Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 219 Scary Conjecture!

Chapter 219 Scary Conjecture!
When the ball of light hit Shengsi's head, it didn't intend to injure Shengsi or anything, but entered Shengsi's brain, yes!It just entered Shengsi's brain, and saw that the ball of light melted into Shengsi's head without the slightest pause!

Looking at this weird scene, before Shengsi could think about why the light ball flew into his head, from the moment the light ball entered Shengsi's head, a memory suddenly appeared in Shengsi's mind!It can't be said that it is too much, it is more accurate to say that it has recovered!
At this moment, Shengsi suddenly remembered the last time he came here. At that time, he also found a white bead on the stone platform, and that bead seemed to be still in his mind, but now , Shengsi found another black bead, and this black bead also entered Shengsi's mind.

Now, Shengsi can clearly sense that the two beads are rotating regularly in his mind at this time, one Yin and one Yang, one bright and one dark, just like a Tai Chi gossip.

Not only that, when Shengsi sensed these two balls, they also fed back some information to Shengsi.

According to the information Seiji received, these two balls are the secret treasures of time and space of the Miyamizu family!The white one is the 'time' ball, the secret to controlling time, the black one is the 'empty' ball, the secret to controlling space, and when the two balls are combined into one, it will be the secret treasure of time and space spread in the magic world!

However, these two balls have just met, and they are still in the process of merging, and judging from the speed at which they rotate, there is still about a month before the two balls will truly become the secret treasure of time and space.

Although it takes about a month for the two balls to fuse into a space-time treasure, Shengsi can slightly use the power of these two balls, which means that Shengsi can mobilize the power of these two balls and then return to Conan's world.

However, this power cannot be used by the priest at will, it has conditions, and the conditions are very simple, that is, to hold a sacrifice at the Gongshui Shrine.

Clover said that there will be a sacrificial event tonight, and at that time, the holy priest can go back, so the holy priest is really lucky!
Thinking that he could go back tonight, Shengsi's mood instantly brightened, everything he looked at felt cute, even the murals around him changed and so on!Shengsi hadn't looked at the murals on the wall carefully just now, but now that he was relaxing, Shengsi found that the paintings on the wall are actually coherent. This is a story!In other words, this is a fact!
I saw that the murals are from left to right and finally to the top of the head. This is a connected mural.

The first picture shows a comet flying through the sky, but somehow split in two and one of them fell towards the earth.

The second one is a close-up of the comet falling to the ground.

The third picture is the spectacular scene when the comet collides with the ground.

In the fourth picture, people flee in panic when the comet falls and the scene of the comet causing disaster.

In the fifth picture, people experience the tragic scene after the impact of the comet.

In the sixth picture, people start to build their homes on the ruins.

In the seventh picture, the scene after people built a new homeland, Seiji can clearly see that there is a huge circular pothole in the middle of the picture, and Seiji knows that the picture in this picture is the current Itomori.

In the eighth picture, people began to offer sacrifices to heaven and earth, praying for no more disasters.

In the ninth picture, a shrine was built by people, and the word 'Gongshui' can still be vaguely seen from the picture.

The tenth picture, blank, should look like it was burned.

Not only the tenth painting, but No. 11, [-], ... until the [-]th were all burned.

And the last one, No.18, is on the top of Shengsi's head. The painting is very similar to the first one, both of which are comets. A pattern of two comets orbiting each other and crossing upwards. Wait!Shengsi seems to have seen this picture somewhere.

right!In the cave of Bagua Mountain not far from here, on the top of that shrine, isn’t there a painting exactly like this wall painting?

Also, if the pictures described by these paintings are true, what does this last picture represent?

Could it be the same as the first one, will it be another catastrophe?

For a while, Shengsi had a horrible guess, but it was just a guess. Anyway, things in this world have nothing to do with him, and he just needs to be a quiet passerby. Therefore, now Shengsi wants to The thing to do is to wait for the sacrifice to be completed, and then go home!
Thinking of this, Shengsi smiled slightly, and then his figure flickered slightly, and he had arrived not far from Sanye's house.

Because of the help of 'Kong', now Shengsi doesn't even need to chant incantations when casting space magic, and people can easily reach the place he wants to go with a direct thought.

After arriving here, Seiji glanced at the time, and found that it was only past four o'clock, and Yotsuba was still out shopping at this time.

Ahh~. It seems to be early.

Thinking of this, Seiji flashed again, and in the next second, he appeared next to a convenience store, and in the convenience store, Yotsuba in a floral dress was picking things.

Seeing this, Seiji opened the door and walked into the convenience store, and picked things up with Yotsuba.

Ten minutes later, Seiji appeared at the door of Miyamizu's house with two big bags and Yotsuba bouncing around.

At this time, the two looked at each other and smiled, then walked into the house calmly.

After entering the door, Shengsi shouted loudly into the room: "Grandma Ye! I'm back!"

"Is it Shengsi?" Grandma Ye responded from inside the room, and at the same time she appeared in Shengsi's sight wearing an apron.

"Eh? Why did you buy so many things?" Seeing Shengsi carrying two big bags, Grandma Ye rolled her eyes, feeling a little puzzled.

"It's just some snacks and ingredients. By the way, since I'm back early today, let me cook a Chinese meal for you." Shengsi threw the snacks to Clover and took another A bag of ingredients walked towards the kitchen.

"Huh?! Brother Shengsi can cook? Or Huaguo cuisine?!" Seeing Shengsi walking towards the kitchen, Yotsuba immediately put the snacks away, and followed.

And Grandma Ye was taken aback when she heard the words, until Shengsi walked into the kitchen from beside him, Grandma Ye realized, "Shengsi, do you know how to cook Huaguo cuisine?"

Hearing this, Shengsi wanted to speak, but before Shengsi could speak, Yotsuba said excitedly: "Brother Shengsi is a magician, he is amazing! Huaguo cuisine is of course not a problem!"

Clover's tone was full of admiration for Seiji.

(End of this chapter)

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