Chapter 222 Miracles
"Wow! It's so beautiful!" Shengsi couldn't help exclaiming when he saw the appearance of the two.

I have to say that the sacrificial clothes look great on the two of them. The snow-white top and a bright red skirt, together with the gold-plated headdress on the forehead and the long carved ponytail, are simply beautiful. shocked!It's like walking out of a painting!
For the praise of the holy priest, Sanye and Clover just chuckled and didn't speak. They can't speak when offering sacrifices. This is the rule, and the two of them understand it very well.

The two of them smiled at Shengsi, then each took a magic weapon from Grandma Ye, and waited in the background.

A few minutes later, it was already seven o'clock. At this time, Grandma Ye suddenly stood up and shouted to the staff of the shrine on the altar: "It's time! Turn on the lights! Open the sacrifice!"

Following Grandma Ye's three shouts, the entire altar was instantly lit up with flames, and the sound of drumming for sacrifices also sounded. At this moment, Sanye and Yotsuba turned their faces straight and began to slowly move towards the center of the altar go.

The priest knew that the sacrifice had begun!

At the moment when the sacrifice started, the rotation speed of the two beads in Shengsi's brain suddenly increased again, because the rotation speed was too fast and the two balls contained huge energy. disturbed.

Seeing this, Shengsi immediately sat down cross-legged, and began to meditate on the spot. Shengsi is extremely dangerous at this time. If the two balls rotate too fast, it may directly disturb Shengsi's brain and make Shengsi's brain All the power of thought was restless and finally exploded!
In order to avoid this from happening, Shengsi had no choice but to try his best to control the rioting energy in his mind, and meditated on the spot.

Shengsi's small action did not attract anyone's attention, and everyone's attention was on the altar at this time.

After Sanye and Four Leaf walked up to the altar, they first put the magic weapon aside, and then performed a sacrificial dance on the altar.

The dance for the sacrifice was very simple, just a few moves in circles, and after dancing for a while, the two picked up the magic weapon and waved it on the stage.

At this time, as the sacrifice was going on, those who were walking or walking outside surrounded Itomori, gathered under the altar, and watched the sacrificial dance of Yotsuba and Mitsuha.

As for the holy priest in the background, as the sacrifice proceeded, the two balls in his mind turned faster, especially when Sanye and Yotsuba picked up the magic weapon, the two balls in the holy priest's mind There was a shining light, not only in the brain, if someone looked at Shengsi at this time, they would find that Shengsi's forehead was emitting a faint white light at this time.

However, due to the bright light on the altar and the remote location of Shengsi, the white light on Shengsi's head was not conspicuous, and no one noticed it.

On the altar, Yotsuba and Sanye were holding the magic weapon and dancing there. With the dancing of the magic weapon in their hands, the white light on Shengsi's forehead flickered, as if he was breathing.

Ten minutes passed.


The two of them placed the magic weapon and turned around again. This was a sign that the sacrificial dance was about to end. The two danced for so long, and the sacrificial ceremony was coming to an end.

but!At this moment, the moment after Sanye turned around!The magic weapon in her hand suddenly emitted a golden light, and then, amidst the exclamation of everyone, the magic weapon in Yotsuba's hand also emitted a golden light.

"A miracle!" After seeing this scene, Grandma Ye stood up immediately, with a look of surprise on her face.

She has experienced the sacrificial ceremony of Gongshui Shrine fifty or sixty times, but!But this has never happened!However, Grandma Ye remembered that her grandma said that a long time ago, at that time, the sacrifices at Gongshui Shrine were very spectacular, and people from the whole town would come to worship the gods.

At that time, every time they offered sacrifices at the shrine, they would get a response from the gods, and after paying the tribute, they would even receive the blessings of the gods.

And now, on the altar, the magical artifacts in the hands of Sanye and Yotsuba glowed. This is the legendary "God's Response"!
So, after seeing this scene, Grandma Ye immediately stood up and exclaimed 'miracle'!
After hearing Grandma Ye's shout, Sanye and Yotsuba on the altar suddenly panicked. They were panicked by the flash of golden light just now, but now they heard Grandma Ye say that it was a miracle. Even more panicked!

"What?! A miracle?!" Grandma Ye's shout also caused commotion among the onlookers. They were all here to watch the fun, but they didn't expect to encounter such a miraculous thing now. How could they not be surprised.

Seeing Sanye and Cleo bewildered, Grandma Ye immediately stepped forward to take the two magical artifacts, and then stood in front of the altar.

After finishing these, she immediately led Sanye and Yotsuba to shout: "Worship God!"

As she spoke, she took the lead and bowed down.

Seeing this, the onlookers under the altar were stunned for a moment, but in the next second, they also bowed down one after another.

They are in awe of the gods, especially now that there are miracles, they are even more in awe.

"Bye again!" Grandma Ye yelled again, and everyone fell down and bowed down again.

"Three salutes!" shouted again.

With the third prostration, the golden light of the magic weapon suddenly flourished, and the whole Itomori was illuminated like daytime. At this moment, everyone in Itomori Town turned their heads in the direction of Miyamizu Shrine, and consciously I bowed down here.

In fact, they don't know why they want to pray, but there is a cry in their hearts, that is, 'Go down'. Go down!
After three prostrations, the radiance on the magic weapon gradually turned from high to low, and after half a minute, it finally lost its radiance and turned into an ordinary ornament.

At the same time, behind the altar, in the corner, the white light on Shengsi's forehead gradually dimmed, and after a few seconds, Shengsi suddenly opened his eyes.

"Huh..." After exhaling a long breath of foul air, Shengsi stood up and walked outside.

"Eh?!" As soon as he got out of the backstage, Shengsi discovered the scene in front of him.

I saw a group of people on the altar and outside all kneeling on the ground, what is this for?Seiji was puzzled.

Didn't you just meditate for a while?How did it suddenly become this scene?Is this part of the sacrifice?But Grandma Ye didn't say anything just now.

Because when Shengsi was meditating, all his mind was on controlling his thoughts, so he didn't know anything about what happened outside!Seeing everyone kneeling there now, Shengsi was a little embarrassed for a while.

However, it didn't embarrass Shengsi for long.

After a few seconds, Grandma Ye suddenly stood up and shouted: "Send God!"

"Send off God!" Everyone outside the altar stood up and shouted at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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