Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 212 The Weird Zone

Chapter 212 The Weird Zone
Throughout the morning, Shengsi and the others played wildly on the ski resort.

When Shengsi was playing vigorously, he even made several consecutive moves that exceeded the limit of the human body on the ski resort, which caused everyone to exclaim.

Ayumi and Xiao Ai also learned a few difficult movements under the guidance of Shengsi, and just like that, soon, the whole morning passed.

At noon, the three of Shengsi were enjoying the nutritious lunch made by Shengsi in the villa. At the same time, they were also discussing where to go in the afternoon, skiing all afternoon plus one morning.At this time, they are tired of playing, and it is time to play something else.

"Go and see the cherry blossoms!" Ayumi immediately said when she heard Shengsi say where to go to play in the afternoon.

"Go to see the cherry blossoms? That's a good suggestion, is there any more?" Seiji nodded at Ayumi and said.

Hearing this, Ayumi rushed to answer again: "Go to the playground!"

"It's a good suggestion, but we went there last time." Seiji first said to Ayumi, and then looked at Xiao Ai, "So... Xiao Ai, do you have any ideas?"

"As you please." Xiao Ai just uttered three words to Shengsi's question.

"Well, Ayumi, do you have any other ideas?" Seiji was a little embarrassed for a moment, so he quickly changed the subject.

Ayumi thought about it for a while and then said: "Actually, there is nothing interesting in the playground. Last time I went there with Mitsuha, and went there again before. Hey! By the way, didn't Sanye say she would come this weekend? Brother Shengsi, why didn't you pick her up?"

"Eh?!" Seiji was slightly stunned when he heard Ayumi's words, right!According to Sanye's temperament, she should have contacted herself on Friday, why hasn't she contacted her yet?

In fact, because Shengsi has been busy recently, he even forgot about Sanye.

Thinking of this, Shengsi quickly sensed the necklace he gave Mitsuha earlier, that necklace was made by Shengsi, and there was a trace of Shengsi's soul breath on it, Shengsi could sense it at once.

but!In the next second, Shengsi's expression changed!
Gone!Can't feel it!Shengsi found that his sense of that necklace had completely disappeared!How can this be? !You must know that Shengsi is now a very powerful great magician, he has a kind of intuition for things that are connected to him!
Even if they are thousands of miles away, Shengsi can easily find the location of the necklace, but now!Shengsi's sense of the necklace completely disappeared!
Something must have happened!And it’s still a big deal!Otherwise, his induction will not fail for no reason.

Thinking of this, Shengsi immediately got up and said: "Xiao Ai, Ayumi, I'm going to pick up Sanye now, you wait here, if I don't come back within an hour, Xiao Ai, you can take Ayumi to find her." Conan and them!"

"Yeah." Xiao Ai nodded.

Seeing Xiao Ai nodded, Seiji walked towards the door, just two steps away, Seiji seemed to remember something, he took out a small ball and handed it to Ayumi, "Ayumi, if something happens What's the matter, as long as you break this little ball, I will appear immediately!"

"Yeah!" Ayumi took the ball and nodded.

"So good!" Seiji patted Ayumi's head, then turned and left.

Xiao Ai looked at the back of Shengsi leaving without saying a word, and after more than ten seconds after Shengsi walked out of the gate, Xiao Ai suddenly said: "Who is Sanye?"

Ayumi stopped eating when she heard this, and then replied, "It's Sanye."

After Shengsi left, he didn't know what the situation in the house was like. Now Shengsi only knew that he planned to use the teleportation technique to pass it over directly after he came out, but!Of course, when he used the teleportation technique, he found that he couldn't sense the space coordinates there!

This is strange again!what happened?How could it not even find the space coordinates?Shengsi definitely remembered the spatial coordinates of that place, but when Shengsi used magic to contact there, it didn't work!Although Seiji was puzzled, he didn't know what was going on there if he was here.

So Shengsi found that he couldn't sense the space coordinates, so he took off directly and flew towards Itomoricho!
Because Seiji was in a hurry, he ran at full speed, and in just over a minute, Seiji came to the sky above Itomoricho.

But when Shengsi came here, he found something unusual, no!It's super unusual!

He found that the space elements here are very turbulent, and there is even a phenomenon of time and space interlacing.

For example, in the rice fields in the distance, people in ancient clothes and modern clothes are working in the same field, but they can't see each other at all, and sometimes they don't even know each other's existence when they overlap.

this!It's so weird!
Not only that, Seiji also discovered that the entire Itomori Town was surrounded by a mysterious force, which was also the main reason why Seiji kept watching from the sky and dared not enter.

That power is very mysterious, it's not magic but it's better than magic, it's so mysterious that Shengsi can't figure it out.

After standing in the air and watching for a while, Shengsi rushed towards the transparent power barrier. Although Shengsi didn't know the principle of these forces and why they appeared here, Shengsi knew that they were not dangerous, so Shengsi rushed in directly.

In fact, even if there is danger, the holy priest will rush in, because there are his benefactors and friends here, so the holy priest will not ignore them.

While Shengsi was thinking about this, others had already rushed to the edge of the transparent barrier. At this moment, Shengsi suddenly felt a huge resistance coming!This resistance is extremely strong!Shengsi felt that he had no power to resist at all, and Shengsi knew that if nothing unexpected happened, he would be bounced away by this inexplicable resistance in the next second!
However, what surprised Shengsi was that just when Shengsi was ready to be bounced, the resistance dissipated inexplicably, yes!It just disappeared suddenly!

After the resistance disappeared, Seiji rushed straight into Itomoricho!

Until Seiji stood on the ground of Itomoricho, he still couldn't believe it, how he came in out of nowhere, this is really amazing!
In fact, Shengsi didn't come in out of nowhere at all. When he touched the transparent barrier, deep in his mind, where the psychic power cluster was, that small white ball of light quickly disappeared when Shengsi touched the barrier. It flashed three times, and the three ripples of the light ball shot straight out of Shengsi's mind, touching the transparent barrier!Only under these conditions can Shengsi come in.

However, none of these saints knew about it.

Of course, even if he knew, Shengsi would not think too much at this time, because now Shengsi's attention is being attracted by everything around him!
(End of this chapter)

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