Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 218 Black Light Ball!

Chapter 218 Black Light Ball!

"Eh? Can it be opened?" Clover looked at the heavy lock on the door with suspicion.

"I said before that I'm a magician, but what does a magician do?" Seiji nodded Clover's head.

"Magicians do magic tricks!" Clover said.

"That's right! Magicians make the impossible possible!" Saying this, Shengsi touched the big lock with both hands.

In the next second, a white light flashed, and then there was a 'click', and the big lock fell to the ground.

"Ah! Brother Shengsi, you are so amazing! How did you do this?!" Seeing that the lock fell off with a wave of Shengsi's hand, Yotsuba jumped up excitedly.

"Eh, well. Every magician has his own little secret, and you can't tell me about these!"

Saying so, Shengsi pushed open the stone door, then turned around and said with a smile, "Let's go in!"

"En!" Hearing this, Clover nodded.

Although she was more curious about how Shengsi opened the lock, but now, what made her even more curious was what was inside the stone door.

In fact, Yotsuba doesn't know what's in this stone gate, because in her impression, the gate has always been locked. Although grandma said that there are some ancient objects inside, she has never opened it, but today, she It was opened by Shengsi!
So, Yotsuba walked into this stone door with Seiji with curiosity and expectation.

"Wow!" As soon as Clover entered the door, she found that there were some murals on the walls and ceiling of the house, and they were all exquisitely painted. She was deeply attracted after taking a look at them.

Like Clover, Shengsi was also attracted by the same thing when he first entered the door, but this thing is not the mural on the wall, nor the objects in the middle of the house, it is just an ordinary round stone platform in the corner !

I saw that the stone platform was very smooth, it looked very special, and it was slightly reflective, but!It is very inconspicuous, that is, you know there is something there, but you will ignore it subconsciously!It looks very weird.

Even Shengsi is no exception, he almost ignored this stone platform directly, if he hadn't seen this stone platform before and had an impression of it, now he might be attracted by the murals on the wall like Yotsuba .

At first glance, this stone platform looks very ordinary, but Shengsi can feel it after looking at it for a while. This stone platform contains a huge energy source. In this world without magic elements, this energy source is so powerful. It is so conspicuous that it is difficult for Shengsi to ignore this stone platform now.

After discovering the secret of this stone platform, Shengsi did not move rashly, not because he didn't want to move, but because he didn't dare to move. Shengsi could sense that the energy source in this stone platform was enough to kill him hundreds of times, so Shengsi dared not touch it unprepared!
First of all, Shengsi first observed the stone platform, he wanted to find out if there was any mechanism or something, at the same time, he was also thinking about the scene when he saw the stone platform last time.

But!When Shengsi recalled the previous scene, he was surprised to find that in his memory, there was no information about this stone platform at all! is this possible? !Shengsi is sure that the moment he found the stone platform just now, he knew that he had seen this stone platform before!But now, Shengsi didn't have any information about this stone platform in his mind!

Weird!Shengsi felt very strange!However, at the same time as the weirdness, Shengsi suddenly realized in his heart that his coming to this world must be related to the stone platform in front of him.

Thinking of this, Shengsi was ready to investigate the stone platform in front of him.

However, before that, he had to let Clover leave here, otherwise it would be bad if there was any danger later.

So, Shengsi turned around and said to Clover: "Clover, you go back first, I'll take a look here and then go back."

"However, these paintings here are very beautiful, I want to see them before leaving." Clover pointed to the mural on her head with embarrassment.

Seeing this, Shengsi was slightly taken aback. He didn't expect the mural to be so weird and so attractive. However, these are minor problems.

Seiji first walked towards Yotsuba, then cleverly used his body to block Yotsuba's view of the mural, and finally handed over [-] yen and said, "Yotsuba, take this money to buy some delicious food, Have fun and go home, shall we?"

"En!" Now, Clover readily agreed.

"See you later, Brother Shengsi!" After saying that, Yotsuba left.

"See you later!" Shengsi also waved his hand.

After Yotsuba walked away, Shengsi's smile faded, and at the same time, with a wave of his small hand, the stone door was instantly closed. After doing this, Shengsi looked at the stone platform with a serious face.

Now that he can be sure that the reason why he came to this world must be related to this stone platform, what Seiji has to do now is to figure out what this stone platform is, and now that Yotsuba is gone, Seiji can let go.

Thinking of this, Shengsi first used magic to detect the stone platform, but after a few minutes, Shengsi found that his magic was useless for this, no matter what magic he used, one thing would happen, that is—— This stone platform cannot be detected, that is to say, this stone platform does not exist in magic, and magic cannot lock this stone platform at all.

After discovering that magic was useless, Shengsi had no choice but to use his thoughts to test it out.

Just do it when you think of it, and in the next second, Shengsi mobilized the power of his mind to press towards the stone platform. Shengsi's idea was very simple, that is, to move the stone platform directly with his mind to see if it would have any reaction.

But!The moment when the Holy Master's mind touches the stone platform!The entire stone platform suddenly emitted a huge light, and in the next moment, a dark ball of light floated out of the stone platform, and then quietly suspended above the stone platform.

The light emitted by the photosphere is a dark color, and it can even be said that it does not emit light, which is very strange, because the place illuminated by the light suddenly becomes nothingness, and you will find at a glance that there is nothing but darkness. dark!

Seeing this, Sheng Si was stunned on the spot. He originally thought that he had accidentally triggered the energy source in the stone platform, and planned to form a mind shield to protect himself, but now, why did such a strange monster float out of the stone platform? beads?This made Shengsi very puzzled.

However, Shengsi's doubts only lasted for less than a second, because at this time his doubts had turned into surprises!
After the ball of light emerged, it first turned around in the air for a few times, and then suddenly rushed towards Shengsi.

Because the speed of the ball of light was so fast, Shengsi didn't even have a chance to react. In an instant, the ball of light hit Shengsi's head straight.

(End of this chapter)

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