Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 245 Entering the Cave

Chapter 245 Entering the Cave
"Brother Shengsi, are we going to that cave too?" At some point, Ayumi ran to Shengsi from the helicopter.

"That's right! This cave is where we explored!" Hearing this, Seiji patted Ayumi's head and smiled.

Just now, Shengsi saw the whole thing through telekinesis.

At that time, the boy and the little girl were chased to the cave, and then the boy pushed away the boulder at the entrance of the cave. What is worth mentioning here is that the boy couldn't push the boulder at first, but when he pushed the boulder away, the pain in his chest A crystal-like diamond-shaped object emitted a bright light, and under the blessing of this light, the boy pushed the boulder away at once.

And when the thing was shining, Shengsi felt a breath of mysterious energy on it, at this moment, Shengsi knew that he had found what he was looking for.

Therefore, Shengsi gradually accelerated and rushed towards this place. At the same time, the boy pushed away the boulder and ran in with the little girl, and then closed the boulder.

However, these were all seen by the helicopter that was chasing them.

Regarding this boulder, the helicopter directly launched the bombing without saying a word, and within a few seconds, the boulder was bombarded to pieces by the helicopter.

After blasting open the cave, the helicopter landed slowly, and saw three people walking down from it. They were the three people who confronted the boy on the boulder before. The three people walked in directly after the smoke and dust at the entrance of the cave decreased. out of the cave.

And not long after they entered the cave, Shengsi and the others came, and in this way, the scene where Shengsi made people 'fall asleep' just now appeared.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go to the cave to explore!" Said, Ayumi excitedly took the lead and rushed towards the cave.

"Let's go!" Shengsi said to Xiaoai and followed Ayumi to the cave.

And Xiao Ai who was behind was stunned for a moment and then followed. Although she was full of doubts, she had nowhere to find the answer, so now she had to follow Shengsi.

After all, everyone is here, let’s go exploring with Shengsi. Besides, Xiao Ai is now curious about this cave. Even the military has sent people to carry out secret missions. It must be an amazing place. .

So, the three of them, holding their own thoughts, stepped into the cave together.

"Eh?!" As soon as he entered the cave, Shengsi let out a little sigh. He found that the magic power on his body was suppressed. Although the feeling of suppression was very weak, Shengsi still discovered it.

"What's the matter? Brother Shengsi?" Ayumi, who was walking in front, turned around and asked, as if she had noticed something strange about Shengsi.

"It's nothing, let's go!" Shengsi waved his hands.

It was just a small suppression, and Shengsi didn't pay attention to it at all.Seeing that Seiji was fine, Ayumi felt relieved, and took the lead to walk ahead again.

Seeing this, Shengsi and Xiao Ai quickly followed.

But just two steps away, Shengsi seemed to remember something, and he stretched the power of his mind to the limit, and used magic to create another "Shengsi" next to the courtyard in Xiaoyuan Village.

After the 'Sage' appeared, he ran straight into the courtyard and shouted: "Sister Ye Zi, I, Xiao Ai, Ayumi and I have returned to Tokyo first, and we will come back to see you in a few days!"

After finishing speaking, the 'Sage' disappeared in place, and by the time Dr. Ye Zi rushed out of the house, the courtyard was already empty.
After doing this, Seiji smiled and continued to follow Ayumi's pace.

This cave is extremely long, as if it had no end. After walking for a while, Shengsi and the others found that the cave began to become steeper, and the surrounding walls gradually turned dark black, the light gradually dimmed, and the surface began to slow down. Slowly there is stagnant water.

Seeing this, Seiji took out three small flashlights from his 'pocket' and sent one to each of Xiao Ai and Ayumi.

"Eh?!" For the flashlight that Shengsi handed over, Xiao Ai was slightly taken aback, but she didn't say anything. She understood Shengsi a little now, and she didn't know where to get something for Shengsi. Behavior, now Xiao Ai is also starting to see it.

As for Ayumi, she was not at all surprised by Seiji's behavior, she naturally took the flashlight and turned on the light to continue walking.

"Brother Shengsi, does this cave lead to the ground?" Looking at the increasingly steep road, Ayumi couldn't help but whispered.

"That's right, we are on our way to the underground!" Hearing this, Shengsi smiled slightly.

"Cut! I don't believe it! The ground is so deep, we'll have to walk for days if we want to go there!" Ayumi snorted softly, obviously not believing Shengsi's words.

However, what Shengsi said was the truth. Since entering the cave, Shengsi has been observing the surroundings and everything in the cave. He found that there are many corpses of monsters and some traces of magic around here, and following them As he went deeper, Shengsi felt that the suppressing power was getting stronger and stronger, and now he felt that his strength had dropped to the level of a senior magician!

Not only that!More importantly, Shengsi discovered that his mind power was also suppressed!And the power of thought was suppressed more powerfully than magic, and now the range of his power of thought was only one mile, which made Shengsi lose the trace of that boy directly.

However, what made Shengsi feel relieved was that he found that there was no danger in this cave, so he didn't have to send Xiao Ai and Ayumi back.

"Ah!~" As soon as Ayumi finished speaking, her flashlight hit a huge skeleton on the wall, and because it was too sudden, Ayumi screamed in fright.

"Don't be afraid Ayumi, it's just a skeleton." Seeing this, Shengsi quickly comforted her.

After being comforted by Shengsi, Ayumi slowly calmed down, and then began to observe the skeleton in front of her.

"It's so big!" Looking at the huge skeleton in front of her, Ayumi exclaimed.

"What is this?!" Xiao Ai thought it was a skeleton of a bear or a tiger just now, but after taking a picture of the whole picture with the flashlight, Xiao Ai was surprised to find that the skeleton was surprisingly big, even bigger than an elephant. big!

You know, this is just a skeleton, bigger than an elephant!How big would it be if it was alive? !At least as big as three elephants!
This is not an animal on earth at all!Xiao Ai couldn't even guess what it was!Could it be alien life? !At this time, Xiao Ai started guessing wildly.

"It's Kecharte!" Shengsi murmured after hearing Xiao Ai's words.

"Kechart?" Hearing this, Xiao Ai and Ayumi both looked puzzled, it was the first time they heard this name, and they didn't know what Shengsi said.

PS: I need to design courses recently, so I have to code at night.

(End of this chapter)

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