Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 256 The Starless Night Sky

Chapter 256 The Starless Night Sky

After putting away these traps, Seiji turned around and walked towards Ayumi and Xiaoai's tent.

They were tired from walking yesterday, and they were still sleeping like hell at this time!Seeing this, Shengsi opened their tent and shouted: "Little lazy cats, wake up!"

"Huh?!" After hearing Shengsi's shout, the two rubbed their eyes and got out of the bed.

"You guys go and wash up first, and I'll order tomorrow's dishes. After eating something casually later, we'll set off!" After the two of them focused their eyes on him, Shengsi pointed to the pots behind him. Said the water that had just been prepared, and after speaking, he turned and walked towards another tent.

Hearing this, Xiao Ai and Ayumi looked at each other, then immediately got up and walked outside.

And Shengsi walked to the edge of Asuka's tent in a few steps. When he was about to call Asuka to get up, the tent suddenly opened by himself. For a while, Shengsi and Asuka looked at each other, which was very embarrassing
"Uh, well, the water is ready for you, go wash up," Shengsi said, rubbing the back of his head.

Originally, he wanted to call tomorrow's food to get up, but he didn't expect that he would wake up early, which is .TM embarrassing.

"Ern." After being stunned for a while, Asuka nodded and walked towards Ayumi and the others, while Seiji took advantage of the opportunity to put away the two tents.

After finishing these, Shengsi also ran to a basin to wash up.

After eating a little food at will, everyone started their journey on the vast grassland again. Because of the logistics supplies from Shengsi, everyone felt very relaxed, as if they were playing along the way, very comfortable.

When encountering strange plants, everyone will observe them carefully and even record them.

When encountering some strange animals, the wayward Ayumi even clamored for Seiji to catch them and have a look. Regarding Ayumi's little waywardness, Seiji just casually explained it and diverted her attention.

In addition, on the grassland, Shengsi and the others have seen many abandoned villages, some dilapidated houses, and even some abandoned fields.

Although they saw a lot of things that were not available in the above-ground world, they didn't see a single figure or a place where there were people!
When it was getting dark again, everyone came to a small abandoned village.

"Let's spend the night here tonight. I just took a look. There are people passing by nearby. It is estimated that Xin and Senqi walked here, and the traces are still very clear, so they are not far from us. , I guess we will be able to see them tomorrow." After arriving in the village, Shengsi called out the tent again.

At this time, everyone was no longer surprised by this. In today's day, Shengsi did not know how many things "changed". identity of.

In fact, if several people were not playing along the way, Shengsi would have seen Sen Qi long ago.

However, it's okay, as long as there is no danger coming, Shengsi is still happy to look around.

"Okay!" Everyone responded to Shengsi's proposal in unison, and then prepared together with Shengsi.

Because they were talking and laughing along the way, and it was still the kind of walking and resting, so at this time everyone was not a little tired, but rather excited.

After a day of running-in, Tomorrow Cai has fully integrated into this small team at this time. When speaking, he is much less formal and more casual.

"Shengsi, I want the white ball rice that Ayumi ate last night." When Shengsi asked what to eat again, Tomorrow Cai was the first to speak. When Ayumi ate it yesterday, she thought it was delicious. But because of her face, she didn't feel ashamed to say what she wanted to eat at noon today, until the evening, when she let go, she was able to get along with Shengsi and the others naturally.

But Ayumi said with a smile on her face, "Then I want to eat seafood sushi! Hee hee!"

As she said that, she also smiled at Tomorrow Cai twice, looking very happy.

"Snow Cake." Xiao Ai looked very concise.

"Okay! Ladies, wait a moment, the delicious food will be ready soon!" After the three of them finished speaking, Shengsi shouted with a smile on his face, very much like the waiter in those wine inns.

Seeing this, Ayumi and the others all laughed, very happy.

Soon, Shengsi's delicacies were freshly cooked, and amidst a fight, the few people finished the lunch in a pleasant atmosphere.

Night has come.

Shengsi and the others sat around a fire, chatting happily.

After chatting for a while, suddenly, Ayumi pointed to the sky above her head and said: "Look, the sky is so beautiful, but! It seems that there are no stars!"

Hearing this, everyone raised their heads, only to see waves similar to the aurora floating in the groggy sky just now. These waves are colorful and exude a faint light, which is very beautiful at first glance.

However, the fly in the ointment is that there are no stars in the sky here!And no moon!
It's like a painting with an eyeless dragon. In this way, the painting has only form but no spirit. Now the night sky above everyone's heads is the same. Very weird!

"Yagotai is an underground world, where you can't see the stars, so in the sky here, there are only those illusory and beautiful auroras. These auroras are so beautiful that people here forget the beauty of the real starry sky, so It is said that the people living here are pathetic and pitiful." Looking at the aurora in the sky, Shengsi sighed slightly.

After observing along the way, Shengsi found that, except for the roof of the hall at the beginning, he did not see patterns or records about stars in other places.

In this way, the people here should have never seen the real starry sky, or have seen it before and gradually forgot for some reason, or, someone deliberately made everyone forget it!
Of course, these are all speculations of Shengsi. It may be the reason why he has not met human gathering places. After all, their culture and documents can only be seen in places where there are people, and these documents generally contain information about what they have seen and heard. According to the records, it is said that the final decision can only be made after Shengsi actually meets Yagotai's human beings.

"Ah~. That's it. If you can't see the beautiful night sky, it's really pitiful." For Asuka who lives in Xiaobuchi Village, if she can't see the night sky full of stars, it is a sad thing. sad thing.

"Yes, but I rarely see the starry night sky in Tokyo." Hearing this, Ayumi was also a little discouraged.

In Tokyo, because of serious industrial pollution, the night sky in Tokyo is also relatively hazy. It has been a long time since the night sky full of stars has appeared, so Ayumi feels a little lost when thinking about it at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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