Chapter 231 Paddle (The previous chapter was Chapter 231)
"Brother Shengsi, you are so amazing!" Seeing Shengsi walking towards her, Ayumi yelled and threw herself into Shengsi's arms.

"Ouch!" Seiji turned around in a circle after catching Ayumi.

"Shengsi, congratulations, you get full marks directly, this is an unprecedented score!" Mr. Miyai said excitedly, mainly because the result of getting full marks is really too rare, no, it's not rare, but never before Appeared!
So now, Mr. Miyai is extremely excited.

However, regarding Mr. Miyai's excitement, Seiji just said indifferently: "Mr. Miyai, I will wait for you on time at the gate of the Tokyo Grand Theater at [-] o'clock in the afternoon on April [-]th."

Mr. Miyai told Seiji just now that the time for the finals has already come out, which is three o'clock in the afternoon on April [-]th, so Seiji and Mr. Miyai agreed to meet at two o'clock that day.

After finishing speaking, Shengsi waved to Xiao Ai, and then the three of them walked towards the gate of the theater.

Seeing the three people leaving, Miyai-sensei blinked his big confused eyes with a dazed look on his face.

She really didn't understand why Shengsi had to leave, now that Shengsi has such good grades and is still so eye-catching.

Doesn't Seiji enjoy the feeling of being watched?Didn't he learn piano to be famous?Miyai-sensei couldn't understand or see through the behavior of Seiji leaving directly.

Not only Mr. Miyai couldn't understand, but everyone in the Mihua Grand Theater also looked puzzled when they saw Shengsi and the others leave.

why did you leave?How can such a genius go?

Thinking about it, someone chased Shengsi and the others, but they found strangely that no matter how they walked, they couldn't get close to Shengsi!

Outside the theater, Ayumi was praising Seiji.

"Brother Shengsi, you played really well just now." Ayumi was still immersed in the wonderful music just now, unable to extricate herself.

Hearing this, Sheng Si smiled: "If you like to listen to it, I can play it to you anytime in the future!"

"Really?!" There was a dazzling light in Ayumi's eyes!

"Is there any truth to my words?" Seiji asked while stroking Ayumi's head with a smile on his face.

After hearing this sentence, Ayumi jumped up excitedly, "Yeah! That's great! Brother Shengsi is amazing!"

While talking, Ayumi even kissed Shengsi directly on the face, which shows how excited Ayumi is.

In this way, on the way home, Ayumi was always in a state of excitement, grabbing Shengsi and asking this and that, which made Shengsi extremely depressed.

And Xiao Ai on the side acted as a qualified listener, just listening without saying a word.However, Xiao Ai watched Seiji and Ayumi chatting and laughing there, and an inexplicable light flashed in her eyes from time to time.

Soon, the three of them returned to Xiao Ai's house, because Shengsi left the theater after playing, so it was only after ten o'clock in the morning.

"What are you going to do next? Go out and play? Fight the Landlord? Or play with Conan and the others?" After arriving home, the three of them collapsed on the sofa and began to discuss what to play next.

For Shengsi's proposal, Xiao Ai was very disdainful in her heart, what are these, they are all children's tricks!What the hell is Shengsi going to do?

Also, when is Shengsi going to see his sister? Why hasn't there been any movement for so long? Do you want to wake up yourself?
But last night, there was something in the words that Shengsi said to himself. For a while, Xiao Ai sat on the sofa and thought deeply.

After hearing what Shengsi said, Ayumi said with great interest: "Why don't we go and play with Conan, and share the news that Shengsi brother won the championship by the way!"

"Uh" Seiji suddenly realized that he shouldn't have said that he was going to play with Conan. Ayumi's temperament is to share. Now I guess if I meet Conan, I will be praised by Ayumi. how can i be
Thinking of this, Shengsi planned to find an excuse to change the subject, but before Shengsi could say anything, Ayumi said excitedly: "Brother Shengsi, let's go to Conan, I think, sister Xiaolan and Conan I will be very happy to hear the news of your victory."

Seeing Ayumi's excited look, Seiji thought for a while but still didn't say the dissuading words in his mouth.

"Okay, but let's go in the afternoon, how about we play video games in the morning?" Seiji thought of a way to get Ayumi to give up going to Conan without dissuading her.

This method is very simple, is to delay time and divert attention.

Seiji believed that if she played video games with Ayumi for a while, and then had lunch or something, Ayumi would probably forget about it.

"Okay! Okay! Video games are great too! Then let's go to Conan's place in the afternoon." Hearing that there are video games to play, Ayumi seemed very happy, and directly postponed the matter of going to Conan's place .

"Haihara-san, come along too, video games are fun!" Ayumi invited Xiao Ai.

"No need, you guys go ahead and play, I'll watch TV." Xiao Ai stared at the TV that had just been turned on, without turning her head.

"Well, alright, Brother Shengsi, let's go play video games!" After saying that, Ayumi dragged Shengsi upstairs.

So Seiji and Ayumi played video games until noon.

Half an hour after playing video games, the three of them were sitting on the sofa to rest after eating. At this moment, seeing Ayumi concentrated on watching TV, Seiji thought she had forgotten about going to Conan's place in the afternoon .

However... not at all!A few minutes later, during a commercial break, Ayumi suddenly turned her head to look at Shengsi: "Brother Shengsi! We said in the morning that we would go to Conan's place in the afternoon, and it is already afternoon, let's go!"

Saying that, Ayumi looked like she was going to leave immediately.

Seeing this, Shengsi closed his eyes helplessly, "Oh! NO!"

Ten minutes later, the three of Seiji appeared downstairs in the Mori Detective Agency.

There is no way, Ayumi's request is very strong, so Seiji and the others came.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" After a while, the three of them went upstairs and knocked on the door of Uncle Mao Li's house.

However, 1 minute passed, but no one came to open the door.

"Ah! There is no one in Uncle Maori's house! It's really sad." Seeing this, Shengsi said with a sad face.

On the surface, Shengsi is very sad, but inside he is so happy!Conan and the others are not here!No one will share Ayumi now, which is really great!

"Yeah, I wanted to share the good news of Brother Shengsi with Conan, but I didn't expect them to be away. It's such a pity." Ayumi said a little unhappy.

Seeing this, Shengsi quickly comforted: "It's okay, let's go home and play video games, or go out to play?"

However, just when Shengsi was delighted to be able to go home, three figures suddenly came downstairs
(End of this chapter)

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