Chapter 239 Exceptions
And Xiao Ai saw that Shengsi changed the subject, and she was slightly relieved. At the same time, she was also a little bit lost. She couldn't figure out what kind of existence she was in Shengsi's heart. Xiao Ai felt very sorry for this. curious.

While Xiao Ai was thinking about this, Dr. Ye Zi answered Shengsi's question: "Well, there is the only elementary school in Xiaoyuan Village, and it has a history of more than 50 years. I read books there when I was young." .”

When he said this, Dr. Ye Zi looked nostalgic, and seemed to miss the past very much.

While Dr. Yezi was speaking, Shengsi casually glanced at the teaching building, however, one person caught Shengsi's attention.

I saw a man in a brown suit standing on the podium in one classroom. He wore black framed eyes and held a book of Mandarin in his hand. He stood very straight, and he seemed to be teaching the students in the classroom. wearing something.

However, Shengsi found that this person did not have the refined aura of the teacher at all, but instead... looked like a sharp sword coming out of his body!This kind of momentum. Saints have only seen it in soldiers!
How could the school find such a teacher?Also teach Mandarin? !

"Brother Shengsi, let's go!" Just when Shengsi was there in a daze, Ayumi and the others were already waiting for Shengsi in the distance.

Seeing this, Seiji put away his inner doubts and walked towards Ayumi and the others.

In this way, after walking for more than a minute, the group stopped in front of a courtyard.

"This is my home." Dr. Ye Zi pointed to the house in front of her and said, because this was the first time she had brought someone to her home in several years, so Dr. Ye Zi seemed a little shy.

With that said, Dr. Ye Zi opened the door.

After opening the door, Dr. Ye Zi shouted, "Dad, Mom, I brought Shengsi back."



After hearing Dr. Ye Zi's call, there were two surprised and surprised voices in the room, and there was a burst of violent footsteps accompanying the voices.

Just a few seconds later, a man and a woman rushed out from the house. Both of them were middle-aged, and they should be Dr. Ye Zi's parents. Arrival was a welcome, even ecstasy!
"Brother Shengsi, why are these two uncles and aunts like this? It's so scary." Looking at the two people rushing forward, Ayumi felt a little scared.

Seeing this, Shengsi stroked Ayumi's hair and said, "Don't be afraid Ayumi, they should just be too enthusiastic."

In fact, Shengsi already had some guesses in his heart when he saw the two people rushing forward. It is estimated that Dr. Ye Zi told her parents what happened after he came back. It is precisely because of this that they are really grateful to Shengsi now.

Sure enough, as Shengsi expected, after the two ran over, the woman among them, Dr. Ye Zi's mother, held Shengsi's hand directly, and then the two kept saying thank you, never letting go.

As they talked, both of them were crying a bit, and at the end, both of them were about to kneel down to Shengsi.

After all, Shengsi helped them a lot, and almost directly helped them avenge the murder of their children, so the behavior of the two seemed reasonable.

However, in the eyes of Xiao Ai and Ayumi, this kind of behavior is very inexplicable, what's wrong?Why did Sister Ye Zi's parents keep saying thank you when they saw Shengsi, and they cried, what's going on?They were puzzled by this.

Not to mention the doubts of the two, when Shengsi was arrested and said thank you at the beginning, he still seemed at ease, thinking that doing good deeds will be rewarded, but when he saw that the two of them were going to kneel to him, he turned pale Thank you, he can still bear it, but if you want your elders to kneel down to you or something, then you have to be punished!

Therefore, Shengsi saw that the two were about to kneel, and immediately lifted them up and said, "Uncle and aunt, what are you doing! Hurry up! Go inside!"

As he said that, Shengsi carried the two of them into the house, because Shengsi was so strong that he could not allow the two of them to refute, so he was carried away directly.

Seeing this, the three people at the door hurriedly followed
Two minutes later, in the living room, everyone who had calmed down a little sat down.

In order to avoid the two saying something that would surprise Xiao Ai and Ayumi just now, Shengsi directly used a magic to calm the two of them down.

"Father, Mom, this is Seiji, you all know it, and these two, this is Ayumi, who is Seiji's classmate, and the other one, her name is Haibara, she is Seiji's cousin." Ye Zi The doctor introduced them one by one.

When they were introduced, Ayumi and Xiao Ai also nodded.

After the introduction, Dr. Ye Zi was also afraid that her parents would do something out of the ordinary, so she hurriedly said, "By the way, Shengsi and the others came to play with us, don't you think so? Shengsi!"

With that said, Dr. Ye Zi looked at Shengsi, waiting for what Shengsi had to say.

Hearing this, Shengsi smiled slightly, "Yes, uncle and aunt, we are here to play, I like this place very much, and I want to go around."

"Let's go, let's go. Although our Xiaoyuan Village is a little behind, the environment and scenery are top-notch!" After hearing Shengsi's words, Dr. Ye Zi's father said excitedly. The company likes them and feels very happy here.

"En! I think so too, so I plan to go around the village to see the customs and scenery here." Shengsi nodded when he heard the words. His main purpose of coming here was to find out that alien species. The source of energy, so take a look around here.

And the best way to look around now is to pretend to be looking at the scenery or something, so that he can quietly look for energy sources while playing with Ayumi and the others.

After hearing Shengsi's words, Dr. Ye Zi's mother quickly said: "Then let Ye Zi go with you, she is familiar with this place, it is almost four o'clock now, you go out to play, we cook, and come back when you are tired from playing." When the time comes, our meals will be ready, and then, you will be able to taste our craftsmanship."

"Hmm! It's a good plan! Let's go now!" Shengsi raised his hands and pointed at Dr. Ye Zi's mother, seeming to approve of the plan!
"Since you want to go out to play now, shall we leave now?" Dr. Ye Zi also asked at the right time, but she felt that it was a little inappropriate to go out as soon as she came in.

"En!" Shengsi smiled and stood up, making a gesture to go outside.

Shengsi immediately wanted to check the surrounding area. In fact, he used his thoughts to cover a five-mile radius as soon as he entered the village. However, he found nothing, so he needed to go to each location to investigate in real time.

Because the alien energy source might be covered by something, so Shengsi needs to observe closely.

(End of this chapter)

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