Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 215 Find the clue!

Chapter 215 Find the clue!

"Grandma, I brought him here." After coming to the living room, Clover shouted to Grandma Ye who was sitting by the table.

"Well, come and sit." Grandma Ye looked at the two people at the door, patted the floor beside her and said, looking very kind.

Hearing this, Seiji and Yotsuba immediately sat down.

After sitting down, Grandma Ye put down her work and looked at Shengsi.

In this regard, Shengsi was not stage frightened, and raised his head to meet Grandma Ye's eyes.

Old, this is Shengsi's first impression after seeing Grandma Ye, and the second impression is - unfamiliar, although this Grandma Ye looks very similar to the previous Grandma Ye, and they are even one person, but Shengsi knew that she was in front of him!not her!

And Grandma Ye's impression of Shengsi is that this kid is very cute, um, yes, that's the only impression.
"Little friend, you said you were lost, do you know where your family lives? And who are your parents? Do you have their phone numbers?" After looking at Shengsi for a while, Grandma Ye asked kindly.

She thought Shengsi was a lost child, so she wanted to help Shengsi.

Hearing this, Shengsi smiled slightly, "Grandma Ye, I am not lost. In fact, my destination is here, and the purpose of my coming here is to find the secret of time and space!"

Just now Shengsi said that he was lost, but he was just talking casually. Now, it is time to get to the point. Shengsi knows that the only way for him to go back is to find the secret of time and space here, and this secret is most likely to exist. The place is Miyamizu's house.

"Nani?! The secret of time and space?!" After hearing Shengsi's words, Grandma Ye pushed her eyes, looking surprised.

"Yeah!" Seeing Grandma Ye's surprise, Shengsi didn't smile, but nodded seriously.

"Little friend, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand." However, Grandma Ye couldn't understand Shengsi's words at all.

"I want to ask about everything about Gongshui Shrine." Shengsi found that Grandma Ye would not understand him when he said that, so he asked in another way.

"Eh? You want to know about Gongshui Shrine?" Grandma Ye blinked her eyes with curiosity.

You must know that she used to tell Sanye and Yotsuba the history of Miyamizu Shrine, but they seemed to not want to hear it, but now, the kid in front of her actually asked about it on her own initiative. Grandma Ye was very surprised.

Although surprised, Grandma Ye found that someone wanted to hear about Miyamizu Shrine, and she was happy to talk about it, but just when Grandma Ye was about to speak, Yotsuba interrupted.

"This... I know! I know! Grandma, let me say it."

"Hehe, well, tell me." Looking at the lively Clover, Grandma Ye chuckled.

After getting Grandma Ye's permission, Yotsuba smiled happily, and then said everything he knew like an endorsement.

"Miyashui Shrine is an extremely ancient shrine with a history of 1000 years. A sacrificial ceremony is held every other year in the shrine."

Halfway through speaking, Yotsuba seemed to think of something, "By the way, tonight is the sacrificial ceremony!"

"Tonight?" Shengsi was taken aback, he had a feeling that this sacrificial ceremony should have a lot to do with the secret of time and space he mentioned.

Seeing Shengsi's doubts, Yotsuba nodded, and then continued to tell: "Yes, this sacrificial ceremony was passed down a long time ago, but 200 years ago, the 'Yingorang fire' destroyed the ancient books of the shrine. They were all burned away, and since then, only the form of this sacrifice has been handed down, and we don't know the meaning it represents."

"What?! Ying Goro is on fire?!" After hearing this name, Seiji was startled.

Shengsi had heard the name of this fire, and it was Grandma Ye who told him. In that world, this fire directly tore the Gongshui family apart. The magicians in the family disappeared, died, and even controlled time and space. The secret patriarch has also disappeared, and more than half of the ancient books in the clan have been burned, even the inheritance is in jeopardy.

Since that fire, the Miyamizu family has gradually declined, and in the end it was only a third-rate magic family.

However, Seiji did not expect that there would be a big fire in this world, and most of the ancient books in the shrine were also burned.

Now, the clues are obvious. This fire is definitely related to Shengsi's coming to this world!
"What? Did you say you've heard of this fire?" Seeing Shengsi's surprised look, Grandma Ye asked with a puzzled expression.

Not many people know about this fire, if it wasn't for the fact that the Gongshui family passed it down from generation to generation, otherwise they really didn't know about this fire, but now Shengsi is acting as if he has heard of it somewhere. Grandma Ye was a little confused.

"No, it's just a pity to hear that the ancient books were burned by the fire." Looking at Grandma Ye's puzzled eyes, Shengsi quickly explained.

Because Shengsi doesn't know what the composition of this world is like, so Shengsi dare not disrupt the laws or cognition of this world at will.When he was in the Koizumi family, Seiji read a book that recorded the experience of some space magicians going to the space rift.

The spatial crack mentioned here does not refer to a crack or something, but to a small space.

The book says that in different spaces, there will be different laws. If you break the laws of a world indiscriminately, then you will not be far from death in the world.

But now in this world, Shengsi can clearly know that it is completely different from Conan's world, so Shengsi dare not mess around at all.

Shengsi just wants to be a quiet passer-by now, and return to his own world after staying in this world for a while!
"So that's the case." Grandma Ye nodded after hearing Shengsi's words, and then said regretfully, "If there hadn't been that fire, I think you would know more now."

Regarding this topic, Shengsi didn't answer the question. He thought for a while before saying, "Grandma Ye, can I live here? I can pay for it."

As he said that, Shengsi took out more than ten thousand yuan bills from his 'pocket' and threw them on the table, "Are these enough?"

"Hiss~" Grandma Ye couldn't help but gasp when she saw that Shengsi, a big kid, could come up with so much money.

"No, it's too much for you. It doesn't cost so much to live in our house." Seeing such a huge sum of money, Grandma Ye quickly waved her hand.

Unlike Grandma Ye's astonishment, Clover lay down on the table after seeing so much money, and shouted excitedly: "Wow! A lot of money!"

(End of this chapter)

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