Chapter 224 Leave
However, because of the 'miracle' just now, there are too many people coming to the shrine, so Grandma Ye has to explain to them what happened just now, and she also has to evacuate them away.

Just like that, when Grandma Ye finished doing this, Mitsuha and Yotsuba had just finished taking a bath.

Coincidentally, Shengsi also just figured out how to open the time-space gate and return to Conan's world.

So, after the four met, they packed up their bags and walked towards Gongshui's house. Along the way, the four talked and laughed, talking about the 'miracle' just now.

When the few people approached the door of the house, Shengsi had already understood the whole thing, which was similar to what he had guessed. The so-called "miracle" was because the two balls in his head received the power of the sacrifice, so there was a feedback , thus evoking the abnormal movement of the magic weapon, thus, a 'miracle' was produced.

Seiji didn't like this kind of 'miracle', but seeing Sanye and the others talking very enthusiastically, Seiji had no choice but to echo a few words from time to time.

Soon, the four people in the discussion returned home.

After returning home, Sanye and the others sat in the living room, watching TV.

Shengsi originally planned to go to bed early and take the opportunity to leave, but Sanye and the others wanted to watch TV at this time, so Shengsi had to watch it with them.

At this time, the French door of the living room was wide open, and the evening breeze blew gently, making the people in the room feel refreshed.

"Brother Shengsi, eat this! This is the most delicious pineapple cake!" Clover grabbed a cake from the table and said to Shengsi.

"Yeah!" Seiji smiled and took the cake that Clover handed over.

The table in the living room was full of snacks that Yotsuba and Seiji bought at the convenience store. At this time, everyone was eating snacks and watching TV, looking happy.

In this way, more than half an hour later, Shengsi suddenly said: "Grandma Ye, I have also finished watching the sacrifice, and I have also seen miracles. I am also satisfied, so... I am going home now."

When Shengsi was watching TV just now, he kept thinking about whether he should leave without saying goodbye. After thinking for a while, he felt that he should say something. Grandma Ye said to them.

"Eh?!" Hearing this, Sanye and Yotsuba both looked at Shengsi in surprise.

"Shengsi, are you leaving now?" Grandma Ye also asked in doubt.

What Shengsi said meant that he had to leave now, but it was so late now, he was just a child, how could he go back?

Also, didn't Shengsi say he would stay for a few days?Why do you have to leave if you don't live for a day?You are in such a hurry, could it be that something happened at home?

Facing everyone's doubts, Shengsi smiled slightly, "Actually, I came here to look for something, but now I have found it, so I should go too, and... I probably won't come back in the future."

"Ah?! Is that so?" Yotsuba's face collapsed after hearing Seiji's words.

"Shengsi, do you have to leave today? Wouldn't it be better to leave after lunch tomorrow? At that time, I could still take you to the station with Clover." Sanye started to persuade Shengsi to stay, although she and Sheng She had only been in touch with Si for a few short hours, but Sheng Si had a special intimacy that made her feel very familiar, so now that she heard that Sheng Si was leaving, she felt a little uncomfortable.

Hearing this, Yotsuba also echoed: "Yes! Yes! I can still go with my sister to see you off at noon tomorrow!"

Regarding this, Grandma Ye didn't say a word, she just looked at Shengsi quietly.

She has experienced a lot of sophistication in the world, and she has already seen a trace of determination in Shengsi's eyes when he spoke. At this moment, Grandma Ye knew that they would not be able to keep Shengsi, so she didn't say anything to keep him.

"En! I have to leave today. Someone will pick me up outside, so you don't have to worry." After all, this world is not the world I should come to. If Shengsi stays in this world for a long time, maybe something will happen. Good thing, so leaving as soon as possible is the best choice.

"Brother Shengsi won't come back again?" Clover blinked her big eyes with a look of reluctance.

"Yes, not again. No! I will come back, but when I come back again, it will be a month later." Originally, Shengsi planned to answer that he would not come back, but when he was about to say the words In an instant, he suddenly discovered the news on TV!
'The comet will arrive over Japan in a month and will be visible to the naked eye! '

The moment he saw this news, Shengsi suddenly remembered the mural in the stone gate, the eighteen pictures, and the disaster in the picture!
The picture shows that the comet separated outside the earth, and a small piece of it fell to the ground and caused a devastating disaster. Although this disaster is just a few murals, Seiji has no way of verifying its authenticity.

However, Seiji looked at the big pit and the mysterious No. 18 painting that Ito was guarding now, and now he saw the news that a comet would visit the earth in a month.

At this moment, Seiji had a terrifying guess, that is - this comet will also be like the comet painted on the mural, split into a small comet and then fall into Shishou!

Thinking of this, Shengsi suddenly changed his original words.

"Come back in a month?" Grandma Ye confirmed after hearing Shengsi's words.

"Yeah! I'll be back in a month." Seiji nodded, then stood up, "So...I'm leaving now."

Saying that, Shengsi walked outside. His idea was to leave as soon as possible, don't procrastinate. Besides, in the world of Conan, Shengsi has been missing for so long, Xiaoxi and the others will also be worried , So, going back as soon as possible is the kingly way.

As Sanye and Clover saw Shengsi leaving, they immediately got up to see each other off, while Grandma Ye sat firmly on the Diaoyutai, staring at Shengsi's leaving figure, wondering what she was thinking.


Shengsi turned his head and said to the two people who were chasing after him: "It's ok, someone is picking me up outside, you don't have to follow along, I will be back in a month, and then we will meet again."

Saying that, Shengsi walked towards the distance.

"Shengsi, goodbye!" Sanye shouted.

"Brother Shengsi, you must come back!" Yotsuba also shouted.

"En! That's right! Because I don't know what gifts you like, so I just bought a lot of gifts in my room, and you can take whatever you like." Shengsi didn't even reply. It also gradually disappeared from the sight of the two.

After Shengsi left, Yotsuba and Sanye came to Shengsi's room.

The moment they opened the door, they were stunned, seeing Shengsi's room full of game consoles, plush toys, clothes, hats, etc.

(End of this chapter)

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