Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 250 Yagotai's Real Entrance

Chapter 250 Yagotai's Real Entrance
At this time, Shengsi was completely submerged in the water, and the voice of Asuka could not be heard at all, but judging from the force from her hand, Shengsi still sensed her fear, so Shengsi showed his head out of the water and said : "Just take a sip of water, you can see that Ayumi is playing below, let's go too."

After finishing speaking, Shengsi didn't speak any more, but forcibly pulled tomorrow's vegetables into the water. There was no danger anyway, so Shengsi had to do this to overcome his inner fear.

"Ah!~" With an exclamation, Asuka was pulled into the water.

After entering the water, Asuka was a little flustered at first, but got used to it immediately, and looked at the underwater scene with surprise.

Seeing that Asuka has adapted to underwater activities, Shengsi smiled at him and followed Xiaoai's pace.

Seeing this, Tomorrow Cai quickly followed.

The underwater world is very strange, although the buoyancy is so small that there is almost no buoyancy, but the fish can still swim around in the water.

This made everyone observe in amazement in the water.

The stairs that Shengsi and the others walked stretched all the way to the depths of the water, and there was no end in sight. On both sides of the stairs were square strange stones and some collapsed buildings, all of which were engraved with mysterious patterns. is singular.

After a while, Seiji and Asuna caught up with Ayumi and Xiao Ai. When the two passed, Ayumi and Xiao Ai were observing the surrounding stone walls.

Seeing Shengsi approaching, Ayumi immediately opened her mouth to say something, but when she spoke, she found that she couldn't make a sound.

Seeing this, Ayumi looked at Seiji with a puzzled expression, expecting an answer.

Not only Ayumi, Xiao Ai and Asuna also noticed this situation, and they also looked at Seiji.

Seeing this, Shengsi smiled slightly, then took out a light blue bead from his 'pocket' and crushed it.

After the beads were crushed, a blue light flashed, and the water near Shengsi immediately dispersed to the surroundings. In the next second, an air ball surrounding the four people with Shengsi as the center appeared under the water. In this air balloon, just like outside, you can breathe air freely, and of course, you can also talk.

This is an intermediate magic that is often used by magic families living on the seabed—water avoidance, as the name suggests, is a magic that can avoid water.

Because it is released in a forbidden environment, the magic won't last long, even only a few seconds, so Shengsi has to hurry up.

Thinking of this, Shengsi immediately said: "Time is limited, don't ask too many questions, just listen to me, first, we can't talk in the water, it's normal, don't panic, second, follow closely I don't want to be distracted, how about watching my gestures later? Got it?"

"Understood." Everyone nodded upon hearing this.

"Okay, let's go!" As soon as Shengsi finished his sentence, the mask beside him disappeared instantly, and the surrounding water directly pressed down on the crowd. In an instant, the air bubbles were submerged by the water.

Because they had already experienced it once before, when the water surrounded them this time, everyone didn't panic, but got used to it quickly.

After watching everyone get used to it, Sheng Sibi gestured to follow him, and after doing this, he took the lead and walked down the stairs.

Seeing this, everyone quickly followed.

The stairs were very long, and they looked around curiously all the way. They walked up the stairs for a full 5 minutes before reaching the end of the stairs.

After walking to the end of the stairs, everyone was surprised to find that there was no road ahead. This place was not a door-like thing, but an unfathomable cliff!

On the other side of the cliff, it is a cliff, there is no trace of a door, and if you look up, you can't see the end at all. It seems that there is no way to get here.

After seeing this scene, everyone looked at Shengsi suspiciously, waiting for his decision.

And Shengsi is also confused about this, what about Lu? !Why is the road gone?He doesn't believe that there is no road here. If there is no road, where did the two people before go? !Did it evaporate out of thin air? !
Thinking of this, Shengsi looked around, hoping to find the way. At the same time, he made a gesture of calmness to everyone.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Shengsi's gesture. Now Shengsi is the backbone of everyone. In this strange environment, the role of a backbone is quietly manifested.

After the hearts settled down, the three of them made eye contact there, and Shengsi, he observed nearby, hoping to find the mechanism button or something.

After more than a minute, Shengsi searched all the nearby walls, but he didn't find any trace of mechanism or secret passage.

Now, Shengsi is a little depressed, how is it possible? !How could there be no road? !Shengsi believed that there must be a way here, but he just couldn't find it.

Maybe because they saw Shengsi's strangeness, Ayumi and the others gathered around to cheer Shengsi up.

Looking at the three smiling faces, Seiji turned around and smiled back. Eh!etc!Seiji suddenly discovered that when Ayumi and the others laughed, there would be air bubbles rising from their mouths. This was because of the phenomenon of air being generated and then floating up. live in air.

And just now, from the cliff in front of the stairs, there were also bubbles surging up from time to time!Shengsi didn't pay attention to it just now, but now it seems that there must be a place to generate air under the cliff. Could it be that the exit is at the bottom of this cliff? !

Thinking of this, Shengsi immediately ran to the edge of the cliff, took out a pale white bead, crushed it, and threw it down the cliff.

This is a magic bead sealed with the white light technique. After Shengsi crushed it, the bead released a bright light, which was very conspicuous in the dark water bottom, and it illuminated the entire cliff and a part of the scene below the cliff in an instant.

And as the light beads gradually descended, the entire scene at the bottom of the cliff was outlined under Sheng Si's abnormal eyesight.

I saw that the upper end of the cliff is surrounded by some ancient buildings, while the lower end is full of huge statues and murals. The statues are all of that kind of human body, which is extremely huge, showing a trace of spirituality under the white light. As if it came alive.

As for the murals, the murals here are completely different from the previous magic formulas, but with big eyes open, just like the previous statues, they seem to come alive under the white light, even if you stare at them If those eyes look, they will look back at you!Very infiltrating!
After watching these scenes, the white light on the bead also gradually went out, ending its mission.

At this moment, Shengsi can fully confirm that Yagotai's real entrance is at the bottom of this cliff!
(End of this chapter)

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