Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 252 The Strange Little Beast

Chapter 252 The Strange Little Beast
Perhaps it was the holy priest's wrong intentions that made it aware of something. When the holy priest slowly approached it, it also retreated slowly, as if it was afraid of the holy priest.

When retreating, this little animal also made the sound of "Mimi." from time to time, which seemed very spiritual.

Seeing this, the curiosity in Shengsi's heart became more and more intense. He must take a good look at what this thing is.

At this moment, just as Shengsi was about to reach the kitten, it suddenly turned around and started running around the circular well in the center of the hall.

The well was neither big nor small, about seven or eight meters in radius, and the kitten was so fast that it ran half the distance in the blink of an eye. Seeing this, Shengsi smiled and followed.

"Don't run! Stop!" At the beginning, when the little thing ran, Shengsi chased it with the idea that he could catch it in one go, but after running for a while, Shengsi found that no matter how fast he speeded up, Shengsi chased him. , this little guy can always be faster than him!
Until now, Shengsi was tired from running, and this little guy stood on the opposite side of the well and looked at him quietly, with a calm expression on his face, as if he was mocking Shengsi for his overestimation.

Seeing this, Shengsi gritted his teeth, but there was nothing he could do about it. This little guy was really weird. He didn't seem to be running very fast, but Shengsi couldn't catch up to it!How annoying!

While Seiji was standing there resting, the kitten who was staring at him suddenly ran towards Asuka and stood on her body.

What is it for?Seeing this scene, Shengsi was very puzzled. Just now, the little guy had no other movements except running, but now, it suddenly jumped onto Asuna's body, which made Shengsi score [-] points. Spirit.

However, just as Seiji guessed what it was going to do, Asuna suddenly sat up from the ground, blinking her eyes.

"Stars?!." After waking up, Asuka stretched out her right hand towards the top of her head, as if trying to grab something.

And the little guy rubbed Asuna's face affectionately after Asuka woke up, looking very happy.

"Mimi?!" Seemingly finding something soft and furry rubbing against her, Asuka glanced at the little guy in a daze.

"It's called Mimi? What a lively little guy." Just as Asuka was looking around, Shengsi walked over with a smile.

"Yes." Seeing Shengsi approaching, Asuka was taken aback for a moment, and then nodded.

"Mimi!" After knowing the name of this little guy, Shengsi clapped his hands, wanting to touch it.

However, for Shengsi's friendly performance, Mimi stuck out her tongue at Shengsi, and then hid behind Asuka.

"Mimi doesn't seem to like you very much. There was no such thing before." Seeing Mimi's abnormal behavior, Tomorrow Cai felt a little puzzled.

Seeing this scene, Shengsi laughed awkwardly, "Well, let's not talk about this, I just looked at it just now, the exit should be over there, let's go over there later."

Shengsi said and pointed to the opening where he saw the footprints before.

Hearing this, Tomorrow Cai didn't think too much, nodded and said, "Yes! What happened just now? Why did I fall asleep, and why did Ayumi and Huibara also fall asleep?"

While talking, Asuna also found Ayumi and Xiao Ai who were sleeping next to her.

"It's nothing, you are just too tired, Ayumi and Ayumi will wake up soon, you see! Isn't this waking up?" Shengsi just said halfway, Xiaoai and Ayumi came out of the coma one after another woke up.

After hearing Shengsi's words, Asuka immediately turned her head and saw the two standing up with confused faces.

"Brother Shengsi! Where is this?" After waking up, Ayumi looked around casually and found Shengsi.

At the same time, Xiao Ai followed silently.

"This is Yagotai's real gate. When we walk in that direction, we will be able to officially enter Yagotai in a while!" Shengsi pointed to the passage again and said.

Hearing this, everyone looked at the place pointed by Shengsi.

"Brother Shengsi! Let's go! I can't wait!" After knowing the direction, Ayumi said excitedly.

Seeing Ayumi's excited look, the corners of Seiji's mouth couldn't help twitching, Ayumi is really... Alas, Seiji doesn't know what to say about her anymore, when it comes to adventures, excitement, etc., Ayumi will fight Like chicken blood, he rushed to the front every time without the slightest fear.

For Ayumi's carefree (Lengtouqing) character, Seiji was really troubled.

"Let's go!" Although Ayumi gave people a bit of a feeling, what she said now was what Seiji would do next, so Seiji agreed with Ayumi's suggestion.

Just now, the holy priest had finished observing the things in the hall, and he found that, except for the interesting mural on the top of the hall, everything else was useless, and the holy priest couldn't see through the mural for a while. So going now is the best choice!

"Yes! Yes! Let's go!" After receiving the affirmation from Shengsi, Ayumi shouted happily, and took the lead to rush over there.

Seeing this, everyone quickly followed.

This passage is an upward staircase, which is full of tree roots. It looks very historical and heavy. It is not long. It is estimated that it is only tens of meters from the entrance to the exit. I can see that the exit is full of light. St. Si could tell at a glance that the sun was shining there.

Seeing this scene, everyone quickened their pace, and they reached the end of the stairs in less than a minute.

Looking at the brightly lit passageway, everyone walked out without the slightest hesitation.

After getting out of the stairs, everyone squinted their eyes because of the sudden light.

After a few seconds, Shengsi and the others got used to the sunlight, slowly opened their eyes, and the situation outside the passage was presented before everyone's eyes.

This is a semicircle of green grass, and the position where everyone stands is the apex of the semicircle. On the opposite side, there is a flat wall with an arched passage in the center. There are some murals painted on the passage. A red eye and other decorative carvings.

On the top of everyone's head, there is a ceiling full of small holes. The sunlight shines down from these small holes, forming spots of light on the ground, which is very beautiful.

In addition, standing in front of the passage was a deer-like animal with two horns. It was covered in scales and stared at everyone with red eyes. It looked like a breeze.

Shengsi saw it at a glance, it was a Kecharte!And its task is probably to be a gatekeeper.

(End of this chapter)

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