Chapter 251
If the magic formulas in the corridor were Yagotai's gate couplets, then the statues and big eyes on the cliffs are Yagotai's door gods!It is used to guard the gate, so Shengsi can be sure that the gate to enter Yagotai is at the bottom of this cliff!

Thinking of this, Shengsi quickly turned his head and gestured to the crowd. The general meaning of the gesture was that the exit is at the bottom of this cliff, and we will jump off later.

Half a minute later, Ayumi and the others gradually understood what Seiji meant.

What's interesting is that the expressions of the three people are different after understanding the meaning of Shengsi. First of all, Ayumi, she is still the same as before, looking eager to try. It seems that Ayumi is not afraid of these two people. Character!
And next, it was Xiao Ai, her face was indifferent, so that people could not see what she was thinking, and finally, it was Asuka, her face was not the fear or panic that Shengsi expected, but a look of At a loss.

Although Asuna's bewilderment surprised Seiji, he didn't think too much about it, and walked towards the edge of the cliff after smiling slightly.

Seeing this, Xiao Ai and Ayumi quickly followed, and Asuka also ran over, but her face was still very confused.

After Xiao Ai and Ayumi ran over, Seiji took their hands from left to right, and Ayumi looked at Asuka in a daze and stretched out her hand.

Seeing this scene, Asuka was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and shook Ayumi's hand.

After everyone was ready, Shengsi jumped forward with the three of them.

In the next second, a strong sense of weightlessness rushed to my heart. At this moment, Shengsi could clearly feel that Xiao Ai and Ayumi grabbed his hand a little tighter.

Seeing this, Seiji tightly held their hands and cast a reassuring look?etc? !What is that light on Tomorrow's waist?
When Shengsi turned his head, he suddenly found that there was a light blue light on Asuka's waist, which was almost exactly the same as that of Gevis before. Could it be that there was a piece of Gevis in Asuka's hand? !
But isn't Gevis the key to unlock Yagotai's door?How could an outsider have tomorrow's dishes?But if it wasn't Gevis, why did it feel so familiar to Shengsi?
However, Shengsi has lost his magic power now, and he can't sense what it is, otherwise he will now know whether the glowing thing on Asuka's waist is Ge Weisi.

Thinking of this, Shengsi shook his head and concentrated on looking at the road ahead. Since he doesn't know what it is now, let's talk about it later.

As everyone descended faster and faster, the blue light on Asuka's body became brighter and brighter. At the same time, the big eyes on the cliff were 'lived' because of the blue light, which made Shengsi have a A feeling of being watched.

Not only that, Shengsi could clearly feel invisible ripples from those eyes, these ripples rushed towards Shengsi from all directions, entering their skin, body and brain.

At this time, Shengsi felt a drowsy feeling, and then his whole body began to feel weak, and he was about to fall asleep, and Shengsi looked around hard, and found that not only him, but also the people around him Ayumi, Ai, and Asuka all looked like they were about to fall asleep.

Seeing this scene, Shengsi secretly said, 'Oops!I'm afraid I'm going to be tricked now! ', this kind of drowsiness is very strange, Shengsi can't resist at all, and will soon fall asleep.

However, just when Shengsi thought he was going to fall asleep, the two black and white beads in his brain trembled faster, and black and white ripples emanated from Shengsi's brain, and then covered his whole body, sending out those big eyes. The invisible ripples keep everything out.

In the next second, Shengsi woke up from his stupor. He didn't have time to think about it. He looked at the people scattered around him, and Shengsi immediately pulled them together to prevent them from getting separated. .

A few seconds later, Shengsi and the others suddenly 'fall' out of the water, why do they say fall?Because the moment Shengsi and the others came out of the water, they only felt that the gravity was reversed instantly. Originally, the gravity was downwards, but after they emerged from the water, the gravity was upwards.

However, this sudden change of gravity couldn't stop Shengsi at all. After jumping out of the water, with the help of Shengsi's Nianli, Shengsi hugged the three of them and landed safely on the ground.

After getting down on the ground, Shengsi slowly put the three of them down from his arms.

After the three of them settled down, Shengsi began to look around.

This is a dilapidated Western religious hall. There are a lot of tree roots entangled in the hall, and the surroundings are full of rocks and scattered leaves. It seems that no one has visited for a long time, and the walls around the hall are carved with unknown characters, but because of time, more than half of them have been obliterated.

In addition, there are stairs leading to the outside around the hall, and on one of the stairs, Shengsi found the footprints of two people. It seems that the two people left from there.

After looking around, Shengsi raised his head and observed the roof of the rotunda, and saw that above Shengsi's head, it was a semicircular roof with a pattern of stars all over the sky, and there were The galaxy spectrum mixed with the solar system and comets looks very mysterious.

And the ground corresponding to it is also in the center of the hall. It is a circular well with blue and clear water. You don’t need to look at Shengsi to know that this is the water of Weida, and Shengsi and the others came out of that well just now. of.

After Seiji finished looking around the entire hall, he returned to Ayumi and the others.

Ayumi and the others fell into a deep sleep because of the invisible ripples. Just now Shengsi checked and found that they were just asleep and nothing else, so Shengsi didn't worry too much, and he must wake up on his own after a while .

Thinking of this, Shengsi wanted to sit beside them and watch out, waiting for everyone to wake up.

However, when Seiji approached Ayumi and the others, a cat-like animal suddenly jumped out of Asuka's schoolbag.

After it jumped out, it stood beside Asuka and stared at Shengsi quietly, without making any further moves.

And Shengsi was startled by this little animal in front of him, how could it be?
How could Shengsi fail to notice such a living kitten?You know, Shengsi has been with tomorrow's food for so long, but Shengsi just didn't notice the kitten in front of him.

If it hadn't jumped out by itself, perhaps Shengsi would not have discovered it until now.

This kitty must be anything but simple!
Thinking of this, Shengsi slowly approached it. He wanted to see what this kitty-like animal was. At this moment, Shengsi was aroused with strong curiosity.

(End of this chapter)

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