Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 229 Searching...

Chapter 229 Search
There is a transparent barrier at Itomori. Diwen and Muramasa tried there for more than an hour yesterday. They found that no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't get into this barrier, and if you come to force it, you will be blocked Bounce hurts, so they give up after an hour of trying.

And now they heard Shengsi say that he knew that the barrier would dissipate by itself in a month. There is nothing wrong with this statement, but how did Shengsi know?This made Diwen and Muramasa suspicious.

"Since you didn't go in, how do you know that the barrier will disappear in a month?" Diwen asked suspiciously.

"Hmm." Hearing this, Shengsi smiled and said nothing, just looked at them quietly.

After a few seconds, Di Wen laughed, "It's me, Meng Lang, what are you going to do with Sheng Si?"

Diwen looked at Shengsi's smiling face, and he was stunned for a while before he realized that the things he asked touched Shengsi's deep secrets, and it was no wonder that Shengsi would tell him.

Seeing Diwen switch back and forth, the Great Elder beside him nodded thoughtfully.

Now Shengsi is the thigh of their Koizumi family, those who hold the thigh should be more sensible in the future, and can't treat Shengsi as a junior like before.

"My idea is to wait for a month, and we will go in after the barrier disappears. By then, we will know no matter what is inside." Shengsi replied with a smile.

Shengsi's current thinking is to delay for a month, no matter who he is, and wait until he enters that world again in a month, and there is no need to delay.

"Well, that's a good idea, but I'm afraid that other families will find out there during this month, so..." Diwen didn't finish his sentence, but Shengsi understood what he meant.

"Don't worry, I have set up a magic circle there. I will find out if there are people in time. Also, you should also send people to patrol nearby to reduce the risk of being discovered. Of course, if there is any irresistible force, I will personally Come forward." Diwen meant that he was afraid that others would find out about Itomori's strangeness and come over to share a piece of the pie, so now Shengsi put his words here to make him feel at ease.

Because the resources of a different space are terrifying, enough for a top magic family to be crazy about it. The reason why the William family is so strong is not because they discovered a small world decades ago and monopolized the resources in it, so There are only two magicians and dozens of great magicians in their family!
Moreover, according to rumors, the Esero family in Egypt also discovered a different space before, so people in the magic world guessed that the Esero family is not just a magician on the surface. It can be seen that the resources of a small world are How rich!

It is precisely because of this that now that Diwen sees a 'small world' close in front of him, he can't wait to go in and get the resources inside. At the same time, he is also afraid that the situation here will be discovered, which will attract the William family or Esero Family competition is not good, so Diwen is slightly impatient at this time.

But now after hearing Shengsi's words, Diwen calmed down a little. The scene of Shengsi killing the mage at the magician conference was still fresh in Diwen's memory, so now he heard Shengsi said that he would make a move. Diwen is not afraid of the William family or the Esero family coming to commit crimes.

As for the two families committing this kind of situation at the same time, Di Wen will not be worried at all. You know, the two families are fighting fiercely now. Di Wen believes that if the William family and the Esero family meet, they must have It was the first to fight.

"Then do as you said, Shengsi, we will send people to patrol every day." After hearing Shengsi's words, the elder nodded, agreeing with Shengsi's point of view.

"Thank you, Uncle Muramasa." Seiji smiled.

"You're welcome." Murata waved his hand, signaling that you're welcome, and then said, "That's right, Shengsi, what are you doing here today?"

Hearing this, Shengsi rubbed the back of his head, "It's nothing, it's just that the magic circle I set up detected people around, and it turned out to be someone from the Koizumi family, so I came here. Hehe."

Shengsi was slightly embarrassed when he said this, because his act of arranging the magic circle seemed to want to monopolize this 'small world', and Diwen and the others thought so too at this time.

However, they were really wrong. The purpose of the saints is to protect the world, not to monopolize it.
Of course, Shengsi will not bother to explain, and if he misunderstands, he will be misunderstood. Anyway, Shengsi will not lose a piece of meat.

With this mentality, Shengsi continued to say cheekily: "By the way, Uncle Diwen, I used up all the magic materials on my body when I set up the magic circle tonight, so..."

Hearing this, Diwen was slightly taken aback for a moment, then forced a smile and said: "It's okay, it's upstairs, take it as you like."

Shengsi is now the "little ancestor" of the Koizumi family, so even if Di Wen is heartbroken, he still has to put on a generous appearance on the surface.

"Thank you, Uncle Diwen!" After hearing Diwen's words, Shengsi thanked happily, and then went straight upstairs to search!Picking out magic materials.

Ten minutes later, Shengsi walked out of the castle amidst the 'happy' smiles of the elder and Diwen.

"Uncle Diwen, Uncle Muramasa, thank you very much, I am very satisfied, since I have finished what I should do today, then goodbye?" Shengsi looked at the two people with strange expressions at the door and said with some uncertainty.

Shengsi found that since he came down from the second floor, the faces of the two of them were a little weird, which made Shengsi very puzzled, is it uncomfortable?
"Hehe. Goodbye!" Looking at Shengsi's smiling face, Di Wen resisted the urge to slap Shengsi on the face.

Looking at Diwen's slightly distorted face, Shengsi suddenly understood why the two of them looked like this. They must be carrying too many things, so they were very angry.

Thinking of this, Shengsi hurriedly said: "Goodbye!"

After Shengsi finished speaking, a white light flashed and disappeared!
Seeing the space fluctuations left after Shengsi left, the Great Elder said with a dark face, "You little bastard! Your hands are really black! If you find a chance in the future, I will beat your ass in two!"

He scanned the second floor of the castle just now and found that the materials were at least one-fifth missing!You know, that is all the inventory of the entire Koizumi family, but Shengsi took a full one-fifth of it!This one-fifth can be enough for the entire Koizumi family's daily consumption for half a month!From this we can see how black Shengsi's hands are!
Seeing this, Diwen and Muramasa didn't know what to do to Shengsi, neither beating nor cursing, so they had to hold back.

There is no way, Shengsi, in the spirit of being prepared, accidentally 'shaked' and took too much.

(End of this chapter)

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