Chapter 244 The Cave!

After leaving Dr. Ye Zi's house, Ayumi asked, "Brother Shengsi, what are we going to do?"

Ayumi knew that Shengsi's sudden appearance must not be purely for fun, even if it was not to catch bears, it must be something important, otherwise he would not have left suddenly.

"Of course I'm going to explore!" Hearing this, Shengsi smiled slightly.

"Adventure?! Great! Brother Seiji, where shall we go on an adventure?" After hearing the word "adventure", Ayumi instantly became excited.

She still remembers the last haunted house adventure, so now she is excited after hearing about the adventure.

And Xiao Ai raised her eyebrows when she heard the words, adventure?Going on an adventure this late at night?For a moment, Xiao Ai wondered if Ayumi and Seiji were out of their minds.

"Let's go over there!" Shengsi said, pointing to the direction where the helicopter flew away. At the same time, Shengsi continued: "Let's go quickly, we won't be able to catch up if we are late."

Saying that, Shengsi took the lead and ran towards that side.

In Shengsi's telekinesis, the helicopter has been chasing the boy and the little girl in the air, and they are running in the north of Xiaoyuan Village, which is the direction of Muwu Mountain!

The speed of both was very fast. The moment Shengsi and the others came out, the young man was already three or four miles away from Shengsi, so Shengsi was slightly anxious at this time, afraid of being 'lost'.

"Go on an adventure!" Ayumi yelled and followed Seiji.

And Xiao Ai followed with curiosity.

After more than a minute, Shengsi stopped suddenly.

"Brother Shengsi, what's the matter? Why didn't you run away?" Ayumi asked slightly panting,

During the 1 minute just now, Seiji and the others had been running with all their strength, so besides Seiji, Xiao Ai and Ayumi felt a little tired at this time.

"You guys are too slow, come here, I'll run with you in my arms!" Shengsi realized that the boy was about to run out of his telekinesis range, and now Shengsi needed to speed up.

But Ayumi and Xiaoai couldn't run fast, so Shengsi had to run away with them.

"Okay! Okay!" Hearing this, Ayumi happily responded, and then ran towards Shengsi.

And Xiao Ai was taken aback when she heard the words, hugging and running?is this okay?Xiao Ai hesitated for a moment.

"Xiao Ai? Come quickly!" Seeing that Xiao Ai was still standing still, Shengsi urged, because now the group of people had already run for more than six miles in Shengsi's telepathic sense, and Shengsi was afraid that things would change. So Wei Wei is a little anxious.

"Eh, me, ah!" Xiao Ai was about to say something, but before she could say anything, she was hugged by Shengsi, who had been waiting for a long time, because it was so sudden that Xiao Ai was startled.

At this time, Shengsi held Ayumi in his left hand and Xiao Ai in his right hand. After he shouted loudly, amidst the exclamation of Ayumi and Xiao Ai, he quickly ran towards the north of Xiaoyuan Village.

Houses, walls, small trees, etc., Shengsi quickly bypassed, and creeks, stones, bushes, etc., Shengsi just jumped over. After rushing into the forest, Shengsi jumped and ran on the trees, Like a little superman.

From Ayumi's point of view, these performances of Shengsi are simply amazing!But in Xiao Ai's eyes, it was full of horror!

This is too scary!Shengsi was able to jump seven or eight meters away from a tree with two people in his arms, and his speed was so fast. Not only that, Xiao Ai also found that he had been running for almost 2 minutes since just now, and Shengsi's speed was not only constant It didn't decrease, but it got faster and faster!This is simply a superman!

After a while, Shengsi stopped suddenly, and then put down Ayumi and Xiaoai from his body.

"Brother Shengsi!" As soon as Ayumi was put down by Shengsi, Ayumi wanted to say something excitedly, but before she could say anything, Shengsi covered her mouth.

"Hush! Don't talk yet, look over there, there's a helicopter, and there's someone next to it!" Seiji whispered while covering Ayumi's mouth, pointing in a direction.

Hearing this, Ayumi and Xiao Ai looked in the direction pointed by Shengsi, and saw not far away, there was an open space. At this time, a helicopter was parked in the open space, and beside the helicopter stood two gunmen. The soldiers seemed to be on alert.

"Brother Shengsi, what are they doing?" After being let go by Shengsi, Ayumi asked in a low voice.

"They are the same as us, they are all here to explore, you wait here, I will let them 'sleep' in the past, and you will come after they 'fall asleep'!" Shengsi said and walked towards the helicopter past.

Seeing this, Ayumi had no choice but to wait where she was, while Xiao Ai, who was on the side, hadn't said a word since she was put down by Shengsi.

She was observing the surroundings, and at the same time, she was also thinking about what Shengsi was doing here, and how he knew there was a helicopter here, these!All made Xiao Ai very curious.

Leaving Xiao Ai and Ayumi aside, Seiji quietly approached the helicopter after leaving Ayumi and the others. Soon, only a few seconds later, Seiji quietly lurked beside the two of them. .

'Shuh! '

At an opportune time, Shengsi made a move!

Shengsi suddenly jumped out of the grass, making a graceful arc in the air, and then raised his hands.

'Bang bang. With two muffled bangs, the two who were on guard just now were hit in the back of the head by Shengsi.

After the two of them fell asleep, Shengsi waved to Ayumi and Xiaoai in the distance, "You can come here!"

More than ten seconds later, the two walked over from a distance.

"Wow! Brother Shengsi, this is an airplane! This is the first time I've seen it!" Ayumi jumped into the helicopter as soon as she ran over, and fumbled around in it, looking very curious.

And Xiao Ai stared at the helicopter and the two people who fell on the ground.

This is a military helicopter, and judging from the clothes on these two people, they should be regular self-defense forces.

But why are people from the military here, and what are they going to do?Judging from the number of people, these people should be performing a secret mission, and they should have accomplices, because when the military performs any mission, there are at least five people in a group, but now there are only two people here, how many others? ?

Thinking of this, Xiao Ai immediately became vigilant, and at the same time reminded Shengsi: "Shengsi, there should be people nearby."

Hearing this, Shengsi nodded, then pointed in one direction and said with a smile: "They are all there!"

"Eh?!" Xiao Ai found that there was a cave entrance full of gravel not far away. Judging from the traces of the cave entrance and the dust surrounding it, it was obvious that the cave entrance had just been blasted away by something. And the only weapon capable of blasting away such a boulder is the shells on the helicopter.

Therefore, it is obvious that there is an [-]% chance that the other people went into the cave.

(End of this chapter)

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