Chapter 241 fruitless
Soon, several people came to the opposite side of the bridge.

After coming to the other side of the bridge, everyone discovered that this world is completely different from the other side of the bridge!If there is still a little popularity on the other side of the bridge, then here is a scene of a virgin forest.

I saw a railway track covered with leaves extending towards the depths of the forest. Because of the many trees on both sides, it seemed to be very long at first glance, as if the end could not be seen.

"It's so beautiful!" Seeing herself surrounded by nature, Ayumi couldn't help sighing.

"Yeah, we have such beautiful scenery here, other than that, nothing else can compare with Tokyo." Dr. Ye Zi seemed very happy when talking about the scenery here, but when she said that it was compared with Tokyo Wei Wei was in a daze when she was there, apparently remembered something.

Just when everyone wanted to say something after hearing Dr. Ye Zi's words, Dr. Ye Zi spoke first: "Okay, let's not talk about this, look here, there is a path over there, we can go up to the mountain from there. "

Dr. Ye Zi pointed to a small road not far away, and everyone walked towards it. After reaching the small road, Sheng Si looked up from the intersection and could directly see the huge protruding rock on the mountain.

"Let's go." After looking at it twice, Shengsi called to everyone to slowly set foot on this road.

"This road is so beautiful!" After walking a few steps, Ayumi found that the road was full of flowers and some grass, looking very happy.

"I haven't walked this kind of country road for a long time." Because he hasn't experienced this kind of country road for a long time, Shengsi feels very fresh.

"Little cow! Brother Shengsi, look! There's a cow over there! And there! Over there, that's a lamb and its mother!" Ayumi pointed left and right on the road, very lively .

"That flower is so beautiful!"

"What a big tree! Is it old?"

"Brother Shengsi, look, the house over there is so small."

A group of people walked up while talking, and after about ten minutes, they had already reached the vicinity of the raised boulder they saw before.

'Hahahaha.' Because of walking on the mountain road for so long and being alive and kicking along the way, Ayumi was already a little out of breath at this time.

Seeing this, Shengsi quickly walked over and patted her on the shoulder, and injected magic power into her body to relieve her fatigue.

And because of the slow and steady walking of others, at most they just feel a little tired now, and they won't be panting like Ayumi.

"Sister Ye Zi, did you say that the place where you picked the fruit yesterday was near here?" Dr. Ye Zi had been pointing the direction along the way just now, and she even said that she was nearby a minute ago, so now Shengsi confirmed again .

Hearing this, Dr. Ye Zi pointed to a distance away, and said, "Yes! It's right there!"

Looking in the direction of Dr. Yezi's finger, Shengsi saw that there was indeed a small fruit forest there. Seeing this, Shengsi said to everyone: "You guys take a rest here, I will come back soon!"

Although Xiao Ai and Dr. Ye Zi were not as tired as Ayumi at this time, they were still slightly tired, so they did not stop Shengsi from going there alone.

Saying that, Seiji walked over there.However, as soon as he took two steps, there was a shout behind him.

"Brother Shengsi, I want to go too!"

Because Ayumi had Shengsi to help her relieve her fatigue just now, she became very energetic again at this time!
Hearing this, Shengsi stopped in his tracks, turned his head and said with a smile: "Good boy, play with Xiao Ai and sister Ye Zi here, I'll just go alone."

"But... I also want to go together." Ayumi still wanted to fight for it.

Seeing this, Shengsi turned his head, and then said: "Ayumi, think about it, didn't you just say that there are bears here? Now that Xiao Ai and sister Ye Zi are resting here, what if the bear comes out and eats them?"

"Ah! Ate?! But, didn't Brother Seiji say he wanted to protect them?" Ayumi said in surprise.

"It's true to say that, but now brother Shengsi has something to do there, so Ayumi can only protect them!" Shengsi spread his hands and said.

"Me? Can I do it?"

"It's definitely possible! Ayumi is so smart, with the secret tricks I taught you, I will definitely be able to beat the big stupid bear to pieces!" Seiji squeezed his small fist and made a fist gesture.

"Really?!" Ayumi's eyes released little stars, as if she saw the scene where she beat those big stupid bears to pieces.

"Of course! However, the possibility of a bear appearing is very small, so Ayumi's main task is to play with Xiao Ai and Sister Yezi!" Shengsi urged.

"Yeah!" Ayumi nodded obediently.

Seeing that Ayumi agreed, Seiji smiled and then turned around and walked towards the distance. In fact, the reason why Seiji did not take Ayumi was because he was afraid that there would be danger there, because there was something about where he was going, or what was the use of that energy , Seiji didn't know at all, so he didn't dare to take the risk of bringing Ayumi there.

After Shengsi left, Ayumi went back to play with Dr. Ye Zi and Xiao Ai.

Looking at Shengsi again, when he came to the fruit forest, he felt a little different. The magic element here is really unusually strong, at least twice as strong as outside.

In addition, Shengsi can easily detect that these fruit trees are entwined with that kind of mysterious energy. This kind of energy is so mysterious that Shengsi can't see through it at all, which makes Shengsi very curious.

After thinking about it, Shengsi began to investigate these fruit trees in detail.

However, a few minutes passed, and Shengsi tried his best. In the end, he knew nothing except the mysterious energy on these fruit trees.

Where did this energy come from?Where is the source?Why does it happen? .Wait a minute, these saints don't even know about it!Moreover, he has no way of knowing!
So, Shengsi had no choice but to walk towards Xiao Ai and the others with a slightly disappointed mood.

"Brother Shengsi! You are back! Come here! There is a magical place here!" Ayumi was standing under the raised stone and shouted at Shengsi who had just walked over.

Judging from that tone, Seiji guessed that she must have discovered something that surprised her.

Thinking of this, Shengsi immediately walked two steps quickly and came to Ayumi's side.

"What's wrong? So excited?"

"Brother Shengsi, look, there is a cave here. There are books, food, and tables in it. It seems to be someone's home." Ayumi pointed behind her.

Hearing this, Seiji looked in the direction Ayumi pointed, and found that there was a wooden door, and inside the door was an arched cave. There were bookshelves, tables, benches, ladders and other sundries in the cave.

(End of this chapter)

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