Chapter 255 Trivia
Thinking of this, Shengsi said: "Tonight, Xiao Ai and Ayumi will sleep together, and Asuka and I will sleep together, how about it?"

"Hmm!" Everyone had no objection to Shengsi's allocation.

"If that's the case, what do you want for dinner?" After dealing with the tent, Shengsi and the others were going to discuss dinner next.

"Shengsi, can you conjure anything we want to eat?" Maybe it was because Shengsi conjured these things very well before, but now Asuka feels that Shengsi can conjure anything.

In this regard, Shengsi smiled slightly: "Of course not, but I can make a lot of food here, such as: Korean kimchi, Huaguo cuisine, Asan curry, etc. I can also make many dishes from various countries. , I can still make it if you just ask for it in general, but if you say something out of the way, I can’t make it.”

In fact, when Shengsi said this, he was a bit pretentious, but what he said was the truth. Shengsi never treated his stomach badly, and he went to many places, so he learned a great job Cooking skills, he can cook dishes from many countries.

In the past, Shengsi sometimes couldn't eat what he wanted because of the ingredients and the region, but now it's better. Since the creation of the dimension space, Shengsi has prepared a lot of ingredients in it, and he can cook what he wants to eat That's it.

"Wow! That's amazing!" Tomorrow's dish was shocked by Shengsi's words.

And Xiao Ai and Ayumi are not strange, they often ask Shengsi to cook for them when they are at home, and Shengsi cooks for them in different ways every time, So they have long been accustomed to the fact that Shengsi can cook a lot of dishes.

"Okay, just tell me what you want to eat, I'll make it in a while." Because it was getting dark soon, Shengsi had to speed up.

"I want the white ball rice from last time!" After hearing Seiji's words, Ayumi immediately ordered!
"What about you, Xiao Ai? Is it the same as yesterday?" Shengsi turned to look at Xiao Ai.

"Okay." Xiao Ai nodded.

Seeing this, Shengsi looked at Tomorrow Cai again: "How about Tomorrow Cai?"

"I, I don't know." Asuka said a little cautiously, because she is not very familiar with everyone now, so she can't say some things.

"It's okay, why don't you tell me what kind of food you want? I'll make it for you?" Shengsi said tentatively.

He saw that Asuka was a little nervous, so he guided her to speak, hoping to ease her tension.

In fact, I have a deep understanding of the nervousness of Tomorrow Cai. In the previous life, Shengsi had just been recruited into the killer organization. When he came into contact with those strangers, he felt so nervous that he didn't even dare to speak. Tomorrow's dishes will be exactly the same.

"Just make some ordinary Japanese dishes, and I can help." Perhaps Seiji's friendliness made Asuka relax, and she spoke much more smoothly.

"Then I'll make Hokkaido seafood sushi for you. I don't need to help you, Ayumi and Ai, you two can talk to Tomorrow's dish, wait for me for a few minutes, and it will be ready soon!" After listening to Tomorrow's dish , Shengsi directly made a decision.

"Okay!" After answering, Ayumi and Xiao Ai pulled Asuka and sat down on the cloth, and started a friendly exchange.

But Sheng Sita quickly walked to the side, took out the tools and ingredients one by one from the dimensional space, and then started to make it seriously.

It's thanks to Yagotai who suppressed the holy priest's magic power to the extreme, not the kind that completely forbidden magic, otherwise the holy priest wouldn't even be able to open the dimension.

Because the ingredients are all prepared, Shengsi processed it a few times and it became a delicacy. Soon, seafood sushi, white ball rice, circle fried rice (ordered by Xiaoai) and a simple cover of Shengsi himself The rice is cooked fresh.

"Dinner is ready!" Shengsi divided it twice and brought all the food to the tablecloth.

"Wow! It's so good! It's definitely better than last time!" Ayumi took the meal from Seiji and smelled it immediately.

"Hehe." Regarding this, Shengsi smiled slightly, and then said: "Everyone, let's have dinner!"

"Start!" Hearing this, Asuka and Ayumi said at the same time.

After a few minutes, everyone finished their dinner.

"It's so full! It's really delicious!" Maybe it's because I got acquainted with Ayumi and the others just now. At this time, Tomorrow's dishes were no longer cautious at the beginning, but seemed more natural.

"Brother Shengsi's cooking skills have improved!" Ayumi also gave Shengsi a thumbs up.

Seiji really couldn't laugh or cry about this. In fact, the food that Seiji made for Ayumi and the others before was filled with magic power, so the taste would be very good, but this time Seiji didn't have it, but Ayumi said it was more delicious. Probably because I was tired and could eat anything delicious.

"Okay, don't make a fuss, you are tired after walking for so long, and it is getting dark now, you go take a shower! After washing, go to bed!" Said, Shengsi put the plates, garbage and so on in front of him. They were all taken into the dimensional space.

"Bath?! How do you take a shower here? There's no water at all." After hearing Seiji's words, Ayumi questioned.

"Why not? Look, isn't that what it is?" Hearing this, Shengsi pointed back.

I saw a small square room beside a tent. There was a white bathtub in the room, and an oversized water tank was placed on the top of the bathtub. The water in it seemed to be more than ten tons. , Enough for a few people to take a dozen baths.

"Great! I want to be the first to wash!" Seeing this scene, Ayumi yelled and rushed over.

Seeing this, Seiji smiled and shook his head, "Ayumi is really good."

Soon, several of them took a bath one after another. After the bath, the four of them went back to their tents and planned to sleep.

Because I was very tired from the journey in the afternoon, so I took a rest at this time, and several people fell asleep immediately, even Shengsi was no exception. Because he lost his magic power, he was no different from a normal person at this time, and sometimes he was tired .

Silent all night.

The next morning, just after dawn, Shengsi was the first to get up from the tent. After getting up, Shengsi first put away his tent, then took off the thin thread on his wrist and removed the tent around the tent. Those small institutions around.

These were arranged by Shengsi last night, because in this environment of forbidden magic, the warning magic will lose its effect immediately, so Shengsi had to use this simple method to warn, but now it seems that It didn't work, and Shengsi and the others were not in danger at all last night.

(End of this chapter)

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