Chapter 216
Seeing Grandma Ye's refusal, Shengsi quickly said: "It's okay, these are just small money, as long as I can live here for a few days, even if it costs more than [-], I'm willing!"

If Shengsi can find a way to go back in these few days, then it has nothing to do with him to give money to Sanye and the others. Anyway, everyone is gone, and the world can't do anything to him.

In fact, fortunately for Seiji, the money in this world is the same as the money in Conan's world, and there is no incompatibility, otherwise Seiji will be embarrassing.
"Wow, then I can use this money to buy a lot of food?!" After hearing Shengsi's words, Clover shouted excitedly.

"Four leaves! Don't make trouble!" Hearing this, Grandma Ye scolded immediately.

"It's okay, Grandma Ye, these are nothing." Shengsi waved his hand, indicating that it was nothing.

In fact, Shengsi came here with the mentality of helping them. Just now Shengsi swept away his thoughts and found that the life of the Gongshui family in this world is not very good, and they seem to be struggling.

Not only that, but when Shengsi swept across the Miyamizu Shrine and here, he didn't even find Sanye's mother, Aunt Erye, and her father, Toshiki, which was strange. Are they usually at home or at the shrine?Why haven't you seen it now?

Thinking of this, Shengsi couldn't help asking: "That's right! Grandma Ye, where's Aunt Erye?"

Hearing this, Grandma Ye was slightly taken aback. She originally planned to continue talking about money with Shengsi, but now she was confused by Shengsi's "Aunt Erye".

"Seiji, right? I remember Sanye said that your name is Seiji Miyamizu."

"Yeah!" Seiji nodded.

"Shengsi, how did you know about Erye?" When Grandma Ye asked this, her tone was inexplicably serious.

oops!Only now did Shengsi remember that, in this world, he didn't know Sanye's parents at all, and just now he asked them out on a whim.

However, although Shengsi said the wrong thing, he quickly thought of how to get it back.

"My father told me that when he came here, Sanye was only five years old, and Siye was not yet born. At that time, Erye's aunt even cooked for him. I only knew about it for this reason, and My dad also said that the Miyamizu Shrine is amazing, and I was very curious about it, so I came to have a look, and stayed for a few days by the way.”

"So that's how it is." Granny Ye was stunned, and after a pause, she said, "However, you are late, Erye fell seriously ill shortly after giving birth to Siye and passed away!"

"What?! Aunt Erye has passed away?!" After hearing the news, Shengsi didn't believe it at first, and then couldn't believe it!

When he was in the world of Conan, Shengsi knew that Aunt Erye was in good health, and it looked impossible to get sick, but how could Aunt Erye in this world get sick for no reason?And it's still a fatal illness!

This is not scientific at all. Logically speaking, the Miyamizu family in these two worlds should be very similar, but why did Aunt Erye die of illness?
right!Grandma Ye said that Erye died of illness not long after giving birth to Fourth Leaf. It seems that Aunt Erye's death should have a lot to do with the birth of Fourth Leaf, but Shengsi has no way of knowing the details.

"Well, yes." Grandma Ye nodded slightly sadly when she heard Shengsi's exclamation.

"Where's Uncle Junshu?" Shengsi thought for a while and then said, Aunt Erye was gone, it was because of illness and died, but her husband Junshu was also not here, so it is impossible to pass away too!

When Shengsi asked this question, he hoped to get a satisfactory answer, but Grandma Ye's expression changed when she heard Shengsi's words, "Junshu?! You are talking about the son-in-law who stepped in the door backwards. When I talk about him, I will say goodbye." It's irritating, after Erye's death, he actually gave up his priesthood to become some kind of mayor, just think about it!"

Mayor?Isn't that the village chief of Itomori?However, since Junshu became an official, the Sanye family should be relatively rich, but now, although the Sanye family can't be said to be poor, it can't be said to be rich.

Although Shengsi thought so in his heart, he would not ask foolishly. Seeing Grandma Ye's slightly angry look, Shengsi quickly changed the subject.

"Grandma Ye, don't worry about that for now, what about my lodging here? Is that okay?" Shengsi looked at Grandma Ye expectantly.

"Yes, yes, but so much money is enough." After hearing Shengsi's question, Grandma Ye nodded.

But when she was halfway through speaking, Shengsi said happily: "Yeah! That's great! Grandma Ye, where do I live?"

Shengsi deliberately interrupted Grandma Ye because she didn't want her to throw the money back.

As for Shengsi's sudden excitement, Grandma Ye felt a little inexplicable, but she still said: "Clover, take Shengsi to the empty room upstairs, and help him tidy up by the way."

"Yeah!" Clover nodded.

After hearing Grandma Ye's words, Shengsi knew where the room was at a glance. There are three bedrooms on the second floor, two of which are already occupied, and judging from the structure of the room, it should be Sanye and Clover Other than that, there is only one room left, and this empty room must be the empty room that Grandma Ye said he was allowed to live in.

"Shengsi, come with me." Clover found that Shengsi was still sitting there, and couldn't help shouting.

"Hey!" Shengsi responded and hurriedly followed.

After the two left, Grandma Ye looked at the dozen or so ten thousand yuan banknotes on the table and was speechless for a long time.
In the empty room on the second floor, Yotsuba was hard at work helping Shengsi make the bed.

"Clover, I'll do it myself." Seeing the little figure running around in the room holding the quilt, Seiji said a little embarrassed.

"It's okay, grandma told me to tidy it up for you, I can do it." Yotsuba said while laying the sheets.

Shengsi found that the bed in Sanye's house was not a bed, but a floor bed similar to that of Nobita in Doraemon. This kind of bed is easy to make and will not be very tiring.

Seeing this, Shengsi didn't force himself, smiled and began to take out things from the 'bag' one by one, and fiddled with them in the room.

Although Shengsi has lived here for a short time, it is still necessary to decorate the room or something. In fact, Shengsi did not have too much decoration, just placed some decorations on the table, put clothes in the closet, and placed the walls. Just posted some pictures.

Because Yotsuba didn't go to see Seiji when she made the bed, and Seiji moved very quickly, so when Yotsuba made the bed and turned to talk to Seiji, she was stunned!

(End of this chapter)

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