saw a group of policemen coming and going in and out of the villa. Uncle Maoli and the others were talking with the policemen in the living room, and those students of Professor Dashan were also taking notes in the living room. As for Zhongyuan, Shengsi found out that she had been arrested by the police Pressed down and walked down the mountain.

"Shengsi, you're here too, what a coincidence, every time I encounter a murder case, I will meet you." Watching Shengsi walk down the stairs, Police Officer Mu Mu immediately walked over with a smile on his face.

"Hehe." Shengsi laughed awkwardly when he heard the words. He always felt that what Police Officer Mumu said was ambiguous. What do you mean that every time there is a murder case, there is me?Doesn't that mean Conan?How did it change to me?It's really frustrating.

Seeing that Shengsi just smiled and didn't look like he wanted to talk to him, Police Officer Mu Mu also wisely stopped talking to him. After glancing at Shengsi, he turned around and directed the policemen.

After Police Officer Megure walked away, Seiji pouted at the spot and walked towards Conan and the others.

"Hey! Shengsi, you're getting up." Seeing Shengsi approaching, Conan shouted.

Hearing this shout, everyone in the room looked towards the door.

"Shengsi, thank you very much for helping us find the murderer yesterday, but she, Zhongyuan." Jiang Jiao still had a smile on his face at first, but his voice slowly dropped as he spoke.

Obviously, the fact that Zhong Yuan was the murderer made Jiang Jiao very sad.

"It's all trivial things. By the way, did you persuade her last night? When I left, she seemed unwilling to admit her mistakes." Shengsi remembered something and said.

"I've already told her. At first she thought she was right, but with the persuasion of the three of us, she already knew where she was wrong." Dr. Fei Tian answered.

"We are very sad that Professor Dashan died, but if Zhongyuan is like this now, we will be even more sad, but after our persuasion yesterday, as long as Zhongyuan admits his mistakes, the sentence should be reduced a lot. All we can do now is That's it." Kanazawa Zhiyasu said with his face propped up with one hand.

In fact, he is the saddest when this kind of thing happens, because he has always been secretly in love with Zhongyuan, but now
In this way, after several people talked again for a while, Seiji was dragged away by Conan.

Conan had too many doubts about yesterday's case and wanted to ask Shengsi. In fact, Conan wanted to ask yesterday, but because he had to explain to Xiaolan, and he guessed that Shengsi might have fallen asleep, so he didn't bother .

And now, Conan finally had time to ask Seiji what happened yesterday.

in the side room.

"Shengsi, you didn't look for clues at all yesterday, and you didn't go out of that room. How did you know about their respective affairs all of a sudden?" Although Conan knew that he might ask this question, Shengsi's answer was "secret." ', but Conan still asked, because he was so curious that he felt uncomfortable if he didn't know.

Shengsi smiled slightly when he heard the words, "I don't know at all, I just guessed."

"Eh?!" After hearing Shengsi's words, Conan was stunned!

Guess? !Are you kidding me?You just guess about this kind of life-related matter?Seiji's words completely overturned Conan's worldview!

"You just rely on guessing about this kind of thing?!" Conan was slightly agitated when he asked this question.

In Conan's mind, to solve a crime, one must have evidence to reason. Only in this way can the murderer be able to convincingly confess his guilt. But today, Shengsi actually told him that he guessed it!This made Conan very uncomfortable.

"What? Didn't I guess right later?" Shengsi laughed and sat down on his seat. In Shengsi's mind, these were all trivial matters, so he kept holding an indifferent attitude.

"Even if this is the case, then you can't guess on your own! This is an extremely irresponsible manifestation!" Conan's voice rose slightly, and he was slightly angry when he saw Shengsi so against the case.

"Responsible? Excuse me, who am I responsible for?" Seiji curled his lips in disdain. He always felt that Conan had a sick sense of justice, and he also had a special feeling for reasoning.

But it’s okay if these are only on Conan himself, if Conan wants to impose this view on himself, Seiji will disdain it.

In the eyes of Shengsi, those so-called justice is a joke at all, everything is futile in the face of absolute power!And I am the one with absolute power!Therefore, Conan's sense of justice is just a joke in Seiji's eyes!

"Right, right." Conan muttered twice and didn't know who he should be responsible for, yes!Shengsi doesn't need to be responsible to anyone at all!
Responsible for the murderer?Shengsi is just a detective, has nothing to do with the murderer, and is responsible for the dead?Hehe, everyone is dead, so it's none of the detective's business!

So, Shengsi doesn't have to be responsible to anyone at all.

"Even if you are right, you are still responsible for your reasoning!" After thinking for a while, Conan suddenly said that a detective's reasoning is his soul, so it is normal for a detective to be responsible for his own reasoning.

"Responsible for the reasoning? But. In my opinion, it's just a game." Seiji stood up from his seat, and made a gesture to go out. He didn't want to explain to Conan anymore, and Conan's thoughts were already firm. , It's just a waste of time to go on, so Seiji wanted to leave.

It's almost seven o'clock now, and it's time to call Ayumi and Xiao Ai to go skiing in the morning snow.

game!Hehe, yes, the reasoning of these cases is just a game in the eyes of Shengsi, and Shengsi is just a high-end game player.

And myself, but I have been comparing myself with a kid, hehe, it's ridiculous.

"Heh." Conan laughed at himself and stayed where he was.

Seeing this, Shengsi suddenly stopped at the door, "Actually, I can let you. Sigh! Forget it."

Shengsi originally planned to say that I can make you bigger, but after thinking about it for a while, Shengsi shook his head and vetoed the decision in his heart.

The conversation just now reminded Shengsi of the scene when he was on a mission for the first time when he was a child. At that time, he, like Conan now, was so serious, and it was this kind of seriousness that made him who he is now. !
(End of this chapter)

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