Chapter 228 Situation!

After bidding farewell to Xiao Ai, Shengsi quickly returned to his home.

As expected, as soon as they got home, Xiao Xi and her parents immediately surrounded her and began to ask herself where she went this afternoon. Besides, they were still asking about Shengsi Xiaoai.

In this regard, Shengsi tried his best and made hundreds of brain twists before he dealt with this matter.

"Oh, so that's how it is. It's a pity that Mitsuha won't be able to come to Tokyo for a month." Just now Seiji told his mother the reasons for facing Ayumi and the others again. After listening to Seiji's words, Xiaoxi It's a pity on the face.

Xiao Xi likes the little sister Sanye very much, and she regrets not being able to see her for a month.

Unlike Xiao Xi, my mother cared about Xiao Ai.

"Xiao Si, Xiao Ai, what are you going to do? Mom and Dad are so worried about her disappearance, and now she has lost her memory again, how pitiful she is," said the mother anxiously.

Just now, Shengsi portrayed Xiao Ai as a little girl who lost her memory and lost her way. No, this scene happened.

"Although my mother has lost her memory, Xiao Ai still remembers her family. However, Xiao Ai told me that her parents passed away, and now she only has one older sister." A sad look.

"Ah?! There is only one older sister?! This... this... is really a poor baby!" Dad said with a 'sad' expression on his face.

"Hurry up, Xiao Si, hurry up and use the power of the mountain god to restore Xiao Ai's memory, what a poor baby." Mom also echoed.

Hearing this, the corners of Shengsi's mouth couldn't help twitching, I said, Mom, do you think the memory will be restored as soon as it is restored?My 'divine power' is not omnipotent, okay?Besides, the memory is located in the depths of the soul. If you use magic to forcibly modify the memory of others, maybe a cerebral palsy will be successfully created by Shengsi
And Xiao Xi who was on the side was covering her mouth and snickering when she heard the words, returning to the mountain god, this is an excuse
"Mom, don't worry, Xiao Ai's memory has been recovering. I think she will be able to fully recover in a short time. Then I will take her to find her sister. In this way, it will be complete." Anxious, Shengsi looked helpless.

"Oh, so that's the case, that's okay, okay." Hearing this, my mother breathed a sigh of relief.

After discussing the topic of Xiao Ai, Shengsi asked his parents and Xiao Xi what they were doing these days.

So, for the following period of time, Shengsi's family lived in harmony in the living room, sharing the family happiness.

After more than an hour, Shengsi and the others ended this pleasant conversation. At this time, it was already past ten o'clock in the evening, and everyone was tired.

So, everyone washed up and went to sleep.

Not long after Mom, Dad and Xiao Xi fell asleep, Shengsi suddenly opened his eyes on the bed!
someone!On the other side of the magic circle, Seiji sensed that someone had entered within three miles of Itoshou!Shengsi was about to fall asleep just now, but unexpectedly received a warning from the magic circle.

Now, as soon as Shengsi's magic power moved, a picture appeared in Shengsi's mind.

Three miles to the west of the magic circle, three men in black suddenly appeared there, and they were all floating in the air.

It's a magician!Shengsi could tell at a glance that these three people were magicians and so on!On their clothes, that is the logo of the Koizumi family, the magician of the Koizumi family?

Seeing this, Shengsi immediately got up from the bed, and after getting dressed, he sent a teleportation spell to the back of the three people.

"You three! What are you doing here?" Since he knew he was from the Koizumi family, Seiji asked directly.

After hearing Shengsi's voice, the three people who were flying in the air immediately turned around in shock.

"Master Shengsi?" After the three saw clearly who was calling them, one of the younger people asked tentatively.

"En!" Hearing this, Shengsi nodded.

"It's really Master Shengsi!" Seeing this, the three people shouted in surprise and flew towards Shengsi.

"What are you three doing here?" Shengsi didn't talk too much nonsense, and asked the three people as soon as they approached.

Shengsi's prestige in Koizumi's house is at its peak now, so it is reasonable to ask in such a tone.

And the three of them didn't feel wrong after hearing Shengsi's words. They saw that the three of them saluted Shengsi first, and then said: "Master Shengsi, yesterday someone in the clan reported that there is a strange space here, so today The elders of the clan sent us a few over to take a look."

"Oh, that's the way it is. Then you don't need to look at it. Come back to the family with me now. I will take care of the affairs here. I will tell Diwen about it." Said, Shengsi took the three of them A white light flashed, and in the next second, they had already appeared in a castle of the Koizumi family.

Since he didn't want people to find out here, Shengsi immediately left with the three of them.

After arriving at the castle, Shengsi said to the three people who hadn't recovered from the teleportation: "Okay, this mission is over, you go back."

After finishing speaking, Shengsi left without waiting for the three of them to say anything.

A few minutes later, Shengsi found Diwen in the central castle, who was discussing matters with the elder.Coincidentally, what they were discussing was exactly what happened to Itomori.

Seeing this, Shengsi interjected directly as soon as he entered the door: "Uncle Muramasa, Uncle Diwen, I made up the situation of the Shishou you are talking about."

"Eh? Shengsi, why are you here?" Because Shengsi came in and opened his mouth, Diwen only found out that Shengsi was here.

The Great Elder thought about it and said, "Shengsi, I went to see that place with Diwen yesterday, and that is the entrance to another world! Did you make it?"

Because the affairs of a world are of great importance, there is a hint of doubt in his tone.

Hearing this, Shengsi secretly said: Sure enough, the members of Koizumi's family knew about it.

On the way here just now, Shengsi was guessing that they should know about the strange Diwen on Shishou's side, and the few people sent just now probably just went to look around. Now it seems that they really are!
Thinking of this, Shengsi replied casually: "Yes, Uncle Muramasa, I discovered the space-time disorder there a few days ago, so I launched an investigation on it, until today, I found something, that It is the time-space disorder in this place that will disappear on its own after one month, and return to its original appearance."

"Eh? How did you know, Shengsi? Did you go in?" Diwen asked in surprise.

"No." Shengsi smiled and shook his head.

(End of this chapter)

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