Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 221 Preparations for the Sacrifice

Chapter 221 Preparations for the Sacrifice
"The gods on the mountain?!" Shengsi glanced at the direction Sanye pointed, and found that the direction was actually the location of the Bagua Mountain. Could it be that the god is the Bagua Mountain?
Shengsi remembered that in Conan's world, Grandma Ye also told herself that there was a mountain god on that mountain, but after Shengsi went there, he found that there was nothing but a formation, but now, in this world, Shengsi heard the word "God" again, and now Shengsi made up his mind that he must go there to have a look after the sacrifice.

"That's right, grandma said that there are gods on that mountain, so we will bring tributes to the mountain to worship the gods after every sacrifice." Looking at Shengsi's puzzled look, Sanye explained.

"It's tiring to walk a long, long mountain road!" Yotsuba Wenyan also interjected, her tone full of complaints.

"What kind of tribute is that?" Shengsi smiled at Clover and asked.

Compared with going to worship the gods, the priests are more interested in the tribute they use.

"It's a tribute anyway! It's a kind of wine!" Sanye originally planned to say the answer, but she seemed to think of something and then suddenly changed the subject.

"Wine? Chewing wine?" Hearing this, Shengsi murmured, he remembered that Shengsi asked Grandma Ye in that cave before, what were the two porcelain bottles in front of the shrine, and Grandma Ye said they were chewing wine Literally, it is the wine chewed by the mouth. At that time, Shengsi didn't think much about it. Now that Sanye said that the tribute was a kind of wine, Shengsi guessed that it was chewing wine.

"Eh? Shengsi, what did you say?" Because Shengsi's voice was very low, Sanye couldn't hear what he was saying.

"It's nothing." Hearing this, Shengsi quickly waved his hands. Since Sanye didn't want to say anything, then he didn't need to ask. Anyway, he will sacrifice today, and he will know when the time comes.

Just as the few people were talking, they had already arrived at the small room in the backyard.

At this time, Grandma Ye had already sat in front of a wooden machine and started making the 'magic implement'.

Shengsi had seen this kind of machine before, and it was also in this room. At that time, Shengsi didn't know what this machine was for, but now, Shengsi knew that this thing was used to weave the colored threads in the house. Used to make instruments.

Still the same as before, the walls, ceiling, and shelves in this small house are covered with beautiful colored threads.

"Sanye, Clover, come on, you go over there!" Seeing the three of them walking in, Grandma Ye pointed to the other two machines and said to Sanye and Clover.

After finishing speaking, Grandma Ye looked at Shengsi: "Shengsi, if you want to watch it, you can sit here."

"Yeah!" Shengsi had no objection to this. Anyway, he was also very curious about the production process of this "magic instrument". Even if Grandma Ye didn't say anything, he would have offered to watch it from the sidelines. Now Grandma Ye invited him to watch it. , Shengsi was delighted before it was too late, how could he refuse?

So, after Shengsi responded, he sat down on the open space beside him.

After hearing Grandma Ye's words, Sanye and Yotsuba sat down in front of the machine in an orderly manner, and began to make the 'magic instrument'.

More than an hour later, Sanye and the others had already finished the 'magic weapon'. At this time, Shengsi also understood what the so-called magic weapon was.

It turned out that it was not a magic weapon at all, but a very special kind of rope. The rope was ground, rotated, and frosted with a kind of pill wood, and finally glued together by a machine, finally forming a bright red 'Fa' rope.

And the production process of this 'Fa' rope is also very simple, Shengsi can do it after reading it once.

"Okay, let's go to the shrine now! Seiji also follow!" Grandma Ye stopped working after watching Mitsuha make two 'fa' ropes.

With that said, Grandma Ye got up and walked outside.

"En!" Seeing this, everyone nodded.

Just now, when Grandma Ye and the others were making the 'Fa' rope, they had been telling the holy priest about these crafts and the sacrifice later. Now, the holy priest already knows the process of the sacrifice.

The so-called sacrificial ceremony is to hold sacrificial activities on a altar next to the Miyamizu Shrine. Specifically, the participants hold the "dharma implement" on the altar to perform dances to worship the gods and make tributes.

And every sacrifice of the Gongshui family is participated by the younger generation of the Gongshui family. For example, the sacrifices in the past few years were held by Aunt Erye alone on the altar, but because Aunt Erye passed away , now only four leaves and three leaves are on.

besides!One thing that surprised Shengsi was that he suddenly discovered that all the members of the Gongshui family were girls, which meant that the Gongshui family only gave birth to girls and not boys!And this situation has continued for hundreds of years since records began!
This. This is simply amazing!Shengsi can't understand this kind of thing at all, it can't be explained by science at all, and even magic can't explain this kind of thing!

However, although this kind of thing is miraculous, the priest will not be bored to find the answer. What he needs to do now is to wait for the end of the sacrifice, and then leave this world!

Thinking of this, Seiji hurriedly followed Sanye and the others towards the shrine.

More than half an hour later, Sanye and Yotsuba changed into sacrificial attire and stood on the altar beside the Miyamizu Shrine each holding a 'magic instrument', waiting for the start of the sacrifice.

Just now, after they came to the shrine, Sanye and Yotsuba went to change into sacrificial clothes, while Grandma Ye went into the shrine with the two 'fa' ropes.

A few minutes later, Grandma Ye came out holding two real magic weapons.

Why do you say that, because Shengsi discovered that the two things held by Grandma Ye really contained a little magic power, so to speak, these are magic weapons!
I saw that these two magic tools were both made of nanmu, with a golden dragon coiled on it, decorated with bells, and below it was a ring, which just held the 'dharma' rope.

It seems that Grandma Ye just connected these two 'fa' ropes.

At this moment, Grandma Ye was holding the two instruments. Inexplicably, Shengsi suddenly felt a sense of sacredness.This made his heart beat faster, and the two balls of light in his head began to spin faster, which made Shengsi feel a little strange.

However, this abnormality did not have a great impact on Shengsi, so Shengsi did not show any abnormality.

Shengsi was fine, and of course Grandma Ye would not notice anything.

Just like that, Shengsi and Grandma Ye waited for Sanye and Yotsuba in the backstage of the altar, and didn't let them wait for long. After a while, Sanye and Yotsuba changed into special clothes for sacrifices came out from the side.

After hearing the sound of footsteps, Shengsi immediately turned to look at them!

PS: The exam was finished after nine o'clock, and this chapter was coded.

(End of this chapter)

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