Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 243 Surprised by Yagotai!

Chapter 243 Surprised by Yagotai!
I saw that at the boulder protruding from the mountain to the west, the helicopter was circling over the boulder, and there were five people standing on the boulder, three of them were soldiers in military uniform, and the other two, one was The boy in a strange costume looks about ten years old, and the other one is a little girl dressed as a primary school student, about eight or nine years old.

At this time, on the boulder, the soldier's side and the boy's side formed a confrontational situation.

"You are a young man from Yagotai. Hurry up and hand over Gevis!" At this moment, one of the three men in the military spoke. Hand over the thing called 'Graves'.

Gevis. Wait, Seiji remembers, 'Graves' means 'key' in Latin, and there's more!Yagota!The priest seems to have seen this word somewhere!

right!In the central castle of the Koizumi family, Seiji had seen Yagotai's introduction.

According to the book, Yagotai is an underground world, and that world was founded by sages more than 3000 years ago in legend. Years ago, the entire Earth entered a magical failure.

It means that the magical elements on the earth are inexplicably weak, and all the magicians are unable to improve their strength. At that time, the magic crystal mines on the earth were robbed by various magic families, and a great war broke out in the entire magic world!
After the war, the strength of the entire magic world was extremely weak. When they thought of seeking help from Yagotai, they found that Yagotai's entrances around the world had been quietly closed due to the exhaustion of magic elements.

Helpless, the magic families who couldn't find help had to shrink back at home and lick their wounds.

Decades later, the magical elements on the earth began to recover slowly, but Yagotai's entrance had not yet been opened.

After 100 years, the magical elements on the earth have almost recovered, and there are many fewer people who know where Yagotai's entrance is.

Two hundred years later, the magical elements on the earth have been fully restored. At this time, Yagotai's entrance has become a legend, and few people know it. It is only recorded in some ancient books.

One day more than 300 years later, the entrance to Yagotai was suddenly opened. At this time, the magic families on the ground had almost forgotten about Yagotai.

For this 'new' world, the magic family on the surface chose to invade. For a while, Yagotai suffered a catastrophe, because the underground world was closed for hundreds of years, and the magic element was also blocked by the entrance. Gradually decreasing, and what's worse, there are very few magic crystal mines in Yagoteri!

So at this time, Yagotai's magicians were very weak, and they couldn't resist the invasion of the magic family in the ground world. In less than a year, Yagotai was almost occupied.

Helplessly, several major magic families of Yagotai had to gather their own strengths, and use Yagotai's key—'Graves' to re-seal Yagotai.

This one, until now!The entire wizarding world lost Yagotai's information.

Up to now, the magic world can only find its legends in their respective ancient books.

But!Just now!Shengsi actually heard this word from the mouth of an ordinary soldier!This shocked Shengsi!
Thinking of this, Shengsi became very curious about these people on the boulder, and began to pay more careful attention.

The young man's face changed after hearing the soldier's words, but he didn't answer, but looked around, trying to find a way to escape.

However, regarding the young man's little move, the helicopter above his head immediately surrounded him, blocking his escape route.

Seeing this, the boy let out a low voice: "Damn it!"

After finishing speaking, he grabbed the little girl next to him and jumped off the boulder. At the same time, the next two of the three soldiers were about to shoot, but they were stopped by the one in the middle, and the one who blocked them was also on the way. It's the one who spoke before.

After the boy jumped off the boulder, he jumped a few more times and ran into the distance, while the helicopter above his head shot at the boy fiercely, but he dodged them all.

At this time, the middle-aged officer who stopped them spoke on the radio: "Don't hit them! Chase them and let them lead the way!"

After finishing speaking, the three of them chased after the boy in the direction where he was fleeing.

"Understood!" The people on the helicopter also responded.

Seeing this scene, Shengsi who was sitting on his seat stood up immediately. Shengsi had a premonition that if he followed them, he would find a great event!
Thinking of this, Shengsi wanted to follow immediately.

And everyone in the room saw Shengsi standing up suddenly and couldn't help wondering: "Shengsi? What's wrong?"

"I've got something to do, so I'll be back later." Shengsi replied.

"It's getting dark, where are you going?" Because the sky had already darkened, everyone seemed very puzzled that Shengsi was going out now.

"Just go out and have a look." Shengsi smiled slightly.

"Then I'm going too!" Ayumi seemed to have discovered something, and stood up.

As she said that, she ran towards Shengsi, and whispered in Shengsi's ear: "Brother Shengsi, are you going out to catch bears?! I want to go too!"

Hearing this, Seiji was slightly taken aback, he was confused by Ayumi's whispered words, at this time, he didn't expect Ayumi to still think about this matter, which made Seiji very funny.

"I'm not going to catch a bear, you just... oh, forget it! You follow." Seiji didn't want to let Ayumi go at first, but he thought that there would be no danger later anyway. Just send Ayumi back when it's in danger.

"Yeah!" Ayumi jumped up happily after receiving Shengsi's consent.

"Do you want me to go with you?" Seeing Shengsi and Ayumi discussing going out, Dr. Ye Zi said.

"No need!" Shengsi waved his hand, he was looking for the legendary Yagotai, so why would he bring someone else there.

Saying that, Shengsi wanted to take Ayumi out, at this moment, Xiao Ai stood up, and walked towards Shengsi silently, without saying a word.

Seeing this, Shengsi also knew that Xiao Ai was going too, but if Xiao Ai went, Shengsi would not be able to fly directly, otherwise he might not be able to catch up with the helicopter.

Thinking of this, Shengsi planned to tell Xiao Ai not to go, but before he could say anything, he found that Xiao Ai was staring at him with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

As a result, the words that were originally held in my heart became: "Let's go!"

Saying that, Shengsi took the two of them out.

"Shengsi, come back early!" Seeing the three people walking out of the door, Doctor Ye and the others shouted.


(End of this chapter)

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