Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 238 Xiaoyuan Village

Chapter 238 Xiaoyuan Village

Seeing Ayumi walking away, Shengsi turned his head to Doctor Ye Zi who just came and Xiao Ai who was standing beside him and said, "Let's go to the station, Ayumi will come over later."

Saying that, Shengsi walked outside with the two people who were slightly stunned.

Xiao Ai found that Shengsi didn't ask her opinion just now, did she ignore it?Or do you know that you will definitely follow?Or... Shengsi no longer regards himself as an outsider in his heart?

Thinking of this, Xiao Ai was still a little excited!

And Dr. Ye Zi has been a little confused until now, but she doesn't need to figure out what's going on, as long as she follows Shengsi.

Soon, a group of people arrived at the station.

At the same time, Ayumi is also rushing towards this side under the induction of Shengsi's telekinesis. Ayumi has already told her parents under the guidance of Shengsi just now.

As for the original words, it was to go out to play with Shengsi's parents. Of course, Ayumi's parents would not object to this, so it should be no problem to go out to play these few days.

In addition, Shengsi also used sound transmission to inform Xiao Xi, asking her to tell her parents that she had something to go out for a few days, and to ask for leave from the teachers in the school.

After finishing these preparations, Seiji and the others waited for Ayumi at the station.

They didn't keep the three of them waiting for long, in less than 10 minutes, Ayumi ran towards the crowd with a small schoolbag on her back.

Seeing this, Shengsi waved his hand and led the crowd towards the car holding the tickets they had already bought.

In the car.

Ayumi asked: "Brother Shengsi, what are we going to do at Sister Yezi's hometown?"

Hearing this, Seiji smiled and touched Ayumi's head: "Let's go play, since such delicious fruits can grow on the mountains there, it must be very interesting, right?!"

The reason Shengsi said was told to Dr. Ye Zi and Xiao Ai just now, but they all seemed to be in disbelief, and Shengsi didn’t explain much about it. It’s useless to tell them anyway, so it’s better to No explanation.

After listening to Shengsi's words, Ayumi said excitedly: "Brother Shengsi said it was interesting, so it must be interesting, and we will have a lot of fun when we play."

There was not the slightest doubt in his tone towards Shengsi, this kind of trust made Shengsi slightly ashamed.

"Hehe, yes, we will have a lot of fun." Shengsi laughed twice to express his agreement.

"Then let's do it then" Ayumi discussed about the game later.

Just like that, several people chatted in the car.

About an hour later, the group got off at Hokutoshi Station in Yamanashi Prefecture.

This is the nearest JR station to Obuchi Village, so everyone got off here.After getting off the car, several people walked outside according to the route planned in the car.

First of all, everyone took a bus from Beidu City to Zhongshan Town, and when they arrived at Zhongshan Town, there was a direct bus to Xiaoyuan Village.

So, it took another half an hour for everyone to finally arrive at the gate of Xiaoyuan Village.

"Wow! It's so beautiful here! It's almost the same as Sanye's house! The air is so fresh and comfortable!" Looking at the peaceful village in front of her, Ayumi shouted loudly.

"Not bad!" Shengsi also said softly.

Looking at the small village in front of him, Shengsi felt peaceful in his heart.

This is an ordinary small mountain village. The terrain is concave, surrounded by mountains on all sides, surrounded by mountains in the distance, and there are many trees. In the village, the heights are orderly, and the houses are scattered among them. It is decorated with green trees and red flowers, which is very beautiful. Finally, , there is a railway bridge passing through the west of the village, and trains pass by from time to time, adding a strange vitality to this quiet small mountain village.

"Hehe." Xiao Ai looked at the beautiful rural scenery and chuckled twice, looking very happy.

The last time she saw this kind of scenery was several years ago, and now she saw it again, she couldn't help feeling a little bit embarrassed.

Dr. Ye Zi also seemed very happy when she returned to her hometown. She pointed to a house not far away and said, "Over there! It's my home! I think we should surprise my parents by going back suddenly now!"

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go to Sister Ye Zi's house to play! Oh yeah!" Hearing this, Ayumi yelled and ran towards the direction Doctor Ye Zi pointed out with her little feet.

Seeing this, Shengsi and the others smiled and followed.

Walking on the road, Dr. Ye Zi kept saying hello to people on the road around her. At the same time, she was also introducing Shengsi and the others to others. Not only that, but every time she passed a place, she also introduced who it was. It seems that he loves this village very much.

Regarding this, Shengsi and Xiao Ai also listened quietly. They could see that Dr. Yezi spoke very carefully, so they listened very seriously.

While listening to Dr. Ye Zi's introduction, Shengsi called Ayumi who was running ahead from time to time to stop running fast.

Every time Ayumi heard Shengsi's call, she always ran over and urged: "Hurry up, hurry up, Brother Shengsi, hurry up!"

In this regard, the three always smiled, obviously very helpless to Ayumi's liveliness.

"Shengsi, Ayumi is really lively, and the two of you seem to have a very compatible personality." Watching Ayumi go away, Doctor Ye Zi smiled slightly.

"Eh? Yes?! No!" Shengsi and Xiao Ai said in unison after hearing what Dr. Ye Zi said.

After finishing speaking, the two looked at each other, and they both saw a trace of embarrassment and... some other inexplicable feelings in each other's eyes.

"You still said no! Look, you two speak exactly the same way!" Doctor Ye Zi's laughter grew louder because of the stupefied look of the two.

Seeing Dr. Ye Zi's evil smile, Shengsi quickly coughed and pointed to a long building not far away, "Sister Ye Zi, is that a school?"

Not far to the right of Shengsi, there is a building there, which is a long strip. Because there is a large open space and some special signs in front of the building, Shengsi guesses that it is a school.

However, this building seems to be a product of the 70s and [-]s, because it is very old, and it is the kind of building with red bricks and red tiles. You can't see this kind of building in Tokyo. Besides, except for this building, The buildings in the whole village are almost in this style, which looks very old.

From this point of view, people in this village are more nostalgic, no wonder Dr. Ye Zi loves this village so much.

In the end, the main reason why Shengsi quickly changed the subject was because Dr. Yezi's words were too embarrassing for Shengsi, so he had to change the subject.Xiao Ai is not a child, Dr. Ye Zi, can you say so?

(End of this chapter)

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