Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 247 Enter the Stone Gate!

Chapter 247 Enter the Stone Gate!

The bead that Seiji handed to Ayumi is a magic item, which seals a teleportation technique of Seiji, which can be directly sent back to Seiji's home after being crushed.

Although doing so would expose him to magic in front of Xiao Ai, but now Shengsi can't care so much!After all, the safety of Ayumi and Xiaoai is the most important thing.

However, although Seiji thought very well, he ignored Xiao Ai and Ayumi's thoughts.

"I'm not leaving!" After hearing Shengsi's words, Ayumi snorted softly, with an unhappy expression on her face.

It's always like this every time, as soon as I get to a fun place, brother Shengsi will push himself away, and now it's like this again, so I won't be fooled!
As for Xiao Ai, after hearing Shengsi's words, she first glanced at the beads in Shengsi's hands curiously, then shook her head and said, "I'm not leaving either."

Seeing this, Seiji couldn't help but smile bitterly, Ayumi thought she was playing with her, and Xiao Ai didn't look like she would leave, this really troubled Seiji.

But at this moment, behind Shengsi, at the stone gate.

The sergeant was pushing the little girl towards the stone gate. At the same time, he pointed his gun at the other two soldiers and said, "You two, thank you for your hard work!"

"Lieutenant Colonel, what are you going to do?!." Being pointed at by the non-commissioned officer with a gun, the two were startled and their attention was diverted.

"From here on, I'll go in alone." As he said that, the sergeant pushed the little girl into the stone gate.

Seeing this scene, Shengsi was shocked. He had a premonition that if the two people in front of him entered the stone gate, the stone gate would be closed immediately!
Moreover, the young man's actions also made Shengsi affirm the guess in his heart. When the two soldiers were not paying attention to him, the young man immediately charged up all his strength, and it seemed that he was going to rush in the door.

Seeing this, Shengsi's heart tightened.

"Okay! Let's all go in!" Shengsi said helplessly and rushed towards the stone gate with the two of them in his arms.

At this time, the non-commissioned officer and the little girl also walked into the stone gate. At the same time, the boy jumped on the ground and rushed towards the stone gate!

'tower!tower!tower! '

Seeing this, the two soldiers shot quickly, hot bullets roared behind the boy's feet, but none of the bullets hit him.

And Shengsi also took advantage of when everyone's attention was on the young man, he also accelerated with all his strength, caught up with the young man in a second, and finally rushed into the flashing stone gate together with the young man!


At the same time as the young man and Shengsi rushed into the stone gate, the radiant stone gate suddenly solidified and turned into a real stone gate!

After running into the stone gate, the boy rolled and landed in the distance, then looked at Shengsi and the non-commissioned officer with a knife, with a solemn expression on his face.

The same is true for Shengsi, he rolled over and landed on the other side holding Xiao Ai and Ayumi, and then looked at the other two sides with a light yellow bead in his hand, but there was no trace of tension on his face, and It's a relaxed face.

For a time, a three-party confrontation formed in the field.

"Are you?!" Three children suddenly appeared on the scene, and the non-commissioned officer called Lieutenant Colonel aimed his gun at Shengsi with a puzzled expression on his face.

Hearing this, Shengsi did not speak, but tightened the beads in his hand.

There is a defensive spell sealed inside this bead. If it is crushed, it will form a shield that can block the magic of a great magician. However, in this environment of forbidden magic, the saint can only resist one elementary magic at most. The master's magic is gone, but it is more than enough to resist bullets.

In fact, this kind of beads are used by Shengsi to practice his hands in his spare time. Usually, Shengsi throws one into the dimension space after he has nothing to do, but he didn't expect it to come in handy now.

Seeing that Shengsi just stared at him and did not speak, the lieutenant colonel suddenly threw the gun in his hand to the ground after thinking for a while.

At the same time, he pushed the little girl in front of him forward.

Seeing this, the eyes of the boy and Shengsi were full of doubts, they were very puzzled, why the person in front of him would do this, it is not scientific at all!
After being let go, the little girl immediately ran behind the boy, looking at the lieutenant colonel vigilantly, and at the same time cast curious glances at Shengsi and the others.

"What do you want?!" The young man shouted at the lieutenant colonel, not going to see Shengsi and the others.

Because Shengsi and the others are children, they are not a threat in the eyes of both parties, so they are subconsciously ignored.

The lieutenant colonel didn't speak at first, but took off the helmet on his head with his hands.

"Teacher Sen Qi!" After seeing the lieutenant colonel's face clearly, the little girl shouted in surprise.

At the same time, Shengsi also looked surprised, he had seen this person before!It was the one who taught Mandarin in that elementary school!At that time, Shengsi thought that this person was not like a teacher but a soldier, and now it seems that he is indeed so!
"Since I've come here, I have no reason to be your enemy. I just want to go to Yagota! And now, I'm here!" said the lieutenant colonel named Sen Qi.

"Yagotai is a dying place! There is nothing Yarutstel expects there!" Hearing Sen Qi's words, the boy shouted.

Hearing this, Sen Qi continued: "What I want is not the secret of immortality! Nor is it ancient Confucianism! I just want to resurrect my wife!"

"You can do whatever you want, anyway, my mission is just to retrieve Gevis." Regarding Sen Qi's stubbornness, the boy said indifferently.

As he spoke, he looked at the girl beside him, "What's your name?"

As he spoke, he took Gevis off the girl's body.

"Tomorrow's dish." Tomorrow's dish replied.

"My name is Xin, and I'm Shun's younger brother." After hanging Gevis on her body, Xin said.

"Heart? Where is that instant?!" Hearing this, Asuka asked excitedly.

"My brother has passed away. He clearly knew that he would not live long on the ground, but he still broke the rules and went to the ground." Xin replied lightly, but there was a hint of loneliness and sadness in that plain tone.

While Xin and Asuna were talking, Seiji and the others were also talking to each other, and the person named Sen Qi was observing Shengsi and Xin and the others, not knowing what he was thinking.

"I'm leaving! The exit can be opened without Gevis!" Looking at the thoughtful Asuna, he said something in his heart, and then walked towards the canyon sea.

But Tomorrow Cai was still there in a daze, as if he hadn't recovered from the message just now.

After Xin walked a few steps, she suddenly turned around and said, "I'm sorry, I have troubled you. Tomorrow's dish."

After speaking, he grinned, then turned around and walked towards the bottom of the canyon sea.
"Heart!." Asuna looked at the scene in front of her, she stretched out her right hand, confused for a while, not knowing what to say.

(End of this chapter)

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