Chapter 220 Cooking
"Oh? A magician?" Hearing this, the doubts on Grandma Ye's face grew stronger.

Seeing Grandma Ye's puzzled look, Shengsi smiled slightly. After putting the ingredients away, he shook his little hand, and a rose appeared in his hand out of thin air. Not only that, Shengsi shook his hand again, and the rose instantly turned into A little white rabbit, with another shake, the rabbit disappeared!
"Wow! Brother Shengsi, you are so amazing!" Clapped her hands and shouted after seeing this miraculous scene, apparently stunned by Shengsi's hand.

Grandma Ye also looked stunned after seeing this scene, and it took her a long time to realize, "Okay! Then... I'll go to the living room to rest, and you can cook."

Seeing that Shengsi is so powerful, Grandma Ye thought to herself that his saying that he can cook must not be a lie, so Grandma Ye went to rest directly, and she wanted to see how Shengsi's craftsmanship was, and whether he was the same as him. as powerful as magic.

"Will Clover come to help?" Seeing Grandma Ye leave, Shengsi said to Clover with a smile.

"En!" Hearing this, Clover nodded excitedly.

Because this meal was the first meal that Shengsi ate in this world, and it was also the last meal, so Shengsi cooked this meal with great care.

There are no one hundred and eight dishes, but there are still eight dishes for a fraction of it, six dishes and two soups, all of which are of a five-star standard, and Shengsi added a little magic power to the food for the sake of delicious food, making the food delicious. The taste is even better!
Half an hour later, with Clover's help, Shengsi brought the last 'Braised Eggplant' to the table.

After the dishes were served, the three of them sat around the table.

"Wow! Shengsi, you are amazing!" Although Grandma Ye hadn't tasted the dishes made by Shengsi yet, she knew that the dishes must be delicious when she smelled the aroma!

Shengsi touched his head in embarrassment when he heard the words, and said modestly: "Where is it?"

"Just now, when brother Shengsi was cooking, I wanted to steal it. I knew by smelling the smell that his cooking must be hundreds of times better than mine!" Clover also praised endlessly.

While the three were discussing Shengsi's food, the door of Miyamizu's house was opened.

"I'm back!" A clear female voice came from the door.

"Sanye is back, come here, ready to eat!" Grandma Ye shouted to the outside after hearing the voice.

"Coming!" Following this reply, after a few seconds, Sanye appeared in everyone's sight.

"Eh?! Isn't this the kid from before? Why is he here too?" Sanye was puzzled when she found out that Shengsi was here.

At noon, Shengsi's sudden departure left a deep impression on Sanye, and she even told her grandma about it, but now, Shengsi suddenly appeared at her home again, which made Sanye very upset. Curious.

Seeing Sanye's puzzled eyes, Shengsi got up quickly: "My name is Gongshui Shengsi, and I will stay at your house for a few days. Please give me your advice!"

"Teach me a lot." Sanye nodded and sat down at the dining table, but after finishing, her eyes were still full of doubts.

"Eh? What kind of dish is this?! It smells so good!" Just when Sanye was about to ask Grandma Ye about Shengsi, before she could say anything, she was attracted by the dishes on the table.

Because Mitsuha stayed in Itomori all the time and didn't go out to see anything in the world, she hadn't even seen Huaguo cuisine.

"This is." Looking at Sanye's puzzled look, Grandma Ye explained it patiently.

After more than a minute, Grandma Ye told Sanye about Shengsi's coming here this afternoon and what she said.

"Welcome! Shengsi!" After knowing the reason for Shengsi, Sanye welcomed him with a happy face.

In response, Shengsi smiled slightly, "Thank you!"

"That's right! This dish won't taste good when it's cold, so eat it quickly!"

"Hmm! I'm going to start!" Clover was the first to eat.

"Delicious! Delicious!" After just one bite, Clover was full of praise for it. Not only her, but Sanye and Grandma Ye also praised Shengsi with praise.

Because of being too enthusiastic, Shengsi was too embarrassed to eat.

After more than ten minutes, several people finally finished their meal, because it was so delicious, Sanye and the others were full.

"Okay, since everyone is full, let's prepare for the sacrifice after taking a break!" Grandma Ye said as she put the bowl on the table.

She is also too full to eat, so she is too full to move now, otherwise she will go to prepare for the sacrificial ceremony now.

Although the sacrifices at Gongshui Shrine are only tangible but without spirit, Grandma Ye is very serious every time she sacrifices. She is doing this with her heart. pass on.

"Then I'll go wash the dishes!" Seeing that the three of them were full, Seiji began to clean up the dishes.

"It's really embarrassing for you to cook again and ask you to wash the dishes again! So you go to rest, and I'll do the washing later." Seeing Shengsi clearing the table, Mitsuba said hastily.

"It's okay!" Hearing this, Shengsi's hands not only didn't stop, but even accelerated.

In just over ten seconds, Shengsi walked into the kitchen with the bowls and chopsticks on the table. Sanye and the others struggled to stand up because they were full, so they had to ask Shengsi to wash the dishes.

In fact, the main reason why Shengsi went to wash the dishes was that there were still debris left after he finished cooking. At that time, it was difficult for him to use his mind to clean up with Clover. Clean it up, in this case, the impression I left on Sanye and the others will be much better!
About five or six minutes later, Seiji took the time to walk out of the kitchen. At this time, if Yotsuba went into the kitchen to check, he would find that the installation inside had already become like new!

"Okay! Get ready to sacrifice! Shengsi, come and see." Seeing Shengsi walk out of the kitchen, Grandma Ye got up and said.

With that said, he walked towards the back of the house.

"Did the holy priest come to see our sacrifice?" Because Grandma Ye said that the holy priest was very interesting tonight's sacrifice, so Sanye asked.

"Yeah! I'm very interested!" Hearing this, Shengsi nodded fiercely.

"Then let's go! Now we're going to the backyard to get ready. The materials, clothes, etc. are all in the shrine. We just need to make the ritual instruments for the sacrifice at home and bring them there." Said Sanye with her Shengsi walked towards the backyard.

"The magic weapon is so difficult to make, it will take a long time to make it!" Clover interjected from the side.

"Since it takes so long, why don't you make the magic weapon first?" Shengsi asked suspiciously.

"Because the magic weapon has to be made and used now, otherwise the gods on the mountain will not like it!" Sanye said, pointing in one direction.

(End of this chapter)

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