Chapter 230
After getting what he wanted, Seiji quickly left the Koizumi family.

A minute later, Shengsi lay down on his bed again, and began to think about today's experience.

Today, Shengsi has experienced a lot. It can be said that today is Shengsi's most exciting day!
During this day, Shengsi has been sad, happy, moved, and even more despairing. However, those bad things have passed, and Shengsi knows that he is very happy and satisfied now.

that's enough!

Also, just now Shengsi actually didn't know how much he took from the Koizumi family at all, he just took whatever he saw was missing, how could he accidentally take too much.

If you take too much, you can take too much. Anyway, Shengsi doesn't feel that he owes them anything. Shengsi knows that Diwen and the others have gained a lot of benefits by virtue of their relationship with him. Therefore, it is only natural for Shengsi to take something from them now. of.

Thinking of this, Shengsi smiled and fell asleep peacefully.

The next morning, Shengsi woke up early.

First, he went to Xiao Ai's place, and then Shengsi took Xiao Ai to Ayumi's house.

More than ten minutes later, the three of Shengsi were on their way to the Mihua Grand Theater.

Yesterday, when sending Ayumi and Xiao Ai home, Seiji suddenly remembered that he had promised Teacher Miyai to participate in the piano competition at [-]:[-] am on April [-]rd, and this week's Sunday is April [-]rd, so , he told Xiao Ai and Ayumi yesterday that he would pick them up today.

Now, the three of them are sitting in a breakfast shop eating breakfast, and at the same time, they are also discussing today's piano competition.

"Brother Shengsi, did you say Miyai-sensei has arrived?" Ayumi said while eating.

"It should be here. I remember a few days ago she said that she would wait for me at the entrance of the Grand Theater at eight o'clock, so I think it should be on its way to the Mihua Grand Theater now." Shengsi said with some uncertainty.

In fact, Shengsi almost forgot about this matter, and he just remembered it suddenly yesterday. In the past few days, Shengsi has not talked about this matter with Mr. Miyai, so he has no idea about it.

"Then let's eat quickly, it's already 07:30, if we eat too late, we might be late!" Ayumi said.

Hearing this, Shengsi nodded: "Okay, then let's eat quickly!"

At eight o'clock, Shengsi and the others arrived at the gate of the Mihua Grand Theater on time.

"Teacher Miyai, here I come!" Still far away, Shengsi shouted to Teacher Miyai at the door.

Hearing this, Mr. Miyai at the door immediately turned around and said with a smile, "Shengsi is here. I just started driving not too long ago. You are so punctual."

When Miyai-sensei said this, Seiji and the others happened to be walking towards her.

"Hello, Mr. Miyai." Seiji and Ayumi saluted slightly, while Xiao Ai beside him didn't speak, just smiled.

"Ayumi is here too, welcome? Who is this?" Miyai-sensei first smiled and nodded to Seiji and Ayumi, then looked at Xiao Ai, a new face, with a puzzled expression on his face.

Seeing this, Shengsi hurriedly said: "She is my cousin, her name is Hui Yuan Ai, she is a bit calm, Mr. Miyai, don't mind."

"Hehe, that's it. I don't mind." Mr. Miyai laughed a couple of times and then said tightly: "The competition is about to start, let's try the piano first."

"Hmm!" Shengsi had no objection to this.

So, a group of people walked towards the theater.

More than ten minutes later, Shengsi walked towards the three who were applauding non-stop with a smile on his face.

"It's amazing, it's amazing! Shengsi, as long as you show one-tenth of your piano skills, you will be the champion of this competition!" Seeing Shengsi walking towards them, Mr. Miyai applauded and said.

Her tone was full of praise, obviously she was very satisfied with Shengsi's audition.

"Brother Seiji is awesome! Don't you think so, Haihara-san?" Ayumi also praised excitedly, and as she spoke, she also asked Xiao Ai for her opinion.

Xiao Ai stopped clapping her hands after hearing Ayumi's words, nodded slightly and said, "Very powerful."

Xiao Ai is telling the truth, she has also learned the piano, in terms of technical level, Xiao Ai should be regarded as a master-level person, but now, Xiao Ai knows after hearing Shengsi's audition, that Sheng Si is better than her, at least he is a piano master, so Xiao Ai is really convinced by Sheng Si!
"Where is that, I still have to learn more." Hearing that everyone was praising him, Shengsi hurriedly said modestly.

"Shengsi, you don't need to be humble. I said before that your piano level is higher than mine. Now it seems that it is not 01:30, but several times!" Shengsi said Modesty, Mr. Miyai answered immediately.

After finishing speaking, before Seiji could speak, Mr. Miyai said again: "I see, as long as you perform well, Seiji, not to mention the champion of the preliminary round, I think the champion of the final is also in your pocket. "

Hearing this, Shengsi just laughed and didn't refute, because Shengsi found that what Mr. Miyai said was so reasonable, he was speechless!

"Champion! Champion!" After hearing Teacher Miyai's words, Ayumi shouted happily, as if the champion had already been won by Seiji.

At nine o'clock, the piano competition officially started. Because there are not many elementary schools and junior high schools in Mihua Town, there are not many contestants in this preliminary competition.

Soon after another contestant came to the stage and finished playing, Shengsi stepped onto the stage calmly and confidently.

"Come on! Big brother Seiji! Come on!" Ayumi waved her little hand in the audience with an excited look on her face.

Seeing this, Seiji smiled at Ayumi, and then started his piano performance with a serious face!

Shengsi is the kind of person who goes all out when he does something, so he, the moment he pressed the first key, he lost his mind.

As Shengsi pressed the first key, everyone in the venue was attracted by the sound made by Shengsi!
good!nice!Super nice!Super nice!Good to hear ears pregnant!This is the first impression Shengsi gave when he played the piano.

At this moment when Shengsi played the piano, there was no noise in the venue, and the wonderful sound of Shengsi was everywhere, and everyone was intoxicated by Shengsi's magic sound, unable to extricate themselves!
It's been a long time, the song is over.

After half a minute of silence in the venue, everyone burst into applause unanimously!At the same time, the five judges on the stage gave Shengsi full marks!

Because Shengsi's music is so beautiful, they feel sorry for this piece of music if they don't give full marks!
In response to this, Seiji raised the corners of his mouth slightly on the stage, and then walked towards Ayumi and the others amidst the shouts of the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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