Chapter 249 Decision
In fact, it’s okay not to send Ayumi and the others back. Anyway, there is a Senqi in front of them to open the way for them. If they encounter a dangerous saint, they can retreat quickly. If this is the case, there should be no major problems.

So, looking at Ayumi's expectant face, Seiji didn't say anything disappointing.

"Eh?! Aren't you leaving?!" After hearing Ayumi's words, Asuna was surprised. She couldn't figure out what Seiji and the others were going to do. Wouldn't it be better to go back?

"Well, let's explore inside!" Seiji nodded his head, now that he has decided to take Xiao Ai and Ayumi to Yagotai, he doesn't intend to send them away.

After finishing speaking, Shengsi continued: "By the way, if we go in, do you want to go back alone?"

Shengsi found out that if the three of them went to Yagotai, what would happen to Tomorrow?You can't let her go alone, it would be bad if something happened on the way.

"I, I don't know." Asuka was at a loss when she heard the words.

Her heart was in a mess and she didn't know what to do.

"Why don't you go on an adventure with us, it must be interesting for the four of us to explore together!" At this time, Ayumi invited Asuka.

"Ke Ke, Teacher Mori Qi told us to wait an hour and then go back, or we can do as he said." Asuka obviously refused to go on an expedition, and she tried to persuade everyone to go back with her.

However, Ayumi strongly disagreed with the matter of going back. She thought it was because Asuka was afraid, so she dared not go, so Ayumi said: "It's fun to explore with us. Besides, there is brother Shengsi here." , he will protect us!"

While Ayumi was talking to Asuka, Xiao Ai ran to the edge of the Canyon Sea at some point.

She touched the water, then turned around and shouted, "Shengsi, there is something wrong with the water!"

Just now Xiao Ai stretched her hand into the water and found a very strange phenomenon, that is, the water has no buoyancy!right!There is no buoyancy. Xiao Ai's hand stretched out in the water, except for feeling a little cold, she didn't feel a little buoyancy!
You know, in ordinary sea water, you can obviously feel a resistance when you press down with your hand, but there is no water here!It's weird!

After hearing Xiao Ai's cry, everyone's attention was immediately attracted.

Seeing this, everyone ran over.

"What's wrong?" Seiji asked.

"This water has no buoyancy!" Xiao Ai stood in the water and held a little bit of water.

Hearing what Xiao Ai said, Shengsi looked at the canyon sea.

In fact, the canyon sea is not a real sea, but a kind of existence similar to a lake. In this corridor of unknown length, this lake makes it impossible for everyone to see the end, so it is called the canyon sea.

There is a staircase on the edge of this canyon sea that leads straight from the ground to the bottom of the sea. Because of the light, everyone can only see darkness when they look down the stairs, and they can't see what the bottom of the sea looks like at all.

At this time, Xiao Ai was standing on a step that was flooded with water. Seeing this, Shengsi also stepped on the step.

"It's the water of Weida!" Shengsi sensed it as soon as he touched the water, and it was the water of Weida.

"Water of Weida?" Since everyone heard this word for the first time, they seemed very puzzled.

Shengsi quickly answered everyone's doubts: "The Water of Weida is an ancient liquid with almost no buoyancy. If you fill your lungs with the Water of Weida, you can breathe freely in the water!"

In fact, Vita Water is a kind of magic liquid, which can be easily produced by water magicians. Of course, magicians above intermediate level can also synthesize it with the help of other magic materials.

Some magic families live in the bottom of the sea or lake that is not deep, and their family area is generally surrounded by the water of Weda surrounded by magic circles. In the water of Weda, they can carry out normal activities, except for talking. .
"Eh?! So powerful?!" After hearing Seiji's words, Ayumi looked eager to try, she really wanted to try the feeling of breathing in water.

Saying that, Ayumi also stepped on the steps, and then walked to the depths of the water without stopping.

Seeing this, Shengsi didn't stop him, anyway, he was going to go down later, and now Ayumi went first to set an example for Xiaoai.

"Brother Shengsi, I'm going down!" At this time, Ayumi had already walked up the steps deep enough, as long as she went down another step, she would be completely submerged in the water.

"En! Come on!" In response, Shengsi clenched his fist with one hand and encouraged.

So, with Shengsi's encouragement, Ayumi took that step directly and completely submerged in the water!
When she first put her head into the water, Ayumi was a little scared, so she held her breath, but when she was 'choked' because she couldn't hold her breath, she found that the underwater world was so wonderful, so Ayumi held her breath. Mei happily played in the underwater world.

Seeing this, Shengsi on the stairs smiled slightly: "Xiao Ai, let's go too."

"Yeah!" Xiao Ai nodded and walked down the water with Shengsi.

"Hey! Shengsi! Wait! You're all gone?" Shengsi just took two steps, and there was a slightly panicked voice behind him, it was Asuka's voice.

Hearing this, Shengsi turned his head and said, "Well! After we leave, you should wait at the gate for an hour before going out. There is no danger along the way. You can return to Xiaoyuan Village by following the same route."

After finishing speaking, Shengsi wanted to turn around and follow Xiaoai's pace.

"I'll go too!" Seeing that Shengsi was really about to leave, Asuna quickly said, and she quickly stepped up the stairs and walked towards Shengsi.

Rather than going back alone in fear, it is better to go on an adventure with Shengsi and the others. This is Asuna's idea at this time.

"Think about it, you may encounter danger if you follow us, and we don't know when we will come back, or even! Maybe we will never come back." Looking at tomorrow's dishes, Shengsi also wanted to go. Said solemnly.

He made the situation scary, so maybe he could scare tomorrow's food away.

However, Seiji underestimated Asuka's determination. Although she was frightened after hearing Shengsi's words, she still nodded firmly, "I understand!"

In this regard, Shengsi nodded, then stretched out his hand and said, "Then let's go!"

Now that Asuka, the short-haired girl, has already made her decision, Seiji will not force her.

"Hmm!" Asuka passed her hand over.

After holding Asuna's hand, Seiji led her to the depths of the stairs.

"Wait a minute!" After walking a few steps, seeing that he was about to completely submerge in the water, Asuna was a little flustered.

Although she was fine watching Ayumi enter the water before, she still has an instinctive fear of water now.

(End of this chapter)

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