Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 232 Phantom Thief Kidd!

Chapter 232 Phantom Thief Kidd!

Looking at the three people not far away, Shengsi's whole body is not well, it's really damn Murphy's law!Whatever you don't want to do!
Obviously, the last thing Seiji wanted was to meet Conan and the others, but he still did!

Shengsi was so angry that he didn't come sooner or later, but he had to come when he thought he could go back, which made Shengsi very uncomfortable.

This is the same as when I was in school, the teacher said there was no homework today, but after a while, he assigned another homework because of some things. This is very blue and thin, very mushroom!

"Eh? Seiji, Ayumi, Haibara, why are you here?" Looking at the three people standing at the door of her house, Xiaolan walked over with a puzzled expression.

It was said that Shengsi was about to speak, but Ayumi jumped ahead, "Sister Xiaolan, we are here to play, and by the way, let me share that Brother Shengsi won No.1 in the competition!"

"What competition? What No.1?" Xiaolan looked at Ayumi suspiciously.

"It's at the Mihua Grand Theater. There's a piano competition there today. Brother Shengsi won No.1 just now!" Seeing Xiaolan's confusion, Ayumi quickly explained.

"Is that the Tokyo Children's Piano Competition?" Hearing this, Xiaolan said as if she remembered something.

Teacher Miyai said that today there will be a competition in the Mihua Grand Theater, and students who have time in the class can watch it, but today she has something to do with Uncle Mao Li, so she didn't go.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! That's it, brother Seiji is No.1!" Seeing that Xiaolan knew about this competition, Ayumi spoke even more vigorously.

"You are amazing! Shengsi!" After figuring out what was going on, Xiaolan praised Shengsi.

In fact, Xiaolan has long known that Shengsi plays the piano very well. After all, she has heard Shengsi play the piano before, and it sounds very comfortable. However, Xiaolan is not very clear about Shengsi's piano skills. Knowing that Mr. Miyai admits that he is not as good as Seiji, now that Ayumi said that Seiji won the No.1 competition, it seems that Seiji's piano level should be very high.

If Shengsi knew what Xiaolan was thinking in his heart, he would probably be very depressed. The piano level of a world master can only be highly evaluated in Xiaolan's heart. Regarding this, Shengsi really didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Not to mention what Shengsi thinks, Conan watching Xiaolan praise Shengsi there, slightly jealous, only to see him curl his lips in disdain and say: "No.1? I guess it's luck."

Seeing Xiaolan praising him, Shengsi immediately wanted to say something modest, but before he could say anything, Conan despised him.

Conan's contemptuous and disdainful eyes successfully angered Seiji!

Therefore, Shengsi smiled and said: "Sister Xiaolan, I heard that there used to be a high school student detective named Kudo Shinichi. Every time he solved a case, he didn't rely on his strength, but luck!"

After saying this, Seiji stared straight at Conan with a provocative expression.

The moment Conan heard this, his face changed. However, he quickly realized that Shengsi was taking revenge on himself for looking down on him just now. Seeing this, he also stared at Shengsi with a depressed expression. say
And Xiaolan was taken aback when she heard the words, then looked at Conan and laughed: "This. Yes! That's right! Hahaha."

Conan was actually told by Shengsi, I believe he must be very angry, but he couldn't express it, hahaha, it's interesting to think about it.

Uncle Mori originally planned to talk about Seiji winning No.1, but he didn't expect the topic to suddenly turn to Shinichi, so he laughed and said, "That's right! Seiji is right, That kid Shinichi is just a big talker and lucky guy! Not half as reliable as my famous detective Mori Kogoro, eh! Hahahaha"

After talking about it, Uncle Mao Li laughed maniacally.

All of the above are the reactions of Conan and the others, but on Seiji's side, Ayumi has been in a state of confusion. She doesn't know why Uncle Mori is laughing, nor why Sister Xiaolan is laughing.

As for Xiao Ai, she first looked at Conan, then at Shengsi, and finally she covered her mouth and started laughing.

"Uncle Mori is right! That Kudo Shinichi looks like a showman at first glance! He must not be as good as you!" Seeing Uncle Mori talking about Conan, Seiji quickly echoed.

"Haha.. That's right, Seiji, you are so right! Haha" Uncle Maori laughed even more when he heard this.

Conan's face turned even darker.
"Okay, stop talking, we've been standing for so long, let's all go in." Xiaolan opened the door while talking. Although it's interesting to tease Xinyi all the time, Xiaolan won't do too much, as long as she is happy That's good, so she immediately diverted everyone's attention.

Seeing this, Uncle Mao Li stopped his insolent laughter and walked into the room with everyone.

In the living room, on the sofa, a group of people sat facing each other.

"What?! Phantom Thief Kid!" After hearing Conan's words, Seiji said in surprise.

After entering the room just now, Shengsi asked Conan what they were doing. At this time, Shengsi thought that they were just going out to play.

However, unexpectedly, Conan told him that a strange thief named '1412' sent a letter to Yuanzi's father this morning. , when the jewelry exhibition was held at the Mihua Museum, she went to take away the "dark star" that Yuanzi's father put on the exhibition, and Yuanzi told Xiaolan all this information.

And Yuanzi invited Uncle Maori to go to the Rice Flower Museum for an investigation, and just now, Conan and the others were invited by Yuanzi to observe and observe the Rice Flower Museum.

After listening to Conan's words, Seiji was taken aback, 1412!What the hell?That guy Kaito came out?Because 1412 is written as KID in Japanese, translated as 'Kid', so the Kaitou '1412' is Kaitou Kidd.

As for Kaito who Kaido Kidd is, the saint knows, it's Ekoda's Kuroba Kaito!
Because of knowing this information, Seiji was so surprised when he heard Conan say 1412.

"Phantom Thief Kidd? Which one is it?" After hearing Shengsi's cry, Conan asked with a puzzled face, he couldn't understand what Shengsi was saying at all.

"It's nothing, I just called it casually, you continue to talk." Seiji remembered that it was only the first time Conan had heard the name 1412, and Dr. Ari hadn't told him that there was another Phantom Thief '1412'. The name, that is the artist among thieves, the thief of the century who has been passed down for a century - Kaitou Kidd!

PS: I have been driving all day today, and I only have time to code words in the evening. I just finished coding a chapter, and the next chapter will be posted later.

(End of this chapter)

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