Chapter 246 Canyon Sea

"Kechart is a general term for ancient monsters. They existed a long time ago. They have strange shapes, big and small, and they are different. However, it is said that they are very friendly to humans, and they are said to be very friendly to humans. Their lives are unlimited, but I don’t know why the one in front of me died.” Shengsi said the information he read from the book.

"Warcraft? Do they know magic?" Hearing Shengsi say the word 'Warcraft', Ayumi immediately became interested.

In her memory, Shengsi told her the word "Warcraft". At that time, Shengsi said that "Warcraft" is a very powerful monster with the ability to release magic, so now Ayumi thinks of "Warcraft" when she hears the word "Warcraft" magic.

"I don't know about magic, maybe some will, and some won't, anyway, it's not mentioned in the book." Shengsi replied casually, while answering, he was also observing the skeleton in front of him, hoping to find something from it.

"Oh, so that's the case. Then we'll do it this time." Ayumi looked stunned, and she wanted to ask something else.

However, he had to stop in the middle of speaking.

"It's a gunshot!" When Ayumi spoke, Xiao Ai and Shengsi heard a gunshot at the same time!Judging from the direction, it came from the depths of the cave!
The sudden gunshot forced Seiji to stop observing and pay attention instead.

"What gunshot?" Ayumi was confused by this.

The gunshots must have been made by the three soldiers who went in just now, but why they fired, the reason why Shengsi was reduced due to the reduction of telekinesis is not clear, so Shengsi needs to run into the cave as soon as possible to see what is inside. What happened.

Thinking of this, Shengsi immediately said: "Let's go! Something must have happened inside, let's go and see!"

Saying that, without waiting for the two to answer, Shengsi directly picked up the two of them, and then ran towards the depths of the cave.

"Hey!" Xiao Ai was frightened again.

But Ayumi shouted excitedly: "Wow! Take the car!"

Shengsi just ran two steps, the gunshots in the cave suddenly became denser, and as Shengsi got deeper, the gunshots he heard gradually became louder.

After more than ten seconds, the gunfire gradually became sporadic. It seems that what happened there has passed.

After more than 20 seconds, the gunfire had disappeared, and at this time Shengsi also stopped behind a big rock.

"Hush!~" After putting Xiao Ai and Ayumi down, Shengsi turned his head and made a quiet gesture to the two of them. At the same time, he turned his head and looked behind the big rock.

Behind the boulder, there is a huge rectangular corridor. Not far from the boulder, there is a... um... this should be called a monster. Anyway, that one is similar to a prehistoric crocodile. At this time it It was lying on the ground, judging from the many bullet holes on its body and its breathless mouth, it should have just died. It seems that the gunshot just now was for this thing.

However, it was not this that attracted Shengsi's attention, but the end of the corridor. At the end of the corridor, the boy in different clothes was holding a machete and two soldiers with rifles. confronted.

And at the very end of the corridor, there is a stone gate, and in the middle of the stone gate is a light-colored circle of light. In front of the stone gate, the soldier who looked like an officer was forcing the little girl to take the piece on her chest. Gevis' put it on the aperture in the middle of the stone gate.

It seems that this stone gate is the gate leading to Yagotai.

Seeing this, Shengsi became slightly excited!

It's no wonder if you're not excited, this is the place where the legendary sage built it!There are countless secrets in it!Shengsi really wants to go in and have a look!

"Brother Shengsi! Look! It's a monster! Will it come and eat us?" While Shengsi was observing, Ayumi came to Shengsi's side at some point, and she pointed at the lying dog Said 'something' on the ground.

Not only Ayumi came over, Xiao Ai also came to Shengsi's side, but her focus was not on the monster in front of her, but on the group of people in the distance and the glowing stone gate.

"It's already dead." Hearing this, Shengsi said calmly.

"Ah?! Dead?" Ayumi immediately opened her mouth.

However, for Ayumi's surprise, Seiji didn't pay attention to her at all, because at this moment something happened in the corridor!
I saw that little girl touched the aperture with the 'Growse' in her hand under the coercion of the non-commissioned officer.

'Shuh! '

With a swish sound, the circle of light spread out in an instant, and the whole stone gate was like ripples in the water. After shaking twice, it disappeared out of thin air!

When the Shimen disappeared, a violent air flow rushed out from the door, blowing the hair of the people at the door into a mess.

In the next second, the scene inside the door unfolded before everyone's eyes.

It was a corridor similar to the one outside the door, but the difference was that the corridor inside was decorated with decorative patterns around it, and it was very neat. At first glance, it was artificially built, and the depth of the corridor was not land, but a large expanse of land. Canyon Sea!
Seeing this astonishing scene, Xiao Ai and Ayumi both opened their mouths in surprise, their faces full of astonishment.

And Shengsi was also shocked when he saw this. What surprised him was not that the scene was shocking or anything, but that he discovered that after the stone door was opened, an inexplicable force emanated from the door, suppressing the magic power in him by [-]% Nine!

In other words, Shengsi is almost an ordinary person now, and the magic power he can use is not as good as that of a magic apprentice!In addition, Shengsi's mind power was also suppressed to the limit, only within a radius of ten meters, and the power was much weaker!You can only lift a stone the size of a human head at most.

Seeing this scene, Shengsi's heart skipped a beat. At this moment, countless thoughts flashed through Shengsi's mind.

He has lost his magic power and mind power now, but because his body strengthened by magic power has not lost, coupled with his killer background, Shengsi is still an extremely terrifying BOSS now.

However, Yagotai is an unknown place for the holy priests. The holy priests don't know what things, people, buildings, dangers, etc. are inside, and although their own strength is more than enough to protect themselves, but if they want to If protecting three people, Seiji would be a bit powerless.

Of course, this is on the premise that Yagoteri has high-level magicians. If there are ordinary people inside, the saints don't have to be afraid.

However, Shengsi knew nothing about Yagotai, so he didn't dare to take risks!So now Seiji had to give in to Ayumi and the others to go back.

Thinking of this, Seiji took out a pale white bead from his 'pocket', and handed it to Ayumi, saying: "Xiao Ai, Ayumi, you two, go back the same way, after returning to the helicopter Just crush this bead."

(End of this chapter)

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