Chapter 223 Sacrifice
God?What the hell?Where is God?Why didn't I see it myself?After hearing Grandma Ye's words, Shengsi was stunned, not knowing what happened just now.

At this moment when Shengsi was puzzled, Grandma Ye had already taken down the two magical artifacts on the altar.

Seeing this, Shengsi's eyes narrowed slightly, and he suddenly found that the two magical artifacts in Grandma Ye's hands had lost their magic power, and they were clearly there at the beginning, why did they disappear after a while?
but!Shengsi was surprised to find that although these two instruments had no magical breath, they were covered with another kind of breath that Shengsi could not understand. This kind of breath was very mysterious, and Shengsi had never seen it before!

No!Wait, the priest seems to have felt the breath there, right!Just now, when Shengsi was meditating, the breath from the two balls in his head was like this.

Could it be that when I was meditating just now, the beads in my brain resonated with these two magic tools?

Thinking about it this way, it is really possible, because just now Shengsi felt that the beads in his brain were connected with something outside, but at that time Shengsi was trying his best to maintain the balance of his thoughts, so he didn't go into this matter. Now Come to think of it, there is still such a possibility.

It has to be said that Shengsi's guess was right, he guessed all of these, but it's useless for him to guess right, the matter has already passed, and he can't find anything from it.

After Grandma Ye took down the magic weapon, she first whispered to Sanye and the others, then turned around and walked towards the back of the altar, and when she passed by Shengsi, she whispered: "Shengsi, we will start making tributes to the gods immediately." Already, you are watching!"

Grandma Ye's tone of voice was extremely excited when she spoke, and it was obvious that she was shocked by the scene just now.

In this regard, Shengsi just smiled slightly, and then sat down on the side. He just got the response from the light ball in his head, because he got the power of the priest, at this time Shengsi can return to Conan's world at any time.

However, it would be too unreasonable for Shengsi to leave suddenly, so he planned to wait for Sanye and the others to finish the sacrifice, and then go home together, and when they were all asleep, he would leave a note and leave.

In this case, although he still left without saying goodbye, it was much better than disappearing suddenly.

Seeing Shengsi sat down on the side of the altar, Yotsuba and Sanye stared at him with smiles on their faces, but because of Grandma Ye's explanation before, they could not leave the altar, so they could only stand He stared at Shengsi in place.

Seeing this, Shengsi smiled slightly at him. Because of the previous incident, the two people on the stage are a little nervous now, so Shengsi smiled at them and at the same time threw a meditation spell at them. It will settle down and won't be so flustered.

At the moment when the three of them made eye contact, Grandma Ye directed two shrine staff to carry two big red boxes from behind the altar.

A special wooden box, a white porcelain bottle and a pack of rice were placed on each of the boxes.

Seeing this, Shengsi smiled slightly, it seems that he guessed right, this kind of wine is chewing wine, and it is also made by Sanye and Clover.

Shengsi is very curious about the process of making chewing wine, so at this time he is staring at Sanye and the others intently, not letting go of any details.

Grandma Ye and the others put the box on the altar and retreated, while Sanye and Fourleaf knelt in front of the box, ready to start making tributes.

"Make tribute!" With Grandma Ye's shout, Sanye and Yotsuba started to move.

Because of the strange situation on the side of the shrine before, most people in Itomori Town rushed towards this side. At this time, more than 100 people had gathered in front of the altar, and they were all attracted by the divine light of the previous magic weapon. of.

In addition to these people, the road in Itomori Town is also full of people walking towards the shrine.

Looking at the more than 100 people under the altar, Sanye and Yotsuba were a little flustered, but they still made the tribute naturally.

It can be said that the reason why Sanye and Yotsuba can be so calm is due to Shengsi's previous meditation spell.

With the help of the meditation spell, Sanye and Clover were making the chewing wine in an orderly manner, and Shengsi also watched with relish.

This is the first time he has seen this kind of wine. According to Grandma Ye, this is a very old wine that was passed down a long time ago.

The production method is to use a kind of soaked rice, put it in the mouth and chew it, wait until the rice is chewed into rice paste, then spit it out, bind it in a special container, wait for it to ferment naturally, and finally form chewing wine!

While listening to Grandma Ye's words, Shengsi also stared at Sanye and the others, and saw that Sanye and Yotsuba first grabbed a ball of rice from the white paper with their hands and chewed it in their mouths. Afterwards, they vomited the rice cereal into the special box.

In this way, after going back and forth several times, the special wooden box was filled.

After finishing this, the two tied the box up with rope and cloth, and the whole movement was done in one go, full of beauty.

At this time, because it took a while for the two of them to make the tribute, during this period of time, the altar was already surrounded by crowds, Shengsi took a rough look, and found that there were at least 6 people!

In Itomori, a small town with a small population, it is really rare that more than 1000 people can gather at one time, and there are still people coming from afar!
However, these situations have nothing to do with Shengsi, and it has nothing to do with Sanye and Yotsuba on the altar. After they sealed the box, they got up and walked towards Shengsi who was sitting in the background.

At this time, the sacrifice was almost completed, and there was no work for the two of them, so they should also rest, after all, they were exhausted after dancing for more than half an hour.

Seeing this, Grandma Ye immediately stood up and walked onto the altar. She was about to perform the last ritual of the sacrifice, which was to 'point' the tribute.

The so-called "point" tribute is to use the cloth on the box to separate the rice paste from the water under the blessing of the magic weapon. The rice paste remains in the box, and the water in it is poured into the porcelain bottle prepared in advance. .

Shengsi was not interested in this step, so when Yotsuba and Sanye came, Shengsi left with them.

A few minutes later, Seiji was sitting in the shrine waiting for Mitsuha and the others.

Mitsuha and the others were taking a bath in the shrine's bathhouse because they had to take a shower and make up after the ritual.

Seeing this, Shengsi sat aside and sensed the two balls in his mind. At the same time, he was also paying attention to the scene at the altar.

After Shengsi and the others left, Grandma Ye, with the help of the shrine staff, ordered the tribute in a short while. After finishing these, she loudly announced the end of the sacrifice.

(End of this chapter)

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