Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 240 Xiaobuchi Iron Bridge!

Chapter 240 Xiaobuchi Iron Bridge!

Seeing that Shengsi was about to go out, Ayumi and Xiaoai also hurriedly followed.

Seeing this, Dr. Ye Zi talked to her parents and followed her.


Dr. Ye Zi's parents waved to the people outside the door: "Have fun, and remember to come back for dinner at night! Also, don't go to Xiaoyuan Iron Bridge!"

"We got it, thank you uncle and aunt." Hearing this, Shengsi turned around and said, and after finishing speaking, several people walked towards the distance.

"Here, that's where I picked the fruit yesterday." Dr. Ye Zi pointed to the hill in the distance.

Just now, the few of them first went around the whole village and went to places they hadn't been to before, but now, after they finished visiting the village, Shengsi proposed to go to the place where Doctor Ye Zi picked the fruit yesterday, no, just The scene in front of me appeared.

"It looks so far away there." Ayumi looked along the place pointed by Dr. Ye Zi, and said after taking a look.

I saw that the place that Dr. Ye Zi pointed was to the west of the village. It was a hill with a very eye-catching protruding boulder. Besides, there were some lush trees on the hill.

At the foot of the mountain, there are a few houses being built there, but judging from their dilapidated condition, they should have been unoccupied for a long time.

As you look down, there is the railway at the bottom of the mountain next to the village. This railway runs from south to north, crosses Xiaoyuan Village, and runs straight across Shengsi and the others. on the way.

Calling this mountain a small mountain does not mean that it is really small, but that it is relatively short, but it is still quite long in length. This mountain not only surrounds the entire Xiaoyuan Village, but also extends along the north. It's more than ten miles away.

And the direction that Dr. Ye Zi pointed was a little to the north of the hill, so everyone had to go a little north.

Thinking of this, Seiji smiled at Ayumi: "It's not very far, if we play while walking, we will arrive soon."

Shengsi walked around the village with Ayumi and the others just now, but he didn't find a trace of the mysterious energy, so now Shengsi wants to look around to see if he can find anything, and Dr. Of course, the place where he picked the fruit was the first place he would go.

Since fruits full of mysterious energy can be produced there, there must be something near that fruit tree!
"That's it, then let's go!" After hearing Shengsi's words, Ayumi happily took the lead and ran towards that side.

Seeing this, everyone smiled and followed.

First of all, everyone came to the side of the railway, because they had to pass this railway to get to the place pointed by Dr. Ye Zi.

Standing here at the intersection, Shengsi looked around, and saw him pointing to the right side of the railway after looking around for a while and said, "Let's go over there!"

Shengsi took a look just now, if you want to go to the place that Dr. Ye Zi pointed out, it is the fastest way to go there.

Dr. Ye Zi didn't say anything about Shengsi's words, so the group walked north along the railway.

"Wow! There is a bridge ahead! The water below is so clear!" Ayumi yelled as soon as she took two steps, and she ran towards the front and leaned on the edge of the bridge.

I saw a railway bridge in front of everyone, about 50 meters away, and a sign was erected beside the bridge: Xiaoyuan Iron Bridge.

There is a stream under the bridge. Seiji took a look at it just now, and it was quite clear as Ayumi said.

"Yes, this is Xiaoyuan Iron Bridge. The water under the bridge flows down from Muwu Mountain. People in our village rely on this water to live. This water is not only clear, but also very sweet to drink!" After hearing Ayumi's words, Dr. Ye Zi smiled, and walked towards Ayumi together with Shengsi and Xiaoai.

"Muwu Mountain? Is it this mountain?" Ayumi turned her head and pointed at the hill in front of her with a puzzled expression.

"Of course not. Muwu Mountain is more than ten miles north of the village. It's a big mountain! However, our mountain seems to be connected to that mountain." Dr. Ye Zi smiled at the words, and then patiently explained.

"Big mountain? Is it as big as Mt. Fuji?" Ayumi asked innocently. In her impression, Mt. Fuji is a big mountain.

"Hehe, of course not. Muwu Mountain is much smaller than Mount Fuji." Dr. Ye Zi spread his hands.

Just as the few people were chatting and laughing, Xiao Ai's voice came from the front: "It is said that there are bears here!"

"Eh?! Bear?" Hearing this, everyone looked at Xiao Ai, and among them, Dr. Ye Zi was even more surprised.

When everyone looked at Xiao Ai, Xiao Ai was standing on the edge of a roadblock, and saw a signboard hanging on the roadblock. When everyone approached, they found that the sign read: Bears have been seen on Xiaoyuan Iron Bridge , Prohibit peers!

Signature: Chief of Xiaoyuan Village.

"When was this sign posted?! I didn't have it when I walked here at noon yesterday, and, how could there be bears here?!" After seeing the words on the sign clearly, Dr. Ye Zi looked surprised Said.

After finishing speaking, she seemed to think of something and said: "Just now, my mother told us not to go to Xiaoyuan Iron Bridge. Now it seems that it is because of this."

"Bear! Will it eat people?!" At this moment, Ayumi asked fearfully.

"Of course not, let's talk about it! With me here, I'll catch and play with you when the bear comes." Seeing Ayumi's frightened look, Seiji couldn't help laughing.

Children's thinking is interesting, always forgetting things, how many times have I told Ayumi, don't be afraid if you have yourself, but she just can't remember, look at Xiao Ai, she knows that she is very good, now there is a trace of No fear at all.

"Shengsi, you... catch the bear?" Dr. Ye Zi looked suspicious after hearing what Shengsi said. In her heart, Shengsi is not a big talker, but what is going on now?

As for Xiao Ai, she just smiled slightly. In her opinion, the strength of Shengsi is unfathomable!It is estimated that an elephant saint can be subdued, let alone a bear?
And Ayumi was not surprised when she heard Shengsi's words. Not only that, but she said excitedly: "Catch bears to play? Good! Good! It's so interesting to watch those bears on TV. Let's catch It will be more fun to come and play!"

Seeing Ayumi's excited look, everyone was speechless for a while.
"Let's go, let's talk about catching bears and so on when we see bears, let's go there first." Seiji waved his hand, and he walked towards the opposite side of the bridge. He really didn't dare to give in to Ayumi, he was afraid of Ayumi Some serious words popped out of his mouth, and it would be embarrassing for Dr. Ye Zi to look at him strangely.

"En!" After hearing Shengsi's words, Ayumi nodded quickly. Although she sometimes likes to say innocent things, she can still listen to Shengsi's words.

PS: I have been busy during the day for more than ten days, and the update time has been changed from 6:11 to [-]:[-].

(End of this chapter)

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