Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 225 The chapter is finally here

Chapter 225 is finally back

Not to mention how surprised Sanye and the others were, Shengsi immediately flew into the sky after leaving Gongshui's house, and flew towards the Eight Diagrams Mountain.

Shengsi had thought about going to the mountain to take a look after the sacrifice before, but now, he finally had time.

In just a few seconds, Shengsi stopped at the side of the mountain.

Looking at the mountain in front of him, Seiji fell into deep thought. He found that this mountain, like the one in Conan's world, contains a magic circle, and to his surprise, this magic circle is really natural. of!No trace of artificiality can be found at all.

If it is possible that the gossip array in Conan's world was constructed by the magicians of the Miyamizu family, but here it is absolutely natural, this... this is simply amazing!

At this moment, Shengsi couldn't help sighing, the universe is so big, there are so many wonders!
Holding a mentality of reverence for nature, Shengsi slowly walked towards the cave in the center of the basin. He wanted to take a look at the mural and see how it was related to the painting in the stone gate.

A few minutes later, Shengsi stepped across a small water beach and entered the cave.

Shrines, rocks, murals.
Looking at the familiar scenes in the cave, Shengsi felt as if he had been in another world.

Shengsi traveled through two worlds!Even a calm person like Shengsi, at this moment, there are slight ripples in his heart.

But this feeling didn't last long. The next second, Shengsi was attracted by the mural on the wall.

I saw that the painting in the cave is exactly the same as the one in the Shimen of the shrine. There are two comets circling each other, and the surroundings are decorated with stars.

The two comets circle each other, implying the way of Taiji. The surrounding hundred stars are like the polar disk in Taiji.

Shengsi could sense that the gossip formation outside is closely connected with this picture, unlike the formation in Conan's world, all the energy of this formation is concentrated on this picture.

Although Shengsi couldn't see what this picture was for, he knew that this picture must be a very powerful thing.

Now that he discovered a powerful thing, according to Shengsi's temperament, of course he should learn it.

So, Shengsi began to feel carefully towards the mural.

However, more than ten minutes later, Shengsi found that he could not understand the connection between this magic circle and this mural at all. Not only that, because this magic circle is naturally formed, so its principle is that Shengsi has never seen.Also, no matter how Shengsi looked at this picture, apart from knowing that it was related to the magic circle, it was just an ordinary picture!

When Shengsi knew that he couldn't understand these in a short time, Shengsi gave up decisively.

After spending so long in this world, Shengsi wanted to go back a long time ago, so of course he would not continue to spend time learning this formation.

Thinking of this, Shengsi took a longing look at the cave and left directly.

A few minutes later, Shengsi had already arrived at the foot of the mountain and left the range of the magic circle.

At this time, Shengsi is about to use the power of space in his brain to open the door to Conan's world.

In fact, returning to his own world is very simple, because Sheng Siben is a person in Conan's world, so he only needs to use himself as the origin and expand the power of space.

Do whatever comes to mind, I saw Shengsi raised his hands, the power of space in his body surged rapidly, gathered in Shengsi's fingers in a second, and then Shengsi waved his hands in the air, an arched The door frame appeared in the air.

As the space power in Shengsi's hand continued to output, the arched door gradually solidified. After a second, Shengsi injected all the space power in his hand into the arch in front of him.

After doing this, Shengsi immediately took a step back and began to observe.

Shengsi recruited this space door and only opened it for the first time according to the prompt in his mind, so Shengsi was also very curious about what the hell this thing is.

After taking two steps back, Seiji found that this door was the same as Doraemon's arbitrary door. Looking from this side, there was another scene inside the door, which was the big pit of Shishou. But it was very clear.

In addition to looking at it, Shengsi also sensed it. After a while, Shengsi found that the door was not in any danger, and the space elements inside were also very stable, and there would be no riots.

It seems that as long as you walk in through this door, you can return to the world of Conan.

Thinking of this, Shengsi walked into the door in front of him without saying a word.

The moment he walked through the door, Shengsi found that he didn't feel anything, and when he turned back, he found that the door that was there just now had disappeared.

At this moment, Shengsi wondered if he had entered a fake space door.

But the doubt only lasted for a moment, and the next second, Shengsi saw the distorted space in the distance - the transparent barrier.

Still the same as before Shengsi entered, the whole Itomori was still wrapped by a transparent barrier. After sweeping around, Shengsi could still see those distorted time and space scenes.

Seeing this scene, Shengsi was slightly taken aback, why is it still like this here?Shengsi thought that he would return to his original state after entering that world, but he did not expect that it would still be the case.

Just when Shengsi was puzzled, a message suddenly came from the two balls in Shengsi's head: the barrier will dissipate after a month.

Huh?Will it disappear after a month?What's the meaning?Why?
After hearing this news, Shengsi's doubts not only did not decrease but increased, but the two balls of light in his mind stopped giving any information after saying that sentence.

In this regard, Shengsi was also very helpless. He found that the two light balls in his head were really like his ancestors. When they miss you, they will send you a few messages, but when you have any doubts and want to ask them , they will ignore you.

Although they didn't speak, Shengsi also had some guesses in his heart. This barrier should be related to the comet in the previous world, because it was said on TV that the comet would pass the earth in one month, and this is also the barrier after one month. Disappeared, which made Shengsi connect the two at once.

In addition, Shengsi also remembered one thing, that is, when he entered the barrier before, he felt a great resistance, but then the resistance disappeared inexplicably. As for why the resistance disappeared, Shengsi The guess should be related to the white ball in his head.

That is to say, only Shengsi should be able to enter this barrier now, and no one else can enter!

Thinking of this, Shengsi immediately felt at ease. After all, there is another Sanye and the others in that world, and Shengsi does not want them to be disturbed by people in this world, so it is better to keep that world closed.

(End of this chapter)

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