Chapter 236
On the roof, Conan was lost in thought with the suspicious policemen, while above their heads, in the sky, Seiji smiled slightly, and then a white light flashed, and the next second, he was already lying on his bed, and immediately going to sleep.

Just now, Shengsi has been paying attention to the progress of the matter on the roof. It can be said that only Shengsi knows the whole thing in the whole world.

After watching the whole incident, Shengsi finally satisfied his curiosity, he finally understood how Kidd escaped in the end.

In fact, Kidd did not run at all!He just quickly changed into a policeman while everyone was out of sight, and finally blended into the crowd.

However, due to Kidd's extremely fast change of clothes and his super-high reflexes, none of the people present noticed Kidd's strangeness. For this, Shengsi admired Kidd very much, if it weren't for him Shengsi has been targeting Kidd with his thoughts, and he might be deceived.

I have to say that Kidd's skills in magic and disguise are very powerful. To complete the change in such a short period of time, if you let Sheng Si come, if you don't use the power of magic, you may not be able to reach that speed , so Shengsi still admires Kidd.

And Shengsi went there tonight for two things, one is to understand why Kidd suddenly disappeared, and the other is to watch Conan suffer.

Up to now, these two things have been completed perfectly. Thinking of Conan's puzzled and confused look at the end, Seiji finds it very interesting.

So, with a happy mood, Seiji gradually fell asleep.

However, the policemen on the roof of the Kubado City Hotel were silent for a long time, and Conan in the crowd was sleepless all night.
The next morning, when Seiji came to the classroom, he found that Conan was drowsy on the desk with a big black eye.

Seeing this, Shengsi pretended to be ignorant and ran over: "Conan, what's wrong with you? Why did your eye socket turn into a giant panda? Did you stay up late?"

Hearing this, Conan rolled his eyes, "Didn't it be that you went to catch that Kaitou Kidd last night?"

Halfway through speaking, Conan seemed to remember something, and raised his eyebrows: "That's right! Seiji, you seem to have said the word 'Phantom Thief Kid' yesterday, right?!"

Conan always felt that Seiji knew something yesterday, especially when he said the name 'Phantom Thief Kidd'. It can be seen that he must know this person, so Conan wanted to know some news from Seiji.

Seiji laughed at Conan's question.

"Is there? I don't remember!"

He just slipped the tongue by accident last time, but he didn't expect Conan to still remember it now, which made Shengsi very painful.

"You said it clearly! I remember!" Hearing this, Conan said with a certain expression on his face.

Seeing Conan's expression of "you must have said it", Seiji spread his hands helplessly, "If that's the case, then I seem to have said it."

Seeing that Shengsi finally admitted, Conan said with a strong spirit: "Shengsi, how much do you know about Kaitou Kidd? That guy escaped under my nose yesterday! It's really disgusting!"

When talking about Kidd, Conan's spirits lifted a little. It seems that Kidd hit him quite hard yesterday.

"About Kidd, I just heard his name, I heard that he is a thief of the century, super powerful!" Shengsi said with a smile.

In fact, the holy priest knows a lot about Kidd, not only who he is, but also where he learned this skill, who his parents are, etc. These holy priests know it all, but, He won't tell Conan any of this.

Because Seiji likes to watch Conan want to know but has no way to know, seeing Conan upset, Seiji finds it very interesting.

"That's great, Shengsi, do you know any other news about Kidd?" Conan continued to ask, he didn't believe that Shengsi only knew this, but Shengsi's expression was very normal when he spoke just now, Conan Can't tell if he's lying or not.

Regarding Conan's question, Shengsi continued: "I don't know anything else except these, go to sleep, look at you, do you want to be a giant panda for two days?"

Saying that, Shengsi returned to his seat. Conan looked drowsy, and Shengsi wondered if he would fall asleep while talking.

Conan was taken aback when he heard the words, and then stared at Shengsi's back for a while. After doing this, he fell asleep on the table.

Soon, a morning of study time passed.

What is worth mentioning here is that when the second get out of class was over, Teacher Miyai came to Class B of the first year with the certificate of No.1 in the Tokyo Children's Piano Preliminary Competition. Teacher Jing solemnly awarded the certificate to Shengsi.

Of course, these are just trivial matters to Shengsi, and Shengsi didn't take it to heart at all.

On the way home from school, Ayumi told Seiji about one thing, that is, Dr. Ye Zi went to her house to look for her last night.

Dr. Ye Zi was the doctor who pulled Ayumi's tooth last time. Didn't she go back to her hometown, Obuchi Village, Yamanashi Prefecture? Why did she go to Ayumi's house last night?Did she go back to Tokyo again?

Thinking of this, Shengsi asked, "Ayumi, what does Dr. Ye Zi want from you?"

"Doctor Ye Zi said that she brought back a lot of local products from her hometown, and would like to treat you to eat." Ayumi replied.

"Well, how about we go to Dr. Ye Zi's house to play this afternoon?" Hearing this, Shengsi thought for a while and said.

He remembered that Dr. Ye Zi said on the day he left Tokyo that she would come back to see them, but he didn't expect to come back in only half a month, and brought some local products there, which made Shengsi a little flattered.

"Okay!" Regarding Shengsi's proposal, Ayumi agreed with both hands!

Dr. Ye Zi is a perfect big sister in Ayumi's heart. The last time Dr. Ye Zi left, Ayumi was sad for a while. Of course, she is very happy to go to her house to play with Ayumi.

"Where's Ai?" After hearing Ayumi's opinion, Seiji turned around and asked.

"Yeah." To this, Xiao Ai nodded.

Xiao Ai is very happy to go to the house of a person familiar with Shengsi, because in this way, she can learn a lot about the situation of Shengsi from the dialogue between Shengsi and others, and this kind of situation about Shengsi is, It's what Xiao Ai is eager to know now.

Because as long as she knows more about Shengsi, Xiao Ai can infer Shengsi's character from these things, so she can try to come up with some words.

PS: Sorry for the slow posting because I have been thinking about the plot.Also, happy holidays.

(End of this chapter)

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