Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 26 Shopping with Ayumi

Chapter 26 Shopping with Ayumi
After sitting in the car for more than an hour, everyone finally arrived at the bottom of the Tokyo Tower.

Looking up from the bottom of the tower gave people a feeling of insignificance, so Seiji didn't look at the tower at all, his eyes were always on Ayumi, and he was embarrassed to stare at Ayumi.

At this moment, Ayumi was thinking in her heart: Brother Shengsi is really, he has been staring at him for a few minutes, which makes him feel embarrassed.

Seeing Ayumi's blushing face, Seiji felt super invincible and cute. If there were not so many people here, he would have gone up and kissed her hard.

Seeing Shengsi so openly showing his affection, Conan coughed helplessly.

Seiji withdrew his gaze from Ayumi, smiled at Conan, and said to everyone: "Okay, now let's talk about what you want to play, and we will go treasure hunting in the evening."

As soon as Shengsi finished speaking, Conan was the first to ask, "Why did you wait until night to hunt for treasure? Isn't it possible now?"

Regarding Conan's question, Shengsi first patted his head, then made a look of 'I knew you wanted to ask', and finally said slowly: "I forgot to tell you, I was in the car just now After checking the information, you know, when I checked the information, I have already solved the answer to this treasure map by the way!"

Conan was very dissatisfied with Shengsi's actions, but he was quite surprised when he heard Shengsi said that he had unlocked the treasure map. You must know that he has no clue now, if he really has unlocked it , then his reasoning ability can only be described as horror!
"Speak quickly! Tell me quickly!" Everyone hurriedly urged when they heard Shengsi say that they already knew the location of the hidden treasure.

Shengsi didn't intend to keep it secret anymore, and told all the information about this treasure map in his memory in one breath.

"Look at this piece of paper, this tower represents the Tokyo Tower, right?" Everyone nodded, motioning for Seiji to continue.

"And the moon on the side of the tower represents Tsukimiji near the Tokyo Tower, and this moon also implies that it can only be seen at night, so these other patterns are likely to be the shape of neon lights, and this sign The neon lights of 'ORO' must be where the treasure is! We just need to follow the order of these neon lights at night, and we will find the treasure!"

While everyone was still reminiscing what Shengsi said, Shengsi continued: "Although we can find it during the day, it definitely takes a lot of effort! So let's look for it at night."

After listening to Shengsi's explanation, Conan admired him very much. He didn't expect to be able to unlock the treasure map just by looking up the information. If he came to find it by himself, he should be able to find it in the end, but it would take a long time.

Looking at Ayumi, Mitsuhiko and Genta again, the eyes of the three of them sparkled, and it seemed that they were already fantasizing about their lives after finding the treasure.

After Shengsi finished explaining to everyone, he suddenly felt a sense of being watched, which was very familiar.Shengsi looked around, and sure enough, it was those three men in black again, who did not expect to be able to follow them, and there must be some tricks.

Do you want to deal with them quietly?After thinking about it, I decided to keep it for now. Seiji remembered that he got a kiss from Ayumi because Conan saved everyone in the hands of these three people. Ayumi had never kissed herself before. Everyone should also be able to get a kiss from Ayumi, Seiji is a little excited when he thinks about it.

"Brother Shengsi, let's go shopping on Yuejian Road first, so that it will be easier to find at night." Ayumi said to Shengsi after fantasizing for a while.

"I agree!"

"I agree too!"

"Then I agree too!"

Watching Genta, Mitsuhiko, and Conan express their opinions successively, the corners of Shengsi's mouth twitched. You all agreed, do you still need to ask my opinion?But Conan would actually agree with Ayumi's proposal, which is really strange.

Conan actually just wanted to check the situation first, and if Seiji's reasoning was wrong, he could find out as soon as possible.

"Okay! Then let's go shopping!" Shengsi took Ayumi's little hand and strode ahead in front of Genta and Mitsuhiko's jealous eyes.

The corner of Conan's mouth twitched, Seiji and Ayumi fell in love at such a young age, how could he be in love with Xiao Ran?Conan shook his head helplessly, and followed quickly.

Three hours later, the sky had already darkened quietly. The neon lights on the street, the moonlight in the sky, and the silhouettes of people walking on the street reflected the most beautiful night in the city.

in a restaurant.

Everyone was eating big mouthfuls, looking like a hungry ghost reincarnated, but beside them was a pile of toys and various items.

Most of these things are requested by Ayumi.

Shengsi swears that he will never go out shopping with Ayumi again, what is this shopping?This is simply robbery!
Because Seiji said that he spent his money casually, Ayumi almost ransacked the entire Tsukijianji store!At the beginning, he was quite reserved, but later he was completely like a bandit.

Like it, buy it!Looks good, buy it!It's okay, buy it! .
A full three hours of shopping time!Seiji worked as a porter for Ayumi for three hours. Who told this to be something bought by Ayumi, so Seiji had to take it!It's also thanks to Shengsi's strong body, one can stand up to two, otherwise he will have to get down on the ground.

And the things Conan, Genta, and Mitsuhiko bought together were only about one-fifth of Ayumi alone!

Everyone went shopping, and forgot about the treasure map to grandma's house, because Shengsi let Conan take some things bought by Ayumi, Conan had no choice but to go shopping with everyone, and also took the treasure I forgot about it, and finally waited until everyone's stomachs were growling with hunger.

At this time, everyone was eating in the restaurant to replenish their strength. While eating, Shengsi found the three men in black watching them not far away. Shengsi gave them a sideways glance and ignored them. In the eyes of Shengsi, it is already doomed
After half an hour.

Everyone stood at the gate of a logistics company with relaxed faces.

Just now, the people from Sanstor Logistics Company delivered the things they bought to their respective homes. Now, everyone has to start looking for treasures with ease.

"Okay, everyone, let's start looking for these neon lights!" Shengsi led everyone to start searching on this moon road.

After walking for less than a minute, Conan suddenly pointed to the front and said, "Look, the inverted triangle neon light!"

Shengsi looked up, and sure enough it was!
"Next we're looking for umbrella-shaped neon signs!"

"Okay!" Everyone replied excitedly.

After a while, everyone found the umbrella-shaped neon lights.

"Next is the star-shaped neon sign!"

After a few minutes, everyone walked a long way along the road before discovering the star-shaped neon lights.

"Okay! We're going to find the box-shaped neon sign that holds the treasure!"

Everyone excitedly continued to search forward, the treasure will be found by everyone soon, how can we not be excited?
About ten minutes later, everyone stopped in a desolate place, and saw a blinking box-shaped neon light on the roof of a building in the distance.

"found it!"

When everyone was cheering, Shengsi rolled his eyes to the three men in black who were following them, and the corners of his mouth turned up slightly.

PS: Please recommend new books!Ask for collection!

(End of this chapter)

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