Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 254 Set foot on the grassland

Chapter 254 Set foot on the grassland
"What a mysterious ship!" Seiji sighed sincerely as he watched the big ship drifting away.

Shengsi has a feeling that this big ship floating in the air is the soul of Yagotai, and there must be some great secrets on this ship!
"Brother Shengsi, that ship is about to run away, should we chase it?" Just as Shengsi was thinking, Ayumi pointed to the direction where the big ship was leaving.

Hearing this, Shengsi turned his head and smiled slightly: "Of course, the direction the big ship flies must be something important, so we just follow it."

After finishing speaking, Shengsi turned to Tomorrow's dish and said, "Tomorrow's dish, this item in your hand is very important, please take good care of it!"

"Yeah! I will!" Hearing this, Asuka put Ge Weisi away and nodded at the same time.

This was originally a relic left by her father, even if Shengsi didn't tell her, she would take good care of it!
"If that's the case, then let's go!" Sheng Silang said in a loud voice after watching Tomorrow Cai put Ge Weisi away.

The direction of the big ship is the other side of the grassland, and the grassland is so vast that it can't be seen at a glance. Shengsi has no idea how far the destination is, so Shengsi and the others have to set off early.

"Okay! Let's go!" After hearing Shengsi's words, Ayumi rushed towards the grassland with excitement.

Seeing Ayumi's lively appearance, Seiji couldn't help being in a good mood.After a big laugh, he ran towards Ayumi with Xiao Ai and the others.

So, several people walked towards the depths of the grassland together.

At first, everyone was very excited and curious to see the beautiful scenery around and some special things, but after a few hours, the sky gradually darkened, and everyone became tired from the boring journey.

"Let's rest under the rock in front!" Suddenly, Shengsi pointed to a place in front of him and shouted.

I saw that the place Shengsi pointed to was a pile of stones. On the top of the pile of stones, there were two stone slabs standing vertically at an angle of almost [-] degrees. These two stone slabs formed a good resting place at this unique angle. land.

The stone slab is big enough for all of Shengsi to rest here.

At this time the sun was setting, and Shengsi didn't know if he would come across this kind of place if he walked on, so he directly decided to rest here.

Everyone didn't have the slightest opinion on Shengsi's proposal, so under the leadership of Shengsi, everyone came to the top of this big rock.

"It looks like we can't catch up today, so let's rest here tonight, and now, let's eat!" After arriving on the stone, Shengsi said.

While speaking, Shengsi shook his little hand, and a five-meter-square tablecloth appeared in Shengsi's hands. After taking the cloth, Shengsi spread his hands, and the cloth was spread flat on the ground.

Then, under the surprised eyes of Xiao Ai and Asuka, Seiji took out from the 'back', no, to be precise, he took out a big bag.

This is a bag of snacks, which is used to satisfy everyone's hunger.

After throwing the snacks on the cloth, Seiji turned around and walked away. He was going to set up the tent next.

These things are all in the dimensional space of Shengsi, not only that, in addition to magic-related things in the dimensional space of Shengsi, the weapons, daily necessities, food, etc. that he used as a killer in his previous life, these, in his There are a lot of them in the dimensional space.

After all, these things have been with me for many years. If Shengsi didn't have them, he was not used to them for a while, so he threw a lot of them into the dimension space as soon as he got it. Originally, he thought these things were only for commemoration. Thought it was used now.

"That... Shengsi, can you do magic? What about these?" Just as Shengsi was about to set up a tent, a question came from behind him.

Hearing this, Shengsi turned around and found that it was Tomorrow Cai who asked, and at the same time, the curiosity and doubt on Xiao Ai's face also fell into Shengsi's eyes.

Seeing this, Shengsi smiled slightly: "I am not a magician, I am a magician!"

While speaking, Shengsi waved his right hand, and three scattered tents appeared on the ground on his right.

At this time, Shengsi no longer intends to hide his identity from Xiao Ai. He believes that after getting along for so long, Xiao Ai will not leave him casually, so now Shengsi does not have to hide these things anymore.

"Wow!" Perhaps it was because of the sudden appearance of these things, Tomorrow Cai was taken aback.

When Xiao Ai saw this, not only was she not surprised, but her eyes lit up, and she looked at Shengsi with surprise.

What Shengsi said now has a full [-]% credibility in Xiao Ai's heart!Superb skills, meticulous thinking, sometimes adult and sometimes childish behavior, and the confidence in him now, all of these add up to make Xiao Ai firmly believe in Shengsi's words.

Most importantly, if Shengsi is really a magician as he said, then the possibility that Shengsi said that her sister is still alive is much, much greater!

Therefore, she couldn't help but not believe what Shengsi said to subvert Xiao Ai's worldview.

Seeing tomorrow's surprised look, Seiji didn't say much, but waved his hand lightly and said: "Okay, come and set up a tent with me! After setting up the tent, we will try to finish our meal before dark !"

Seeing this, Ayumi was the first to respond: "I'm coming!"

"Hey." This is tomorrow's dish.

As for Xiao Ai, she put away her thoughtful eyes, and then silently walked to Shengsi's side: "Did you know this all along?"

"Eh? What's the matter?" Hearing this, Shengsi was slightly taken aback, and suddenly began to think in his heart.

What does Xiao Ai mean?Are you asking if I know her identity?Or something else?If you ask yourself if you know her identity, Shengsi will definitely deny it, because you can't say it, if you say it, it will make Xiao Ai feel uncomfortable, and even create a rift with him, so he had to Hilarious.

"It's nothing." After staring into Shengsi's eyes for a while, Xiao Ai suddenly shook her head, and then joined Ayumi and the others who set up the tent.

"Huh~." Seeing this, Shengsi let out a soft breath, and then set up the tent with everyone.

Fortunately, Xiao Ai did not continue to ask, if Xiao Ai continued to ask, Shengsi would not know what to say
Soon, with the help of Shengsi, the three tents were set up regularly.

Because there are only three tents in Shengsi's dimension space, some people have to sleep together tonight. Although these tents are for one person, Shengsi ordered them according to the size of adults, so if two people sleep Still more than enough!

(End of this chapter)

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