Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 213 Strange Stranger!

Chapter 213 Strange Stranger!
What the hell? !Could it be that he crossed over again? !

Looking at the modern buildings around him, Seiji felt that he was in a bad mood. Although it was still Itomori Town, the changes were too big. There were small white brick buildings everywhere, such as solar street lamps, chic Landscape plants, long circuit lines, neatly laid out cement roads, etc., these are not what Itomoricho should have in the 90s.

Could it be that he really traveled through time and space?Is this another time and space? !Thinking of this, Shengsi immediately turned around and looked towards the previous transparent barrier with a glimmer of hope.

However, when Shengsi turned his head, he was surprised to find that the outside world had completely changed!
That transparent barrier disappeared, and those space-time disordered areas also disappeared, and the turbulence of the space elements also disappeared!wrong!Instead of disappearing, it doesn't exist at all!
Not only does the space element not exist, Shengsi was shocked to find that in this world, he didn't even sense the slightest magic element!That is to say, in this world, there are no magicians!
However, although there is no magic element in this world, there is a 'source of magic' in Shengsi's body, and that is his mind power!
Shengsi discovered that his mind power exists in this world, and it has not changed at all as before, which means that Shengsi has no other strength except that he will not get the resonance of external elements when using magic. Weakened.

In general, in this world, Shengsi is still a powerful great magician!

Thinking of this, Shengsi's slightly suspended heart just now gradually relaxed.

"Hey! Brat! Don't stand in the middle of the road!" Just as Shengsi was thinking about something, a shout suddenly came from behind him.

Upon hearing this, Shengsi immediately turned his head and found that a van was parked behind him, and an uncle driver inside was yelling at him.

Seeing this, Shengsi was slightly taken aback.

I miss it so much, this kind of car was often seen in Huaguo when he was performing missions in his previous life, and seeing it again now really makes him miss it.

"Little devil! Get out of here!" Seeing Shengsi standing in the middle of the road, the uncle was a little annoyed.

"Hehe." Hearing the slightly annoyed voice of the uncle, Shengsi was not annoyed, and walked towards the side of the road after chuckling twice.

Seeing that Shengsi got out of the way, the uncle stopped talking, stepped on the gas pedal and left.

"Could it be that this is really another world?" Seeing the van going away, Shengsi murmured.

He couldn't accept it for a while, not long ago, he was still playing with Xiao Ai and Ayumi, but he just came to look for Mitsuha, and it became like this Wait, Xiao Ai and Ayumi!By the way, there are Mitsuha, Conan, Xiaolan, Mitsuhiko, etc.!

these people!
You must go to them and see what's going on!

Thinking of this, Shengsi immediately ran towards Sanye's house, because others were already guarding it, so the first place to go was of course Sanye's house.

Although the changes here have been great, there are still many shadows of the 90s. The most impressive ones are of course the Miyamizu Shrine and Mitsuha’s home!

Unchanged!Nothing has changed!

When Shengsi came to Gongshui's house, he found that the scene in front of him had not changed at all, which gave Shengsi confidence.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" After watching for a while, Seiji knocked on the door of Miyamizu's house.

After a while, the door was opened!It was a little girl who was about the same age as Seiji who opened the door.

"Sanye!" Looking at the little girl in front of him, Shengsi blurted out!But in the next second, Shengsi realized that this little girl is not Sanye, although she looks very similar to Sanye, but she is not!
Shengsi's guess was right, the little girl looked puzzled at Shengsi's call, "You are?"

"My name is Seiji Miyamizu, and I'm Sanye's friend. I'm here today to ask Sanye for something. Can you ask her to come out?" Seeing the little girl's puzzled look, Seiji quickly reacted, and at the same time, his heart Thinking, who is this little girl?Sanye's sister?However, I have never heard of Sanye having a sister.

Do you have a problem with Sanye?Or her friend?And with my last name?The doubts on the little girl's face grew stronger. Although she was puzzled, she still shouted into the room: "Sister! Your friend came to see you, and he said his name is Shengsi Gongshui!"

"Here we come!" After the little girl shouted, there was a reply from the room, and at the same time there was a sound of footsteps.

And Shengsi was startled when he heard that answer. Shengsi could tell that it was not a child's voice, but a girl's voice, and the little girl called Sanye as her sister and what she had heard before. See, Shengsi suddenly had a bold idea!That is, I have traveled to the future!
However, this is just an idea, before seeing Sanye, Seiji is still not sure.

Hearing the gradual sound of footsteps, Seiji began to get a little nervous.

Stress, this feeling, Shengsi has not felt it for a long time, but now, Shengsi feels it again.

However, Seiji's tense feeling only lasted for a few seconds, and a few seconds later, a girl with long hair and wearing a school uniform came out of the room.

"You are?" It was the same words, but this time it was not from the mouth of the little girl, but from the mouth of Sanye in front of me.

Depending on the person who asks it, the meaning it represents is completely different.

"You don't know me?" Seeing Sanye's eyes looking at the stranger, for some reason, Shengsi felt a little pain in his heart.

Sanye was taken aback when she heard the words, then shook her head blankly.

"I don't know, right, what can you do with me?"

"Don't you know?" Shengsi suddenly became confused. Isn't this the future?Is it another strange but familiar world?

"Little brother, are you lost? Do you need me to take you home?" Looking at Shengsi's confused look, Sanye couldn't help asking.

Hearing this, Shengsi stared into Sanye's eyes for a few seconds, and found that they were full of strangers!

Seeing this, Shengsi smiled slightly, "No need, I'll go home now, goodbye!"

Saying that, Seiji turned around and left. Now he is eager to know if Conan and Xiao Ai are still in Mihua Town. Although he has a bad premonition in his heart, he still wants to go to Tokyo to have a look.

Seeing Shengsi's lonely back when he left, Sanye at the door stretched out her hand to say something, but before she could say anything, Shengsi had gone away and disappeared.

At this moment, an old voice came from inside the house.

"Sanye, who is it?"

"It's a strange stranger." Sanye didn't turn her head, staring at the place Shengsi left in a daze.

(End of this chapter)

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