Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 233 I won't tell you

Chapter 233 I won't tell you

In fact, Shengsi has watched this episode, and he roughly remembers the plot.

The content is that Conan deciphered the content of this letter. The letter said that Kaito Kidd, that is, the pretentious king of Kuroba Kaito, will appear at 12:30 tonight, which is 12:30 tomorrow morning On the roof of the Kubado City Hotel Building.

Moreover, this information is not only known to Conan, even the Tokyo Police Department has also discovered this secret.

Seiji knew that tonight, the police would set up an ambush at the Kubado City Hotel Building, but in the end, Kidd escaped calmly surrounded by Conan and the police.

At that moment, Conan felt a sense of powerlessness for the first time, and from that day on, the love-hate relationship between Conan and Kidd began.

Of course, Conan didn't know what was going on in Shengsi's mind at all, so he continued: "Just now, Uncle Maoli and Sister Xiaolan were invited by Yuanzi to go to the Mihua Museum, because the exhibition will be held at night. It's about to start, so we came back to think about countermeasures, but I have already thought of some clues based on that letter, but there are still many things I don't know, Seiji, please take a look."

Saying that, Conan took out the letter from his pocket and handed it to Seiji.

Seeing this, Shengsi took the letter and read it on the spot, "April, four, when the moon separates the two of you, I will hear the name of the star in the dark night and follow the wave's invitation to collect it!"

"How about it, Shengsi, what do you think?" Seeing Shengsi finished reading the letter, Conan asked quickly.

I don't know when, Conan gradually began to look forward to Shengsi's opinion. For example, now, Conan really hopes that Shengsi can give him some hints, so that he can quickly decipher the letter.

However, regarding Conan's enthusiasm, Seiji smiled and shook his head directly: "Me? I don't have any opinion!"

In fact, Shengsi knew everything, but he just didn't say anything.

There are two reasons why Shengsi didn't say it. One is that he wants to see Conan suffer in the game with Kidd, and the other is that he still wants to see Conan suffer.

Hmm. Hahaha. I have to say that Seiji’s idea is very evil, but it’s really cool to see Conan helpless to Kidd, so it’s a wise choice not to tell Conan!
"Uh..." Hearing Shengsi's straightforward answer, Conan couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and he could tell right away that Shengsi was clearly not telling him.
In this regard, Conan has nothing to do, Shengsi just doesn't tell him, what can he do, is it to force Shengsi?
Of course not!So. I have to rely on my own efforts.

"In my opinion, this letter means that the thief 1412 will steal the 'Dark Star' tomorrow when Miss Yoko is holding a concert." At this time, Uncle Mao Li said in a thoughtful tone.

Although Uncle Mao Li looked very serious, everyone felt a strong sense of 'unreliable'.

"Dad, this is simply impossible, okay?! How could a thief choose such a time?!" Xiaolan said helplessly, Uncle Maori was so poisoned by Miss Yoko that she even relied on Yoko for her reasoning. The lady thought, is that enough?

"How is it impossible? I think it is very possible!" Uncle Mao Li retorted immediately after hearing the words.

"I don't think it's possible! Because"

In this way, everyone started discussing this topic. Half an hour later, Ayumi said to Shengsi with sleepy eyes and a low voice: "Brother Shengsi, when are we leaving? I want to sleep."

Seeing this, Shengsi immediately stood up and said, "Uncle Mao Li, sister Xiao Lan, we're leaving first, you can talk slowly."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for their answer, Shengsi took Ayumi and Xiaoai and walked out.

"Go slowly!" Uncle Mao Li didn't hold back, he was thinking about things and had no time to take care of them.

The same is true for Conan, Seiji has been silent just now, which made Conan very uncomfortable, so he has been thinking about the answer.

"Goodbye!" Only Xiaolan sent Shengsi and the others to the door.

"Goodbye, sister Xiaolan!" Ayumi waved her hand to Xiaolan, and then followed Shengsi towards home.

Soon, the three of them returned to Xiao Ai's house. After arriving home, Ayumi went to bed directly to sleep, while Xiao Ai watched the news on the sofa, and finally Shengsi, he sat on the sofa and watched magic Book.

In this way, the afternoon passed quickly.

After eating the nutritious dinner made by Shengsi, Ayumi went home, and Shengsi returned home after sending Ayumi home.

Xiao Xi said that she wanted to ask Shengsi a lot of questions about magic, so Shengsi wanted to answer her.

Also, this afternoon, Ms. Yami called Shengsi. She asked Shengsi about Xiao Ai, but Shengsi prevaricated her.

Shengsi's idea is to wait for a while, and when Shengsi is sure that Xiao Ai will not run away with her sister, Shengsi will let the two of them meet.

The time to answer magic questions for Xiao Xi always passed quickly, and when Shengsi finished answering the last question for Xiao Xi, it was already eleven o'clock in the evening.

"Xiao Si, thank you so much, you are tired too, go to sleep." Xiao Xi said to the slightly tired Sheng Si.

"I'm not tired, sister, do you understand all these magics?" Wen Yan Shengsi smiled slightly.

The so-called explanation of magic for Xiao Xi is actually more than just talking about it. Shengsi also demonstrated magic for Xiao Xi while talking, and Sheng Si was afraid that Xiao Xi would not understand. He has always used a magic of the soul To strengthen Xiao Xi's comprehension.

Because the magic of the soul can hurt others if you are not careful, Shengsi has been controlling this magic with [-]% of his mind to prevent it from hurting Xiao Xi.

It was precisely because of this that Shengsi seemed a little tired after three hours of solving puzzles, but this was nothing, as Shengsi let the magic power flow through his body a few times to dispel the fatigue.

"En! I understand everything!" Xiao Xi nodded reassuringly as she saw Shengsi whose complexion gradually turned rosy.

"Then go to sleep, don't think about magic, it will be better if you think about it tomorrow morning." Shengsi told Xiao Xi.

He said this to let Xiao Xi go to bed early and not delay her sleep. Xiao Xi has not yet reached the realm of a great magician, and if she sleeps late, it will affect tomorrow's meditation.

"En!" Xiao Xi nodded again, with a happy face.

Sometimes, Xiao Xi always feels that Shengsi is like a caring big brother, making her heart warm. For example, now, Shengsi is carefully telling herself to go to bed early, which really touched her.

(End of this chapter)

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