Chapter 234

After leaving Xiao Xi's bedroom, Shengsi washed up and lay down on the bed, waiting for the clock to tick.

It was only 11:30, and there was still an hour before Kidd's appearance. During this hour, Sheng Si meditated on the bed in order not to be bored.

Meditation time always passed quickly, and when Shengsi opened his eyes again, it was already 25:[-].

Looking at the wall clock on the wall, Seiji smiled slightly, and the next second, a white light flashed in the room, and Seiji's person had appeared 500 meters above the Kubado City Hotel building.

At this time, a gust of cool wind blew by, and Shengsi shivered coldly. It was only the beginning of April, and the night was still very cold, and Shengsi was now in the high altitude again, and the temperature was even lower.

However, the cold only chilled Shengsi for a while, and he saw that Shengsi's magic power enveloped his whole body, and he became warm all of a sudden.

After adapting to the environment here, Shengsi looked down from the sky.

With Shengsi's perverted eyesight, he clearly saw the small figure on the roof of the Cupido Hotel - Conan.

I saw Conan squatting on the edge of the roof at this time, holding a big brother in his left hand, who was talking to someone, and his right hand was holding a lighter, which seemed to be to light him on the building. That little firework on top.

In addition, Shengsi also found that not far away in the sky, a white figure was riding the wind towards the roof of this building in a hang gliding suit. .
Shengsi knew that this figure was Kaitou Kidd!That is Kuroba Kaito!

After more than ten seconds, Kidd landed on a small room on the roof.

The moment he fell, his hang gliding suit instantly softened and turned into a cloak attached behind him. Under the evening wind, Kidd stood on the roof of the building with his white clothes fluttering. It was so cool!

However, from Shengsi's point of view, all of this is just pretending!
At this moment, Shengsi had an idea, that is to kick Kidd away, and then stand up to scare Conan.
However, an idea is just an idea. Although Shengsi had such a bad taste in his heart, he still resisted this urge.

In fact, he remembered that Kidd escaped from the police and Conan's siege, and the speed was very strange, and the method was also very strange. He just threw a flash bomb, and then he disappeared. The time before and after was only a second, but in this In a second, a big living person disappeared!

Shengsi was very curious about this, so his main task today was to find out how Kidd left.

Thinking of this, Shengsi continued to watch.

When Kidd fell, Conan also noticed the movement behind him, and saw that Conan quickly put away the big brother, then turned around, stared at Kidd and observed carefully.

After watching Conan turn around, Kidd immediately jumped off the small roof and walked towards Conan.

Wearing a white cloak and a white top hat, he walked without any unnecessary movements. Although his face could not be seen clearly under the reflection of monocular eyes and backlight, he was very young, probably in his 20s or younger!

The above is Conan's first impression of Kidd.

As for Kidd, he was taken aback when he saw Conan on the roof. Isn't this the Conan he met at the wedding last time?Why is he here?Did it happen to come over to play?For a moment, Kidd was a little puzzled.

However, although Kidd was puzzled in his heart, he didn't show it. After all, he was meeting Conan as Kidd now, so he couldn't leave a flaw.

So, after Kidd approached Conan, he immediately smiled and said, "Little friend, what are you doing here?"

However, Conan heard that the bird didn't bother him, but turned his back on himself, squatted down, and then picked up the lighter in his hand and lit the fireworks he had put on the ground before.

After doing this, Conan turned back to Kidd again, his eyes reflected the moonlight, and said with a relaxed face, "I'm setting off fireworks."

When Conan said this, the fireworks he just released exploded in the air. At this moment, Conan's smiling face matched the fireworks exploding in the distance, so handsome!
Following the explosion, the policemen who had been ambushing nearby were immediately startled, and there were a lot of discussions there, asking what happened to Conan.

As for the helicopters patrolling in the air, they have already discovered the abnormality here, and are reporting the situation here to the police on the ground. It seems that they will come over soon.

Seeing this, Conan pointed to the helicopter flying in the distance and shouted: "Brother, look, there is a helicopter there! They seem to have noticed it!"

Conan looked very relaxed when he spoke. In his cognition, Kidd, the phantom thief, would be caught soon, so what was going on in his mind at this time was: What kind of thief of the century!Dr. Ali is too exaggerated, so easy to be caught by me, really too weak, okay? !

Just when Conan was secretly happy, Kidd said faintly, "Little friend, you don't look like an ordinary child."

Hearing this, Conan turned his head to the side, and said with a pretentious face: "My name is Edogawa Conan! I'm a detective!"

"Oh?!" Kidd smiled slightly, without any tension on his face.

However, Conan, who was in a state of excitement at this time, didn't notice this detail at all. He said with a relaxed face: "Mr. Kaitou Kidd, are you still here? If you don't run away quickly, the helicopter will be gone soon." It will come!"

When he said this, Conan turned his hands behind his back and touched the anesthesia watch on his wrist. His idea was very simple, that is, to shoot the anesthesia needle when Kidd turned his back to him!

I have to say that Conan's idea is very good, but Kidd doesn't follow Conan's idea at all!
Kidd took a look at the helicopter in the distance and then took out a walkie-talkie from his pocket. Yes, that's right, it was a walkie-talkie.

Under Conan's puzzled and surprised eyes, Kidd coughed first, and then suddenly, a strong male voice came out of Kidd's mouth the next second!

"I'm Police Officer Teaki. I found Kaito Kidd on the roof of the Kubado City Hotel! All patrol vehicles currently patrolling Mihua and Kubado, as well as the helicopters patrolling over Mihua, pay attention! Now move towards me immediately Gather at the places you mentioned! Catch Kaito Kid!"

what? !Imitate other people's voice directly!This is really amazing!At this moment, Conan's face suddenly became serious!
He found that Kaitou Kidd was not as simple as he thought, and he needed to go all out!

(End of this chapter)

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