Chapter 227 Explained
After several people talked again for a while, Shengsi said to Xiao Ai and Ayumi: "Since I'm back now, I'll send you back first, Ayumi, your parents should be in a hurry, it's been almost two days Didn't see you."

"En!" To this, Ayumi happily responded with a lollipop in her mouth.

And Xiao Ai just nodded silently, without speaking.

Seeing that both of them agreed, Shengsi smiled slightly, "Let's go."

Saying that, Shengsi walked towards the gate, seeing this, Xiao Ai and Ayumi hurriedly followed.

"Xiao Si, remember to come back early!" Seeing the three people leaving, the mother shouted to Sheng Si.

"Okay!" Shengsi replied and led the two out.

Along the way, Ayumi kept asking Shengsi where he was going in the afternoon, while Xiao Ai walked quietly aside without saying a word.

"Brother Shengsi, why didn't Sanye come with you?" This was already the third question Ayumi asked.

"Oh, Sanye and the others have something to do at school, so they can't come today, and she probably won't be able to come to play with us this month." Regarding Ayumi's question, Seiji explained with a smile.

He can only delay the matter of Sanye now, at least for a month.

"Is that so?" Ayumi was a little disappointed when she heard the words, after all, she was quite happy when she was playing with Sanye, and she thought that Seiji could pick her up this time, but she didn't expect that to be the answer.

However, it's okay, anyway, I can still see Mitsuba in a month. Thinking of this, Ayumi calmed down and continued to ask, "Brother Shengsi, what did you do in the afternoon?"

"Ah..." Shengsi was speechless at this moment.

The question Ayumi asked was so tricky that Seiji, who is not very good at lying, didn't know how to answer. After thinking about it, Seiji did not answer Ayumi's question, but asked instead: "Ayumi, what about you two?" What happened in the afternoon, tell me about it?"

Hearing this, Ayumi was taken aback for a moment, and then began to think.
Ayumi didn't have any doubts about Seiji's avoidance of answering, she thought it was normal, this was the thinking of a child.

And Xiao Ai on the side, seeing that Shengsi didn't want to answer this question, her eyes froze, there is a problem!There is definitely a problem!
Xiao Ai saw that Shengsi must have something to hide from them, but Xiao Ai didn't ask stupidly. Since Shengsi didn't want to say it, Xiao Ai believed that Shengsi must have his reasons, so Xiao Ai also The wise didn't ask.

So, the topic was quietly turned to Ayumi by Seiji.

Ayumi thought for a while and then said: "It's nothing, but after you left, we waited for a long time in the villa, but after more than an hour, you still haven't come back, so Haibara and I I had no choice but to go to Conan's, but Conan and the others said they would go skiing in the afternoon, so Huiyuan and I skied with them for another afternoon, and after dinner at the ski resort, we came back with Conan."

"When we arrived at Uncle Maori's house, we sat there for a while and then we said goodbye. When we returned home, we thought that you might go home, so I asked Huiyuan if he would go to your house. Huiyuan said yes, so, We will go to your house to play with Sister Xiaoxi."

When Ayumi said that Xiao Ai agreed to go to his house, Shengsi looked back at Xiao Ai, which made Xiao Ai slightly embarrassed.

In fact, Ayumi and Xiao Ai planned to go home directly at that time, but Xiao Ai heard that Ayumi said that she would go to Shengsi's house. Of course, Xiao Ai agreed to this. Xiao Ai, who had never been to Shengsi's house, was very happy about it. Curious.

After glancing at Xiao Ai, Shengsi continued to look back at Ayumi, and saw Shengsi took out a lollipop from his 'pocket' and handed it to Ayumi: "That's it, that Ayumi is really amazing No, I will reward you with another lollipop."

Seeing this, Ayumi took the lollipop with a happy face, "Thank you Brother Shengsi!"

These candies have been washed by Shengsi with magic power, so they will not gain weight, and there will be no tooth decay caused by eating too much, so Shengsi also eats Sui Bumei.

On the other hand, Xiao Ai looked at Shengsi's actions and words, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

Xiao Ai always felt that Shengsi was a little weird. From the first time she saw him, Xiao Ai felt it, but what was strange about Shengsi, Xiao Ai couldn't say it for a while, but now, she seemed to know the answer.

That is, Shengsi is the same as her, they both use the thinking of adults to think about things, which is fundamentally different from children.

If Shengsi was also a child, it would definitely not be like this. The normal situation should be that Shengsi would share delicious food with Ayumi, just like sharing his favorite things with a good friend.

Instead of coaxing Ayumi with lollipops like now, Shengsi is completely like a big brother coaxing children, it is not shared among peers at all!

Thinking of this, Xiao Ai suddenly had a horrible guess, could it be that Shengsi also took that kind of potion like her?However, judging from the reactions of his family and classmates, Shengsi definitely did not suddenly become smaller. In this case, there is only one possibility.

That is - precocious!And Shengsi is still that kind of precocious precocious!
Xiao Ai knows that Shengsi is an extremely assertive person, and he is also very powerful, but he is only a child over six years old. How did he grow up to create a person like Shengsi?
At this moment, Xiao Ai's curiosity about Shengsi reached the highest level in history.

Although Xiao Ai was extremely curious about Shengsi at this time, she still resisted the urge to ask and listened silently from the side.

In this way, after a while, the three came to Ayumi's house.

When passing by Xiao Ai's house just now, Shengsi's idea was to put Xiao Ai at home first, and then send Ayumi home. After sending the two of them home, he also went home, but Xiao Ai said, "Send Ayumi first." Beauty home'.

So, the three of them first appeared downstairs at Ayumi's house.

After Ayumi returned to her home, Shengsi and Xiao Ai walked back along the way they came.

Speechless all the way.

Soon, the two arrived at the door of Xiao Ai's house.

With a sound of 'click', Xiao Ai opened the door of the house.

When Xiao Ai opened the door and walked in, Shengsi suddenly said: "Xiao Ai, I know what you want to ask, but I can't say these things now, wait until later, I will tell you in the future."

After finishing speaking, Shengsi kept staring at Xiao Ai, waiting for her answer.

Hearing this, Xiao Ai was stunned for a moment.

After a long time.
"Yeah!" Xiao Ai nodded.

Seeing this, Shengsi's small face burst into a smile, he waved his hands and said, "Okay, then I'll go first, and I'll come to you tomorrow."

"En! Goodbye!" Xiao Ai also waved.

Looking at Shengsi's leaving back, the corners of Xiao Ai's mouth turned up slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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