Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 237 Surprised Mysterious Energy

Chapter 237 Surprised Mysterious Energy
Seeing that both of them agreed, Shengsi waved his hand, "Okay! Let's go!"

Saying that, Shengsi led the two of them towards Dr. Ye Zi's house.

More than ten minutes later, the three of them appeared downstairs in Dr. Ye Zi's apartment.

"Brother Shengsi, do you think sister Ye Zi is at home?" Seeing that the window of Dr. Ye Zi's house was closed, Ayumi was a little unsure if Dr. Ye Zi was at home.

Regarding this, Shengsi smiled slightly: "That is absolutely natural! Sister Ye Zi must be waiting for us."

Just now, Shengsi had already confirmed it with telekinesis. Dr. Ye Zi was watching TV in the room at this time, so he said this now with full confidence.

"Then let's go find Elder Sister Ye Zi to play!" Hearing this, Ayumi shouted excitedly and ran upstairs.

Seeing this, Shengsi smiled and shook his head from behind, and then he and Xiao Ai followed.

When Shengsi and Xiaoai came to Dr. Ye Zi's door, Ayumi was already knocking on the door.

"Sister Yezi! Sister Yezi! I'm Ayumi, brother Seiji, me, and Haibara are here to see you!" Ayumi knocked and shouted, looking extremely happy.

In just a few seconds, with a 'click', the door was opened.

"Bumi, Shengsi, you're here! Who else is this?" Doctor Ye Zi opened the door, and she saw three people at the door as soon as she opened the door, but she didn't seem to know Xiao Ai yet.

"Her name is Hui Yuan Ai, she is my cousin, sister Ye Zi, you can call her Xiao Ai." Seeing this, Shengsi quickly introduced.

"It's the first time we meet, please give me your advice." Dr. Ye Zi bowed slightly.

"Teach me a lot." Xiao Ai also replied.

"Everyone, come in first. I brought you a lot of local products, which are delicious!" After getting to know each other, Dr. Ye Zi hurriedly welcomed the three of them into the house.

In the living room, after the three of Shengsi sat down, Dr. Ye Zi took a bag from the corner.

"Shengsi, these are the fruits we picked from the mountains of Xiaoyuan Village. Some of them were picked by myself yesterday. In addition, there are also special tea leaves from our place." Dr. Ye Zi took them out of the bag as he said. dig something.

I saw that Dr. Ye took out apples, kiwis, cherries, tea leaves, canned food, etc., a lot of things from the bag.

"Wow! Sister Yezi, these things are so fragrant! They look delicious." Ayumi moved to the edge of the table when Dr. Beauty is intoxicated.

Not only Ayumi, Xiao Ai also looked surprised when she smelled the fruity fragrance. This is the first time she has seen such a strong fragrance from a fruit. It is so rare for her to be able to smell this fragrance even a meter away. .

"That's right, it's because it's very fragrant and delicious, so I brought it here to share with you!" Seeing Ayumi's happy look, Dr. Ye Zi also laughed.

Because he wanted to repay Shengsi's kindness, Dr. Ye Zi came to Tokyo with a bag of souvenirs not long after returning home and reuniting with his relatives, in order to share this delicious food with Shengsi and Ayumi.

She thought in her heart that Shengsi should have never eaten this special fruit, so she brought it here for Shengsi to taste. Although these are nothing, it represents Dr. Ye Zi's intentions, and I believe Shengsi will understand arrived.

Just as Ayumi and Ye Zi were happily communicating, Seiji suddenly stood up and looked at Dr. Ye Zi with a serious expression.

"Sister Yezi, do you think these fruits were picked in your village?!"

"Well, yes, I picked these up on the mountain with my father yesterday, because the fruit over there is rather strange. Although it exudes fragrance and is delicious, but! After it is picked from the tree, the shelf life is only two days. God, if it exceeds two days, it will become the same as ordinary fruit, and it is for this reason that I rushed to find Ayumi the day I picked it yesterday."

"Also, because there are not many fruit trees on the mountain, only people nearby can taste the fruits in our village. Otherwise, such special fruits would have spread in Japan long ago." Although Dr. dignified, but she still explained very carefully.

"As expected." Hearing this, Shengsi murmured with a dazed look on his face.

"Brother Shengsi, what's wrong with you?" Seeing Shengsi's strange behavior, Ayumi asked.

However, Shengsi didn't answer Ayumi's question, but said to Dr. Ye Zi, "Sister Ye Zi, I'm going to your Xiaobuchi Village, is it convenient now?"

"Convenience." Dr. Ye Zi responded subconsciously, and then said with a look of surprise: "Ah? Are you going now?"

She couldn't figure out why Shengsi went to her hometown when he was well.

"Yeah! I'm going now!" Shengsi nodded. The moment he saw Dr. Ye Zi bring the fruit, he had a feeling that there must be something in Xiaoyuan Village!
Because Shengsi found a special kind of energy on these fruits, this kind of energy is very special, it does not belong to the power of thought, nor does it belong to magic, but a kind of mysterious energy, even more mysterious than the transparent barrier over there. kind of.

According to Dr. Ye Zi's statement, Shengsi guessed that there must be something in Dr. Ye Zi's hometown, Xiaoyuan Village, and it is because of this thing that fruits with energy are produced there.

That's why Shengsi rushed to Xiaoyuan Village to check.

"Really. Let's go now?" Dr. Ye Zi asked with some uncertainty.

Looking at Shengsi's dignified expression, she knew that Shengsi must have something important to do, but Dr. Ye Zi was sure that Shengsi had never been to their village before. Such an eager look, could it be that fruit?
"Let's go!" Seeing Dr. Yezi's hesitation, Shengsi got up and walked outside.

Seeing this, Xiao Ai, Ayumi and Dr. Ye Zi hurriedly followed.

"Brother Shengsi, are we going to Sister Yezi's hometown?" Ayumi asked after catching up with Shengsi.

"Yeah, does Ayumi want to go?" Hearing this, Seiji stopped in his tracks, turned around and said with a smile.

"Yes!" Ayumi replied excitedly.

"Then what you have to do now is to go home and tell your parents, because we may go away for several days this time, so it's impossible not to tell your parents!" Shengsi suddenly had a premonition. The time to go to Xiaobuchi Village this time will not be short, so he wants Ayumi to go home and tell his family. As for school matters, just ask for a leave of absence.

"That's it, then I'll go back now." Hearing this, Ayumi immediately ran towards her home excitedly.

Because Ayumi's house was within six miles of Seiji, Seiji didn't have to worry about Ayumi's safety at all, so he let her go alone.

(End of this chapter)

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