Chapter 217 Stone Gate!

"Wow! These paintings are so beautiful!" Sanye looked at the paintings of Sheng Si stickers on the wall, exclaimed and rushed over.

"Oh? Really? I think it's okay." Shengsi smiled, because Shengsi likes landscape paintings, so he posted mountains, water and so on in the room.

And these paintings are all landscape paintings that have been painted. They are all handmade ink and painted by everyone. They look beautiful and full of artistic conception, which makes people very comfortable. It is reasonable for Yotsuba to like this kind of painting.

"Is the old man on this boat fishing?" Clover pointed to a painting.

Hearing this, Shengsi took a closer look and found that the painting Yotsuba pointed to was "Lonely boat and hat, fishing alone in the cold river and snow." '

An old man, sitting alone in a lonely boat, surrounded by snow-capped mountains, deep water and cold pools, sitting in vain, thousands of mountains and birds will be extinct, and thousands of people will be extinct!
This is a painting, but also a poem. The old man in the painting is very lonely. Like the previous Shengsi, he is a lonely person. Therefore, Shengsi liked this painting very much at that time. Even now, Shengsi Si always carried this painting with him.

"Yes, he was fishing... right?" Seiji murmured after hearing Clover's question.

In fact, Shengsi didn't know what the old man in the painting was doing, not only Shengsi didn't know, maybe even the person who drew the painting didn't know, even the old man in the painting didn't know very well.
"This one is also very beautiful!" Clover first admired another painting, and then seemed to be very puzzled about how these appeared. She pointed to the wardrobe, table, and the pictures on the wall and said, "That's right. , Brother Shengsi, how did you take out these things just now?"

Because Seiji looks very powerful, Yotsuba's address to Seiji has changed from "Shengsi" to "Shengsi Brother".

"I'm a magician, I can do magic tricks, I made them all! Look!" Saying that, a small red dress suddenly appeared in Shengsi's hands, with patterns and some beautiful crystals drawn on it , looks gorgeous.

"How is it? Do you like it?" Seiji compared the skirt to Yotsuba to see if it fit.

"I like it!" Looking at this beautiful skirt, Yotsuba nodded fiercely.

"Give it to you!" Said, Seiji pressed the clothes on Clover, and in the next second, the clothes on Clover changed into the skirt that Seiji took out just now, and at the same time, the original clothes of Clover appeared In the hands of Shengsi.

"Wow! Really?" Clover asked in disbelief as she walked around the room wearing a skirt.

"It's true!" Seiji said while handing Yotsuba's original clothes to Yotsuba, "Put it back!"

"Mmm! Thank you!" Clover happily responded, then bouncing away with her clothes in her arms.

Watching Clover go away, Seiji waved one hand, and with a movement of thought, the dust in the whole room quietly disappeared, and at the same time, the whole room became tidy and comfortable.

After doing this, Shengsi nodded in satisfaction, then got up and walked outside.

Opposite Seiji's room is Mitsuha's room, and the direction of the stairs next door is Yotsuba's room.

When Seiji walked towards the stairs, he saw Clover just put his clothes away. Seeing this, Seiji shouted: "Clover, this is my first time here, can you take me out for a walk? I want to get acquainted with the surrounding area. Case."

"Yeah!" After hearing Shengsi's voice, Yotsuba nodded in response.

"Then let's go!" Saying that, Shengsi walked downstairs.

In fact, Seiji's purpose of going out is not to get familiar with the surroundings, but to go to the shrine to check information, because the shrine is guarded, and Seiji may be stopped if he goes alone, but if he goes with Yotsuba If so, it should be easy to get in.

"Grandma! I'll take Brother Seiji to get familiar with the surrounding environment." After going downstairs, Yotsuba shouted into the house from the corridor.

"Okay!" A few seconds later, there was a response from the house, and at the same time, Grandma Ye came out of the living room.

"Eh?! Clover, where did you get your clothes?" Originally, Grandma Ye came out to return the money to Shengsi, but she saw Clover changed into new clothes as soon as she came out of the living room, so she couldn't help asking questions.

"Yes." Before Clover could say anything, Shengsi interjected, "It's a gift from me."

"That's so embarrassing. It's such a valuable thing. You can take all the money back. You have some connections with us. You don't need money to live with us!" Grandma Ye said and put a stack of banknotes in her hand Handed it to Shengsi.

Seeing this, Shengsi ran out without saying a word, pulling Clover, and at the same time, shouting: "Goodbye, Grandma Ye, and Clover and I will come back at five o'clock in the afternoon!"

It's past three o'clock now, more than an hour should be enough time for Seiji to search the shrine several times.

Seeing Shengsi and Yotsuba running away, Grandma Ye was taken aback for a moment, then laughed and scolded: "This kid is really slippery!"

After Seiji and Yotsuba came out, Seiji put on a show first, and swam around Itomori under the leadership of Yotsuba.

Half an hour later, Seiji proposed to go to Miyamizu Shrine, Yotsuba did not object to this, and it went smoothly. Under Yotsuba's leadership, Seiji went directly to the innermost part of the shrine.

"Eh?! Yotsuba, isn't there a stone gate here?" Seiji came to the innermost part of the shrine, and was surprised to find that there was no stone gate here!This made Shengsi very puzzled.

When Conan was in the world, the ancient books of the Gongshui family were all placed in the stone gate, but there is no such stone gate here.
"Shimen? There has never been a stone gate here, but... there is a stone-like gate on the other side of the shrine, which is where our Gongshui Shrine stores some ancient artifacts!" Clover said, pointing in one direction.

After hearing Yotsuba's words, Seiji immediately looked in the direction Yotsuba was pointing at. At the same time, Seiji's eyes flashed, ignoring the obstacles and distances, and saw the door Yotsuba was talking about!
The moment he saw the door, Shengsi was taken aback!Isn't this the stone gate?Even the inscription on the door is exactly the same!At this moment, Shengsi had a feeling that there must be something he was looking for in this door!

Thinking of this, Seiji said with a slightly excited tone: "Yes! That's right there, Yotsuba, let's go there!"

Saying that, Shengsi took the lead and walked towards that side. Seeing this, Yotsuba hurriedly followed, "Brother Shengsi, wait for me!"

After more than a minute, Shengsi and Yotsuba came to the stone gate one after another.

"Brother Shengsi, this door is locked, we can't get in." Clover found a big lock on the stone door, it seemed that they couldn't get in.

Hearing this, Shengsi smiled slightly: "We can go in."

(End of this chapter)

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