Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 24 World Secret Treasure Exhibition

Chapter 24 World Secret Treasure Exhibition

After returning home, Shengsi couldn't wait to shout: "Mom and Dad, hurry up and take a bath. This is a medicine given by the mountain god. Taking a bath can strengthen your body and relieve fatigue. I just took a bath It is said to be the medicine of the mountain god, but it is actually the medicated bath that Shengsi took just now. In the past, Shengsi could only secretly add a little when they took a bath, but now he can let them use this medicinal bath openly. Shengsi is also very happy .

When the parents heard that it was the medicine given by the mountain god, they quickly took it and happily took a bath.While using it, he said thank you, Lord Mountain God, for the reward. Shengsi was really speechless about these two things.

Walking into the living room, I saw a discipline film about Mount Fuji was being broadcast on TV, and there was an open book about the ghosts of Mount Fuji on the coffee table.

Shengsi is even more speechless now, these two guys are definitely poisoned by Lord 'Mountain God', and they are still the ones who have no solution!

After tidying up briefly, Seiji said goodnight to his parents who were taking a bath and went to bed.


At the gate of the Tokyo Art Museum, a group of children were discussing something lively.

This group of children is of course the same as Shengsi, but Conan is not among them.

Shengsi was also puzzled, why hasn't Conan come yet?It's already passed the agreed time, yes, the group of them are standing at the door and not going in because they are waiting for Conan.

"Really, this kid Conan actually asked us to wait for him." Yuan Tai had a fierce look on his face, as if he wanted to beat Conan violently.

"We agreed to meet here at nine o'clock, and now it's one minute past nine, and Conan is one minute late!" Ayumi also shook her little fist.

The corner of Shengsi's mouth twitched when he heard the words, and it was like this if he was 1 minute late, but if he was 2 minutes late, he couldn't eat Conan raw?He really doesn't understand the children's world, "Everyone be a little patient, maybe Conan will come later."

"It's Conan! And Sister Xiaolan!" Before Seiji appeared, Ayumi and the others suddenly pointed behind him and shouted.

Shengsi looked back and saw Xiaolan running towards them, leading Conan.

"Sorry, I'm late!" Conan ran over and apologized panting.

"It's all me, I'm late because I'm here too, so I'm very sorry!" Xiaolan also apologized, and then bowed to Shengsi, "There is also Shengsi, thank you!"

Seiji knew that Ran was thanking him for telling her the secret that Conan was Shinichi, but Conan didn't know why Ran wanted to thank Seiji.

"Sister Xiaolan, why do you want to thank him all of a sudden?" Conan asked suspiciously.Conan guessed from Xiaolan's abnormal behavior in the past few days that she already knew his identity. After talking to Xiaolan a few times, Conan felt that the possibility of Xiaolan already knowing his identity was much higher, but how did she know? ?Looking at it now, it is very likely that it is because of Shengsi!
"That... because... because" Xiaolan didn't know what to say when she was asked this question.

At this time, Shengsi spoke quickly, and at the same time winked quietly at Xiaolan, "Because I taught sister Xiaolan how to play the piano!"

"That's right, Shengsi taught me how to play the piano last time, so I want to thank him." Xiaolan quickly reacted to Shengsi's gesture.

Conan heard the words and recalled: The last time Shengsi said that he was going to sign up for some piano competition, could it be that time?It seems.
"Okay! The Secret Treasure Exhibition has already started, let's go in quickly!" Yuan Tai's loud shout interrupted Conan's thinking. Yuan Tai couldn't wait a little longer, and now he is still talking here, this is not a waste of time what?
"Let's go! Let's see the gems!" Ayumi pulled her brother Shengsi and rushed inside.Yuantai and Mitsuhiko also ran in.

"Conan, let's go too." Xiaolan stretched out her hand towards Conan.

"En." No matter so much, let's learn more first, Conan thought.

Walking into the art museum, I found that there are police patrolling everywhere. Also, such an important exhibition is full of precious objects, so it is normal to be on guard like this!

"Wow, Brother Shengsi, look, what a beautiful stone!" Ayumi shouted looking at a stone not far away.

A group of people walked slowly towards the stone.

Mitsuhiko and Genta recently discovered that Ayumi is always clinging to Seiji, but they can't help it, Seiji is too good, so they can only add it themselves, allowing Ayumi's attention to shift to them!

After everyone approached, Shengsi found that it was a very beautiful piece of jade, about the size of a fist, and it should be made of glass in terms of quality. Emerald green light is emitted from the bottom, which is very beautiful!

"The name of this stone is 'Emerald Love'. It was a gift from a prince in England to his wife more than 400 years ago. It symbolizes love. There is also a love story of the prince written on it." Xiaolan said because of her height , so first read the introduction next to the stone.

"Sister Xiaolan, I want to hear a story."

"I also want"

As a child, I am always curious about the story, so Xiaolan looked at the introduction seriously and read the story out, her tone full of anticipation, "Once upon a time, there was a prince whose name was Ward Tian Shuai De No show or no show, he fell in love with a princess from a neighboring country, and they fell in love, and finally lived a happy life! Well, the story is over, let's go to the next treasure."

Looking at the people who listened with gusto and thought it was reasonable, Shengsi felt that the world view had been subverted. This is also called a story. The point is that this story doesn’t feel right no matter how you look at it!Why does the prince's name always feel wrong there?And this story, are you sure that's all there is to it?
"Brother Shengsi, let's go, they are all gone, let's go and see the treasure over there!" Ayumi watched everyone go away and pulled Shengsi who was still in a daze.

Seiji came back to his senses and Ayumi followed.

Shengsi, who was thinking about something, came to the treasure that everyone wanted to see first. Well, the story is normal, and the introduction is also normal. It seems that what happened just now should be a coincidence.

"Shengsi, why are you running so fast? If you can't find it, wow! What a beautiful crown!" Xiaolan was attracted by the beautiful crown halfway through talking to Shengsi.

Conan and Ayumi who came in from behind were also amazed when they saw the crown.

After reading the introduction, Xiaolan introduced it to everyone: "This crown is called the 'Sage's Crown'. It is a crown made of gold and precious stones by craftsmen when Philips III succeeded to the throne. It has a history of more than 300 years. , the introduction also wrote the story of the craftsmen building the crown."

Looking at the eyes of the group looking forward to the story, Xiaolan smiled and continued: "Once upon a time, there was a craftsman named Piro Oss. He was the most powerful craftsman at that time! So he was called into the palace."

In this way, everyone visited many treasures, and the time soon reached noon.

"I'm hungry, let's go eat!" Mrs. Yuan suggested loudly.

Everyone was hungry, so Yuantai's proposal was approved.

"Okay, then everyone go out! Remember to stay close to me, don't get lost." Xiaolan told everyone.There are a lot of people in the art gallery, and you may get lost if you are not careful, so you have to stay close together.

(End of this chapter)

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