Chapter 23
The next morning, Seiji and Ayumi came to the door of the classroom holding hands.

Recalling the inexplicable smile of his parents when Shengsi woke up this morning, Shengsi felt a little flustered
It's the same as usual in the morning, why do my parents look at me differently, is there something bad going to happen?
Shengsi shook his head, how is it possible, he is a superpower, who would dare to hurt them with his protection?
Seiji came back to his senses, and walked into the classroom holding Ayumi's little hand.

Hey, why does Conan look like he didn't sleep well?Seiji noticed Conan's anomaly as soon as he entered the classroom.

"Conan, why do you look like you haven't woken up?" After sitting on the seat, Ayumi turned around and asked.

"It's not sister Xiaolan. I don't know what happened yesterday. She dragged me to talk about brother Xinyi all night, and asked some strange questions." Conan said weakly.

Seeing this, the corners of Shengsi's mouth turned up slightly. It seems that Xiaolan didn't tell the secret. Looking at it now, Xiaolan should not be sad about the washing machine anymore.

After a few people chatted for a while, the class bell rang.

Seiji and Ayumi talked and told stories in class, and the time passed quickly.

On the way to school.

A group of people walked side by side, probably because of the children, it didn't look crowded.

"Let's go to the Tokyo Art Museum this weekend. I heard that there will be a World Treasure Exhibition on the weekend!" Mitsuhiko said loudly to everyone.

"World Secret Treasure Exhibition, I really want to hear my dad say, there are many interesting things there. And I remember that there is a great restaurant near the Tokyo Art Museum, and the eel rice there is delicious ~ so. I Agreed!" Yuan Tai responded.

"There must be many beautiful gems there, brother Shengsi will go with us too!" Ayumi said to Shengsi expectantly. "Well, I'll go."

Conan rolled his dead fish eyes, a group of little devils, they just know how to play, let's go back and catch up on sleep first, Ayumi and Seiji have been talking in class, it's really noisy, and I can't sleep well.

Just when Conan was thinking about how to sleep later, Seiji suddenly changed the topic to him, "It will definitely be interesting if Conan goes."

"Really? The Secret Treasure Exhibition is very interesting, Conan, do you want to go too?" Guangyan asked Conan after hearing the words, and the eyes of several people also focused on Conan.

"The art museum is nothing more than some pictures, it's really boring!" Conan arrogantly refused.

"Conan, you will go!" Ayumi, Mitsuhiko, and Genta said gloomily around Conan, looking at this posture, it looks like if you don't go, you are courting death.

Seeing this, the corners of Conan's mouth twitched, so he had no choice but to agree: "Okay. I'll go." Well, it's another boring weekend, but I don't seem to have been to that World Secret Treasure Exhibition. Go get acquainted.

When Seiji returned home, he couldn't laugh or cry when he saw the pictures of Mount Fuji all over the room.

Walking to his bedroom, Shengsi saw his mother who was nailing a photo frame to the wall.

At this time, the door of the house was suddenly opened, Shengsi looked back, I took a big stick, and saw that my father was holding a big bag of pictures of Mount Fuji in his hand, Shengsi didn't know what to say when he saw this.

"Jun Ye, come here quickly, the frames in Xiao Si's room are all installed, the only thing missing is your picture. Picture." Mom hammered the picture frame and shouted at Dad, saying that she just turned her head and saw the frame at the end. Shengsi at the door spoke unnaturally.

Mom froze for a moment, then smiled and said, "Xiao Si, what do you think? Do you like it? I originally planned to surprise you, but now you find out that there is nothing I can do about it."

At this time, Dad also came over, "Xiao Si, we put pictures of Mount Fuji on the house, do you think the mountain god will protect you even more?"

Shengsi miscalculated how superstitious his parents were about mountain gods. He didn't expect to be so crazy, can he still have fun playing?

"Master Mountain God won't like you like this, you just need to be the same as before, so..." Shengsi moved his thoughts, and all the pictures of Mount Fuji on the wall in the whole room were quietly gathered together, and finally Shengsi pressed it into a small ball with his thoughts, and threw it lightly, and the ball went into the trash can.

"So, mom and dad, don't worry about it anymore, your son Shengsi will take good care of himself! Just rest assured!" Shengsi raised his chest and smiled.

Parents have long been shocked by Shengsi's 'divine power'.

Seeing his parents stunned in place, Seiji yelled: "Mom, I'm hungry, go cook, and this weekend, I have an appointment with Ayumi and the others to go to the Tokyo Art Museum to see the secret treasures of the world." exhibition."

"Oh" my mother was in a daze, she hadn't reacted yet, the scene of Shengsi kneading the picture into a ball with her mind power was all in her mind, the power of the mountain god is really powerful, Shengsi will be safe in the future, no Let us worry.

Dad came back to his senses and said solemnly: "Xiao Si, you have to remember that the divine power given to you by the Mountain God is to punish evil and promote good. You are not allowed to use him to fight or bully others."

In the end, my mother's meal was almost done before my father finished talking. I didn't expect my father to say that, and I never noticed it before.

Shengsi felt a little dizzy after a lot of truth, "Well, dad, I remember!"

During the meal, my mother also said to Shengsi, it's impossible not to say, the "divine power" given by the "mountain god" is too strong, I can't let Shengsi use it to do bad things!
Shengsi also knew that his parents were thinking of him, so he didn't feel impatient. Although these words were all nonsense to him, he still listened to every sentence seriously. This is for people and parents Minimum respect!
After eating, Shengsi went to the base and started his training.

Shengsi knows the truth that if you don't practice martial arts for a day, you will retire for a year. Although this sentence is a bit exaggerated, but always maintain your peak level. This is the basic quality of a killer. Although Shengsi no longer intends to be a killer, because the holy The company transferred enough money, but the necessary training is still indispensable.

Because Shengsi always has a faint sense of crisis. Although I don't know where this sense of crisis arises, it is always right to train yourself to keep getting stronger!
On the training ground.

Shengsi was sweating hard, and he punched with all his strength, "Bang!." The target of the boxing practice burst apart in the punch that Shengsi blessed with a small amount of thought power.In the next moment, Shengsi was already practicing with another target.

After the training, Shengsi soaked comfortably in the medicated bath and enjoyed it.

In the process of soaking in the medicine bath, Shengsi's body was rapidly absorbing the power of the medicine, his fatigue was quickly relieved, and his physical strength was also recovering quickly.

He feels that after these days of training, his strength is now equivalent to that of one and a half adults. In his previous life, his peak strength was three adults!Now Shengsi already has half of the power of the peak period in the previous life. You must know that Shengsi is only six years old now. Although it will become more and more difficult to increase the strength in the future, Shengsi is confident that his strength will far exceed his previous life!
An hour later, Shengsi left the base with a ruddy complexion.

PS: Please recommend!Ask for collection!

(End of this chapter)

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