Chapter 242
At this time, Xiao Ai was resting on a chair in the cave, while Dr. Ye Zi was flipping through the bookshelf, obviously curious about these books.

"Shengsi, you're here." Seeing Shengsi and Ayumi walk in, Dr. Ye Zi turned around and said.

"Where is this?" Shengsi looked at the cave and asked suspiciously.

The entrance of this cave is very small. When Shengsi and the others came in, they were about the right height. Dr. Ye Zi probably came in squatting. Although the entrance of the cave is small, the inside is very big. Someone moved.

But who would come to such a place?

"This is a storage room that was abandoned a long time ago, but it looks like it has been re-used by someone." Dr. Ye Zi said.

After finishing speaking, she continued: "I took a look just now, and most of the books on the bookshelf are primary school textbooks, and there are a lot of snacks here, so I guess this should be a 'secret base' for a certain primary school student."

"Yeah!" Hearing this, Shengsi nodded. He glanced casually just now and found that, as Dr. Ye Zi said, most of the books on the bookshelf are primary school textbooks, and the snacks in the box next to them are also small The kind kids love to eat.

In addition, Shengsi also found some old footprints in the cave, judging from the size, they should belong to children who were a little older than them.

"Wow! The secret base! It's great!" Ayumi became inexplicably excited when she heard the word 'secret base'.

In fact, everyone has his own "secret base" when he was a child, it is always a place where you feel warm when you are sad, sad or happy or excited.

Of course, Ayumi also has her own secret base, and she told Seiji about it, so she is so excited now after hearing the word 'secret base'.

"Since this is someone else's 'secret base', we are here...not good." Doctor Ye reminded at the right time.

Hearing this, Ayumi answered: "Yes! Since this is someone else's secret base, we should not come in and disturb it, it's too impolite."

What Ayumi said was right, this place can be regarded as someone else's home, it would be too impolite for Seiji and the others to barge in like this, so everyone was slightly taken aback when they heard Ayumi's words.

"In that case, let's go down the mountain first." Seiji nodded after hearing Ayumi's words.

"Going down the mountain? Shengsi, have you read everything there?" Dr. Ye Zi was curious about Shengsi's purpose here, so she looked to see if she could come up with some useful words.

"Well, I went over there to have a look just now, and found that there was nothing I wanted, so I came here." Said, Shengsi walked out.

Seeing this, everyone followed.

After everyone came out, Shengsi glanced at the watch in his hand and said: "It's already five o'clock, and uncle and aunt's meal should be almost finished, let's go back quickly."

"Ah! Let's go back, didn't Brother Shengsi say he wanted to catch the bear?" Ayumi said quickly when she saw Shengsi said that she wanted to leave.

She is still obsessed with catching bears!
Seeing this, everyone looked at Ayumi with a smile on their faces. Ayumi is so naive. There are no bears around here, okay? Besides, even if there were, Shengsi would not catch a bear in front of Dr. Ye Zi .

Thinking of this, Shengsi patted his forehead and said helplessly: "Ayumi, it seems that there are no bears here, why don't I take you to the zoo in a few days, there are many kinds of bears, including polar bears, brown bears, black bears, etc. It's fun Yes, but let's go back now, how about?"

"Well, brother Shengsi must take me there! Let's pull the hook!" Ayumi agreed after thinking for a while, and then she stretched out her little finger.

Seeing this, Shengsi also stretched out his little finger, "Golden Gougou, Silver Gougou, two little hands Gou Go! Alright, Ayumi, let's go down the mountain."

"Yeah!" Ayumi responded and took the lead to run down the mountain.

"Let's go." Seeing Ayumi walking away, Shengsi turned back and shouted, and after finishing speaking, he led everyone down the mountain.

When going up the mountain, the sun was still slanting in the sky, but at this time, it had already set, and it was sunset time.

When going down the mountain, the setting sun in the distance poured down, turning the green trees all over the mountain into red flowers, and the beautiful scenery made everyone feel peaceful.

Soon, everyone appeared at Dr. Ye Zi's house accompanied by the setting sun.

"Dad! Mom! We're back!" After entering the door, Dr. Ye Zi shouted towards the kitchen.

While speaking, Dr. Ye Zi led everyone to the kitchen, because it could be seen from the outside that the meal was almost done, so Dr. Ye Zi directly brought everyone to the dining table.

When Dr. Ye Zi's parents saw everyone coming back, they quickly put down their work and ran out of the kitchen.

"Come in, please come in, you can eat at any time, and you will have dinner after everyone is done."

So, with the enthusiasm of Dr. Ye Zi's parents, everyone was invited to the dining table.

"Shengsi, this dish is delicious."

"Shengsi, this is delicious too, eat more."

"Shengsi, this is my favorite, come on, you can eat some too."

During the meal, Dr. Ye Zi and her parents kept adding food to Shengsi, which made Xiao Ai and Ayumi stunned.

This... this is too enthusiastic!What happened to sister Ye Zi and her parents? Why do they like Shengsi so much? Could it be that Shengsi is their long-lost son?Or is there some serious relationship?Otherwise, why are you so enthusiastic?
Although they were very puzzled in their hearts, they didn't ask stupidly, so the meal was spent in this slightly weird atmosphere.

Soon, the meal was finished. Ten minutes after the meal, everyone sat in the living room and watched boring TV programs.

Of course, this boredom is only for Shengsi, except for Shengsi, everyone else is watching it with great interest, and Shengsi, he is thinking about the mysterious energy.

Just now, he found nothing on the mountain or in the village, so he plans to expand the search area again, for example, from this small mountain to the line of Muwu Mountain connected to it, Shengsi guessed that the energy source is likely to be in the middle of this line.

However, it is not easy for Shengsi to leave now, so he plans to wait until Xiao Ai and Ayumi are asleep at night before going to see it alone.

However, when Shengsi was thinking about something, suddenly, there was a sound of a helicopter from the west of Xiaoyuan Village!

What the hell? !How could there be a helicopter here? !

Thinking of this, Shengsi's thoughts immediately spread towards the west of the village, and in the next second, he could clearly see the scene on the other side of the helicopter.

(End of this chapter)

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