Chapter 257 Dangerous
"The night sky without stars is really uncomfortable." Shengsi propped his chin with one hand, looked at the sky with both eyes, and lost his mind for a while.

Not only him, Xiao Ai, Ayumi and the others were also staring at the night sky, attracted by the beautiful night sky.

Although there are no stars in the sky, the aurora has a strange beauty, which makes everyone feel very comfortable.

For a while, in this abandoned village, except for the sound of the fire from time to time, there was silence, this kind of tranquility is very strange!Strangely, the surrounding air dropped a few degrees.

At this time, the two beads in Shengsi's brain suddenly accelerated, and black and white ripples rippled from Shengsi's brain, and the next second, Shengsi suddenly became excited!
"Xiao Ai, Ayumi, Tomorrow Cai, let's go to bed quickly, and we have to go early tomorrow morning!" Looking at the three people in a daze, Shengsi said these words unconsciously.

"En!" To Shengsi's call, the three replied in unison, and after speaking, they got up and walked towards their respective tents together.

There was no noise in the whole process, which seemed very strange.At the same time, Shengsi stood up and walked towards his tent.

After Shengsi returned to his tent, he shuddered again, "Me?! Why am I here?! Didn't I just look at the night sky outside? What's going on?"

Shengsi was very confused. One second, he was still lamenting that the night sky without stars was uncomfortable, but the next second Shengsi found that he had already returned to the tent.

Thinking of this, Shengsi planned to get out of the tent to see what was going on.

However, just as Shengsi's hand touched the edge of the tent, a voice suddenly came from his mind: Don't go out!They are all asleep!very safe!
Hearing this, Shengsi was startled, isn't this the sound of those two beads?Why did it suddenly sound?

Just when Shengsi was puzzled, the two beads in his brain seemed to have discovered Shengsi's doubts, and they made a sound again: This place is very strange!We are being targeted by something powerful!However, they seem to be worried about something and dare not make a move. However, if I protect you, there is no big problem. You just need to stay in the tent and sleep peacefully until dawn!

Hearing this, Shengsi was extremely shocked, but he knew what was in his mind, it was a secret treasure of time and space that shocked the magic world!It is enough to control the existence of time and space, but they all say that the comer is very powerful, so how powerful is that!
As expected of a place built by sages, the dangers encountered are so unusual, and Shengsi almost fell for it without showing his face. It's amazing!

If that's the case, shall I go to bed first?After hearing the voice in his head, Seiji also thought so in his head.

However, a few seconds passed, and Seiji still didn't get a response.

"Well, if you don't answer, I'll take it as your acquiescence!" Seeing that there was no response in his mind for a long time, Shengsi took it as acquiescence, so Shengsi was about to go to bed.

Shengsi still believed in the words of the light ball in his head. If he was protected by them, Shengsi would not panic at all.

Thinking of this, Shengsi fell asleep.

Half a minute later, just as Shengsi was about to fall asleep, a voice came from his mind again: They are gone!

Eh? !After hearing the sound, Shengsi immediately sat up and ran out of the tent.

He wants to see who these enemies are!However, when Shengsi came outside the tent, the surroundings were quiet without any abnormality. The aurora in the sky was still there, the breeze was blowing in the grassland, and the fire not far away was still burning.

All of this seems so normal.

"Damn it!" No trace of abnormality was found, which made Shengsi very upset, but this is also common sense, it can make the space-time orb in his mind dangerous, at least it is at the level of a magician!

It seems that Yagotai really is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon here, and has some little-known secrets!

However, Shengsi doesn't know anything about it now, and if he wants to explore this secret, he has to wait until he can show his strength here.

"Forget it, go to bed! Continue on your way tomorrow!" Thinking of this, Shengsi waved his hand and walked towards his tent.

Anyway, standing here is not an option, let's rest as soon as possible and try to get in touch with people here tomorrow.

When passing Xiao Ai and Asuka's tent, Shengsi sensed it slightly, and found that, as the voice in his head said, they were all asleep and safe!
Seeing this, Shengsi let go of his worries and ran back to his tent to sleep.

The night passed quickly.

The next day, Shengsi woke up the three bewildered faces early in the morning.

"Brother Shengsi, didn't we talk by the fire just now? And it was still at night! Why is it now? It's daytime?" While eating breakfast, Ayumi asked her doubts.

Not only her, but Xiao Ai and Tomorrow Cai were also very puzzled, it was still night just now, how could it be daytime all of a sudden.

Seeing everyone's puzzled look, Shengsi laughed aloud: "It's very simple, that is. You were all tired last night, and then watched the aurora in the night sky together, and fell asleep after watching it!"

"Don't think so much, we have to hurry after breakfast!" Shengsi was afraid that they would continue to ask, so Shengsi handed them things while talking to stop their mouths.

"But." Just as Ayumi wanted to continue to say something, Seiji directly blocked her mouth with bread.
Seeing this, Xiao Ai and Tomorrow Cai didn't ask any further questions. They could tell that Shengsi didn't want to talk about it, so eating breakfast quietly now is the right choice.

So several people finished the breakfast in this weird atmosphere.

After breakfast, everyone set out on the road.

On the way, Ayumi still persisted in asking Seiji questions. To this, Seiji tried to divert his attention, constantly using roadside novelties to attract Ayumi's attention.

The trick was very successful, every time Ayumi asked Seiji a question, Seiji diverted his attention and Ayumi stopped asking.

In this way, the time soon came to the afternoon.

At this time, Shengsi could already clearly know that Sen Qi was right in front of them, and not far away!Because judging from the traces of Sen Qi walking nearby, at most half an hour has passed!

But now Shengsi had to stop, because it was already raining.

There are many things in Shengsi's dimensional space, but he really doesn't have such a thing as an umbrella, because Shengsi never uses an umbrella.Umbrellas would block the line of sight and hinder movement, and Seiji had telekinetic powers, so there was no need for such things as umbrellas.

If everyone walks in the rain now, it is almost impossible to catch a cold, so Seiji plans to wait until the rain stops, and even if he has an umbrella, Seiji will not hurry, because the rain will wet the road , and then walking on this kind of muddy ground will make people feel bad.

(End of this chapter)

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