Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 25 Before the Treasure Hunt

Chapter 25 Before the Treasure Hunt
It was already 3 minutes after everyone walked to the entrance of the art gallery.

"There are a lot of people inside, it took so long to come out, okay, let's go to eat. I'll treat you today!" Shengsi waved his hand, looking like a local tyrant, in fact Shengsi is really a local tyrant!After he was five years old, he took on more than a dozen missions with the code name Death, and the commission for each mission was at least 300 million US dollars, and even as high as 1500 million US dollars!Now Shengsi's total assets are more than 1 million US dollars!Now money is just a number to Shengsi.

The 1000 million US dollars that Shengsi gave Xiaolan last time was just a trivial matter. Looking at Xiaolan's appearance now, he probably never used that card at all.If it is used, according to Xiaolan's temperament, if she finds so much money in it, she will definitely come to Shengsi and return it to him.

"Oh yeah!" Everyone cheered when they heard that Shengsi wanted to treat guests.

After the cheers, Xiaolan said to everyone: "Why don't I invite everyone, just because I and Conan are late"

At this time, Shengsi pulled Xiaolan's hand with a look of 'I'm a local tyrant', "Sister Xiaolan, stop talking, from now on! Come out with me and stop worrying about money!" Then Shengsi Looking around the crowd, "Now you all remember me one by one, I am rich, very rich! My money! Spend it as you like!"

Everyone was dumbfounded for a few seconds.

"I want to eat a lot of Chinese food and eel rice!" This is Yuantai.

"I want to travel around the world!" This is Ayumi.

"I'm going to explore the world!" This is Mitsuhiko.

When the three saw Shengsi say this, they burst into cheers, and the children didn't care whose money it was, as long as they could spend it.

And Conan was stunned, Shengsi is such a freak, his reasoning ability is not inferior to him, he is talented, and he is so rich, his status is definitely not simple.

When Xiaolan saw Shengsi say this, she suddenly remembered the card she left at home from Shengsi. There wouldn't be a lot of money in it, so she had to find a chance to return it to him.

"Okay, let's go eat!" Seiji interrupted the doubts in everyone's mind, and led Ayumi to the entrance of the art gallery.

Everyone quickly followed, "Wait for us."

"Oh?! What is this?" Shengsi, who had just walked a few steps, found something on the ground, which looked like a piece of paper.

When I picked it up, I found that it was really a piece of paper. The reverse side was blank, and there were many shapes on the front side. Next to the penultimate shape was a line of English letters—'ORO'.

Huh? !Shengsi felt familiar with the pattern on this paper, as if he had seen it somewhere before!

"Brother Shengsi, do you think this is a treasure map?" Just when Shengsi was puzzled, Ayumi asked innocently.

Shengsi shook his head and said nothing, but thought in his heart: How could this be a treasure map?But since Ayumi thinks it is, then it is, the big deal is to 'change' a treasure out!
Because in the secret treasure exhibition they saw just now, there was a few pieces of gold on display, which were found by people using a treasure map. The story introduced in it also said that the protagonist accidentally picked up a treasure map, and finally found the treasure according to the prompts.And just now they were clamoring in the art gallery to find treasures and explore, and now a piece of paper that looks like a treasure map came, so Ayumi thought it was a treasure map!

Everyone gathered around when Shengsi stopped, and they heard Ayumi ask if this piece of paper was a treasure map.

After watching for a while.

Conan was the first to answer: "How is it possible? How could such a few simple patterns be a treasure map?"

"What? Conan, how dare you question what Ayumi said? Ayumi said this is a treasure map, so this must be a treasure map!" Genta looked excitedly at Conan.

Then everyone started discussing, and finally, Xiaolan also joined the discussion
At this moment, Shengsi felt that someone was observing them from behind. Looking back, Shengsi found three men in black standing sneakily behind a statue and watching them.

It's two Italians and one Japanese!Oh yes!Seiji remembered!Isn't this the plot of the fourth episode of "Detective Conan" in the previous life?
Those three people belonged to a bandit group in Italy, and that group stole [-] maple leaf gold coins in Italy, with a market value of [-] million yen!The boss among them wanted to take the money all by himself, so he came to Japan to sell the stolen goods. These three men were chased from Italy.

But the boss of the robber group hid the gold coins in Japan in advance, the three of them may have remembered their old relationship and did not kill him, they just called the police to arrest him!The three found this treasure map in his home, which was the one held by Shengsi!

It seems that the [-] maple leaf gold coins will belong to his holy priest!Shengsi looked at the treasure map in his hand, and the corners of his mouth turned up slightly.

Shengsi didn't plan to pay attention to those three people anymore, just some minor characters, as long as they don't hinder their treasure hunting journey, then don't worry about it.

After thinking so much, it was only a few seconds.

Shaking his head, Seiji continued to have a heated discussion with Ayumi and the others
In the end, several people reached a consensus on the issue of treasure hunting. The leader of the treasure hunt, Shengsi, pointed out that the policy of filling the stomach before the treasure hunt should be implemented, and the second leader of the treasure hunt, Yuantai, made a strong request for eating eel rice. The following regulations, first, all actions during the treasure hunt must be directed by Shengsi, second, it is not allowed to act alone, third, sister Xiaolan will go back after eating, reason: this is a treasure hunt for children, adults please leave.

In a restaurant that is said to be delicious with eel rice.

Everyone was eating and discussing what they saw and heard in the secret treasure exhibition this morning.

And Shengsi also said a few words from time to time, but most of his attention was on the TV, which was broadcasting news at this time, talking about the news that the boss of the Italian bandit gang was arrested.

Now Shengsi is more sure of his memory, looking at the three men in black who are eating not far from everyone, Shengsi's eyes are slightly cold, don't come to me, otherwise.
After eating, Xiaolan left first.

Conan remembered what Xiaolan said when he left: Conan, Shengsi and the others are counting on you
Why do you ask me, it seems that Lan really already knows that I am Shinichi!Seeing how she didn't recognize him, it must be Shengsi who told her!So Shengsi also knew his identity, but why didn't he say anything?

Looking at Conan who was lost in thought, Seiji smiled, it seems that Conan is not stupid, he knew it so soon, but Seiji didn't say anything, he wanted to see if Conan would say it himself.

"Okay, let's go treasure hunting! With me, Detective Sheng Si, we will find this treasure in the end!" Sheng Si raised the paper in his hand.

"Let's go!" Everyone responded.

"Then, the first place we are going to is the Tokyo Tower. Look, doesn't the first figure on this paper look like the Tokyo Tower?" Seiji pointed to the first picture on the paper and said to everyone.

"It's very similar!" The question and answer seemed very interesting.

Conan was also attracted by Shengsi's words, Shengsi's reasoning ability is so strong!Maybe he saw something, so this treasure might be real!Looking at the several graphics on the paper, Conan fell into thinking.

"Okay, then let's go to Tokyo Tower first, the treasure must be nearby!" Shengsi agreed with everyone.

PS: Please recommend!Ask for collection!

(End of this chapter)

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